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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. I think he knows that...
  2. Looks like Yamato updated their website with pics of the 1A with Super parts instead of Strike parts. I wonder if it will come with the Strike cannon anyway. The pics of the super mode also have the other decals/stickers applied such as the "no step" ones. Also, the 1A without Fast Packs is slated for September release.
  3. OMG! Where can I preorder these from?
  4. I ran the page through babelfish and google translate. This part jumped out at me: Sounds like the it's a lot more sturdy with the fast packs, even during transformation. Edit: At the beginning of the article according to google translate: Although babelfish translates it very differently, could this mean... sidecovers!??!! I somehow doubt it though, lol. Ah well a guy can dream. Although sidecovers are by no means a dealbreaker for me
  5. I dunno if I like these new designs, they all look a little too angular. I like the the (slightly) more curvy looks of the originals. ...And what is up with neo-Dynames' feet??
  6. Just watched 13. Gonna go cry myself to sleep now
  7. Raptor One

    Macross Revoltech

    <Late to the party> My first Revoltech's (1J and Regult) are finally here! I gotta go pick um up from the Post Office tomorrow </Late to the party>
  8. Well I, for one, enjoy his posts... and Gubaba's impersonations
  9. Well you can kinda assume that the second time, Alto would have pulled some crazy aerial maneuver to get out of Brera's path.But the first time when he was sitting there in Gerwalk was clearly a setup for Mikhail and Sheryl's save. It would have worked a bit better if he wasn't just sitting there for so long though. But maybe he wanted to wait until just as Brera was going to shoot before trying to avoid. Since Brera would probably have been able to adjust his aim if he moved before.
  10. Yea I was thinking the same thing. Even after he gave his "I will stop him no matter what!" speech, he still only survived because Grace told Brera to fall back lol. I like the way they are setting up the rivalry though, here's to hoping we get an EPIC dogfight out of it.
  11. Very good news guys, thanks for the info/mini-review. Dammit I want one of these NOW . Ah well looks like it will be worth the wait.
  12. Is it just me, or do those heads actually look fake (especially the Ozma)? Like they were just drawn in. Weird
  13. Are the pics on their page new? If so, anyone have a high rez version?
  14. Yea I voted for the 1/60 v2 VT-1. This was always the toy I wanted to geet from way back when before Yamato made their VF-1's I wanted the Bandai version so much but it was soooo expensive (especially for a high school kid lol). I passed on the 1/60 version1 but I can't waaait for the version 2 to come out. I will finally have my dream valk!
  15. Doubtful, as even the Yamato website has the release for July and Yamato's release dates usually fall at the end of the month.
  16. It's official, I hate floods. I'm thinking I may as well skip the 1S and get the 1A when it comes out. Hopefully the Revies I ordered get here soon so I have something to do til then
  17. Well they are never completely detached, I don't think people would mind a system that operates just like the lineart. They just don't want one where the legs fly off completely and then recombine like some kind of super robot lol. I could be wrong tho
  18. It's definitely a July release now. Even HLJ has changed their release info to July. Usually Yamato releases at the end of the month right? But I'm not sure if it would be the same with this since it was only delayed because of the flooding in China. According to the Overdrive newsletter they'll have a review of the Strike 1S up tomorrow. I wonder if Graham did a review for these and if so will he post it tomorrow as well or wait till its "officially" released.
  19. I approve of this theory. An illusion sounds plausible.
  20. Lol that is pretty funny out of context. But anyway I tried to do the same thing and spent about 10 minutes adjusting the timing in Media Player Classic. If I remember correctly, a delay of 10500 milliseconds gets it pretty much on time (after the sponsor announcement of course).
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