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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. I mean, can they really be surprised if Hayate starts acting up? Arad recruited him with the explicit promise of letting him do whatever he wants. #blameArad I remember in episode 2 they showed it when Alto was maneuvering to rescue Ranka once the arm holding her had been blown off his Valk.
  2. There was also a shot of a VF-1 that Ranka used at one of her concerts in the second movie.
  3. I really expected someone to post a pic of by now. Macrossworld, I am disappoint. Hahaha
  4. Haven't seen Macross II or read 7 Trash yet so I'm not really familiar
  5. I'm just really glad to finally have a female pilot as part of the triangle. (No Mylene doesn't count)
  6. Huh, I never caught that, I thought it was just near the edge. Will have to take a closer look
  7. The question about ammo was related to the arm cannons and whether or not they detach. The gunpod detaching is well known and I think the current assumption is that it's some sort of beam weapon so no ammo required.
  8. A different galaxy? Since when? Or were you just being figurative? She has flashbacks to it, I think one of them happens right before she starts singing in this episode. Or maybe while she's singing.
  9. Yup, Kaname was doing her Star Wars hologram thing, not her Invisible (Wo)Man thing. As for Frejya. She was in an enclosed environment and it's pretty clear the floor had some sort of holographic projector. I doubt such a projection would be possible with her regular clothes in an outside environment. And I feel like I remember seeing holographic projections over regular clothes in a shopping mall as far back as DYRL
  10. After watching the second ep with subs (well, I started at least), I have to say that Hayate no longer reminds me of Alto so much as Michael, without the womanizing tendencies. He has the same way of taking pleasure in getting under people's skin. I was pretty fond of Alto in Frontier but I'm really liking Hayate's personality so far as well. He seems way more fun-loving and less of a prude (couldn't think of a better word) than Alto. Same here Ugh, worst carrier mode ever
  11. Nah it's a circle, just that it's not folded cleanly in half. The center line remains flat while the sides fold down
  12. This OP = Opening Credit Sequence. ED = Ending Credit Sequence Not sure what MD is or where it was mentioned
  13. The wings are weird but the arms are similar to the missile pod on the 30 and 31
  14. I like the OP better than Ikenai. That ED is top tier though
  15. True, I might have misinterpreted. Ah, yea that would make sense. I can see the similarities
  16. I dunno though. I might have to switch my vote the 31A as well. I'll give it an episode or two before I decide
  17. FYI, we also see the VF-31 on it's gear in the second episode. It's the same design. It does look better in the show though. If I wasn't looking for it, I wouldn't have even noticed they aren't designed the standard way
  18. I guess Windermerans are just that tough. But yea that broke my suspension a bit as well What Hikaru did with Minmei in hand wasn't nearly as crazy.
  19. It BETTER not be Kaname. My money's on Mikumo right now Yea that came to mind as well. Especially that scene in Back to the Future 3 Damn, just when I was starting to like her
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