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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. I also got the impression that it had more to do with her defending Ranka. She got upset with Sheryl for acting in a way that she saw as condescending towards Ranka and also for seemingly monopolizing the guy that Ranka has an interest in. I think Sheryl misinterpreted that as her having feelings for Alto herself when she was actually speaking up on Ranka's behalf. I think she was blushing simply because she was caught off guard by the suggestion that she has feelings for Alto. I agree
  2. Whether or not this actually happens in the series, I would love to see one of the customizers here do a "Sheryl Custom" VF-25 when the toys come out
  3. Looks like something from "Centurions"...
  4. Just watched the episode. I really liked it, especially the last half. Loving the I know a lot of people are complainging about the art this episode. It does seem different from the usual style but I think I like how some of the characters look with this style a lot better than the usual. Cathy especially comes to mind. Others just look weird (Ranka, I'm lookin' at you).
  5. There's no shot of him picking it up but he was looking at it prett intently right before he ejected so I'm just going to assume he didn't leave it (although that could explain Sheryl in the Ex-Gear, she's gonna teach him a lesson for losing her prized possession )
  6. Hmm, I wonder who the one person is that always votes "negative"...
  7. So is it officially confirmed that this lacks the double-jointed knee? This just might be the deciding factor for me...
  8. Well to be fair CB's plans did go to poo, so the trump cards would probably have been utilized had things gone according to plan.
  9. *Well they are special bombs that nobobdy knows about. The bombs are folded to the location just as the shuttle gets there and the shuttle guides them to thier target. err... or something. Having the bomber carry them adds too much extra weight so in the future un spacy fold all thier bombs to save time. Neat huh? jk It was discovered later on that when the fold system vanished in swI and the pinpoint barrier thing discovered, that all unspacy had to do to win battles was to fold thier ships to the area they wanted to destroy and fire the main gun at the targets for an instant victory. The shipwide barrier would be strong enough to withstand an attack from the enemies long enough for them to then run away. Similarly they then applied this idea to the small scale so vb6 was used to fly in and guide bombs that were folded into the area that was to be destroyed. When the fold system vanished it taught the scientists that maybe they could deliberately fold things to certain areas to save time and so experiments were begun into folding bombs to the location that the VB6 was about to head to. So now you know the story as to why it is called a bomber... The protodevlin used the same trick on unspacy in macross 7 but because tactics like this would be seen as cowardly to the public and damaging to un spacy image, they covered up any references to its use. The only defense against such a cheap and dirty tactic is to: a) play hot potato and fold the bombs back to the orginator who folded them there, thus killing the people who sent them. b) Abuse the barrier system and have an AI automatically turn it on when enemies are picked up by the ships sensors to warn of the attack. c) mind control - thoughts are read of the person's intent before the event happens by having everyone in the known universe be marked with a brain implant allowing the reader to interfere with potential plans to destroy them. All those who resist the mind control are destroyed. Everyone becomes UN SPACY's bitch and subject to thier rule as they become more dictatorial and no one is able to challenge thier military power after the defeat of the protodevlin. Only the anti-un is able to stop them but they fail because they are so far behind in technology. *posted information may not be true Didn't anyone see this? Lol Comedy Gold!! (well, maybe silver)
  10. Lol I agree. I happen to like the Super Ostrich head. Its seem so bad ass with that small radar head lol. But maybe its just me. I would say the worst has to be the VA-3 Invader.
  11. Heheh. No problem, I'll compliment you all day if it means gettin sweet pics like that. Thanx
  12. Hell Yes!! Alpha HX aka The Picture King VF-9 GUARDIAN MODE!!!
  13. Raptor One

    SDF playset

    What we need is a 1/48 SDF-1 (or better yet a 1/1 ).
  14. Awesome! Gotta love the VF-9
  15. How About one with VF-9 Cutlass and/or the VF-X-7 Ghost. Nice work BTW.
  16. Lol. Oh well u beat me to that one.
  17. Yup, cuz most infantry in modern warfare use SINGING as a weapon.
  18. I thought 1 was the TV version and 1 was the Movie version. Like VF-1D versus VT-1 Super Ostrich
  19. From reading the novels I always thought that the "Thinking Caps" just assisted in controlling the VFs. For instance the pilots would use the controls to do the general motion and then mentally 'fine tune' the movement with the helmet. I always thought this was a good way to explain certain things, like controlling the transformations. The way I imagined it was that te pilot would flip the mode-change lever and then use the thinking cap to controlled the exact order of transformation etc. I never got the impression it was used to totally control the fighters.
  20. Thanks but I've seen those. Its just that the only pics i can seem to find are those on Yamato's site so I was wondering if anyone had any better shots of her. Thanks for replying though.
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