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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Maybe by this point Leon Sakaki is viewed as a legend so they decided to name the customized version of the VF that was developed from the prototype he flew after his callsign? Then again, naming your homebrewed custom valk after someone who pilots for a rival PMC? Seems iffy
  2. There's a Macross manga featuring VF-9s and NO ONE TOLD ME!?? Or is that the only time it appears? Yea expectations definitely have a HUGE role to play in our enjoyment of things. I remember when I first saw Avengers my hype level was so high that I didn't even enjoy it as much as I could have. But with Frontier v. Delta (Dawn of Fanservice) what I was trying to say that my expectations were equally high for both, in fact, my expectations for Delta might have even been a little lower, but I still ended up enjoying Frontier more (so far) which is why for me, Frontier is the better series based on what's been seen so far. But looking at things from different perspectives is a valuable exercise too, so I may have also gotten a little too caught up in my own perception to acknowledge that Frontier might not be some people's cup of tea in comparison to Delta. And give up being called Princess constantly?? NEVER!
  3. Wasn't referring to you specifically, just a few posts I noticed with the same general theme. I dunno, at the moment I'd have to say I feel it was objectively a lot better, but it's been a while since I watched the whole series so I'd have to do that again before I can confidently make that claim. If Frontier wasn't that great then Delta must just be straight up terrible Yea that definitely did occur to me, but when I think about it my hype level for Delta was pretty damn strong before it aired and for the first few episodes. So I did feel a lot more invested before, and it simply lost that investment. I'm hoping the last few episodes can at least right the ship somewhat. If not then maybe the movies will be better. But I think I'm gonna go ahead and start that Frontier rewatch soon Haha I remember the episode when he first got to use the Armor Pack and he had this scene where he discarded every piece after he used up the ammo, like some gunslinger in an action film. But then I realized he was also throwing away extra thrust power and defensive capabilities. I thought that was pretty funny. But I think people used to get on Alto's case for wrecking valks in general. I don't think his track record was much better than Hayate's
  4. I've seen a lot of anime start off with promise and then turn into total trainwrecks over the years, Guilty Crown and Aldnoah Zero come to mind, but I never thought it would happen to Macross. And damn, I can't believe people are actually trying to make it sound like Frontier was just as bad as Delta is now. Even when Frontier had lulls, it still held my interest, still captured my emotions. The worst part about Delta is that I'm not even mad about it, I just watch it and when the episode is done I'm like "Okay, cool."
  5. Nothing constructive to add to the discussion, but damn that looks nice
  6. This episode made me think that a series about the formation of Walkure might have been a lot of fun. Seeing them struggle to even show that the concept itself was plausible and then eventually coming together to get it done could have been a nice hell yea moment. Plus it would have forced them to actually give some depth to these characters
  7. I got an F secondhand. I knew I would like it but I didn't expect to love it as much as I do
  8. Sheryl's panties episode >>>>>> Delta episode 20 By definition it's not harrassment if she liked it
  9. Episode was fine, was expecting far worse. Honestly to me episode 18 was the weakest of the series so far. I'd prefer exposition and character work over that overly-dramatic lightshow nonsense. Damn, I wish Delta is as good as IBO was. And 08th MS Team? Pssh Hahaha! Yo I soon as Heinz started signing I was about to shout "Learn a new song!" at him, but then he did!
  10. $80?????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  11. I think I'd prefer the other variable mecha in that pic
  12. I have a feeling NUNS (or people in NUNS) already know(s) about their double dealings and lets it slide for whatever reason.
  13. Enjoyed this episode waaaaaaaaaaaay more than I thought I would. It's good to finally get a more concrete explanation for everything that's been going on, and it has improved my opinion of the series so far, which I was starting to lose faith in. Good to see Mirage finally getting in on the action too. On the other hand I feel like Delta has to be pretty alienating to new viewers with the way it leans so heavily on past continuity and familiarity with the concept of The Protoculture and all that. Ah well, as an avid fan it's cool to see a kind of grand unified theory for song in the Macross universe
  14. Movie was pretty much a "meh" to me. It didn't really have any standout action sequences or effects. And the characters weren't anything special either, with one or two exceptions. Say what you will about Snyder, but he directs superhero action way better than Ayers. I do think SS is a better movie overall, but Snyder did a better job with the the action. Especially when you compare Batman's portrayal in this versus in BvS. Ah well.
  15. Reminds me of Tousen's resurrection in Bleach
  16. As in the original SDF-1 Macross which has attained true sentience after its encounter with Sharon Apple in the 40s?
  17. Isn't the modified quote "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from technology"?
  18. Well of course she reminds you of her mom! To quote Avatar: I don't know, it was really unclear
  19. I really love that first image I'm thinking Macross would have to reach the success level of something like Gundam, meaning it's able to sustain multiple ongoing series/OVAs at once. I think that's the only way you'd get something as gritty as Plus again. Presumably in that case there would still be a mainstream TV series on the air at the same time. At that level of popularity, the creators would be able to start catering to all different demographics of the fanbase.
  20. Exactly my thoughts on the matter, and what I had in mind (along with scenes from Plus and Zero) when I said it's never been a problem for any of the other series. I can't help comparing to the atmospheric dogfights in the Frontier TV series which were far more of a pleasure to watch. Even in Mirage and Hayate's battle in episode 2 or 3, the usefulness of mode switching was demonstrated as it was what allowed Hayate to win. I guess the only thing I can say is that all of those examples were one on one fights, with a third party interrupting towards the end, so maybe that's what makes the difference. Still though, this a weird time for Macross to sacrifice rule of cool for "realism."
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