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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. I'm pretty sure Brera was holding back, perhaps because he recognizes Ozma somewhat (subconsciously of course) or maybe just out of respect for Ranka's protector. Of course I could be wrong. And regardless what he did was still impressive.
  2. Damn, me and my big mouth. Ah well ...what about the VF-9? lol
  3. Lmao very nice pic. I was gonna wait til the sub was out before I watched the eppy again but I don't think I can
  4. Am I the only one that was lmao as Ranka was running up the stairs? Not a Ranka hater or anything but it just seemed funny how happy she was and how they had her in slow mo and drew the moment out when we the audience know she's gonna get a slap in the face in a few seconds. Quick question though, did Alto and Sheryl kiss or was he just holding her? It seemed like the latter but everyone reacted as if it was the former.
  5. This scene wasn't problem meant like that, but the scene on Galia IV when Sheryl is sick and is trying to go flying with Alto and her face is all blushy. The scene from epsiode 18 where she falls against the bookshelf and is all blushy also comes to mind . I guess cuz in anime girls blush when they're turned on lol
  6. The red on the 1J looks better in that shot
  7. I too, prefer my valks without facebook
  8. <nitpick> is the red supposed to look that faded? </nitpick> Other than that ...hot damn! Can't wait for Max & Milia (hope the red on the Milia is the same colour as the 1/48 cuz that's perfect imo) :)
  9. If I'm not mistaken, in the lineart, the chest section of the 1D does not have the indent (where the head sits) and the canopy extends further backward. In other words the section of the chest where the heat shield slides out is the same length (the canopy is extended the same distance as the indent is in the normal variants, so its just like they moved that part of the chest up but its the same size). So in reality it would be pretty much the same (the head would sit higher but the extended part of the canopy would be exposed the same amount as the 1S). I guess pics would help but I don't have any handy. Of course I could be mistaken but that's always how I interpreted the lengthening of the canopy. Edit: I checked the lineart of 1D and 1A and it seems that the middle part of the chest is actually shorter on the 1D, so its not just shifted back. On the Yamato it's definitely the same size tho. Hmm.
  10. Yea I meant it for an in-universe explanation (minus the Code Geass). It's the same way I try to explain to myself the various design elements that made it from the VF-0 into some of the later Valks but not into the VF-1 and the other early valks.
  11. I loled ...dunno if that was the reaction you were looking for
  12. Yea I did the same and you're right, it looks like the canopy is indeed longer, but because of the way the chest is designed (the indent for the normal valks is not as deep as it should be) then its not that noticeable.
  13. I think the VT-1 And VE-1 are the same but the 1D is different. The VT and VE have the rear seat elevated a bit while on the 1D they are the same level. Yea it looks a little long.
  14. Yessss bring on the VT-1!!! Btw is the canopy of the 1D actually longer? I thought it was was just that the indent in the chest plate went further back. Or is the canopy the clear part covering the cockpit and what im thinking of is the nose?
  15. So I'm guessing the wheels proved impractical to mass produce (either in terms of cost or implementation) for SW1 but with advances in technology they were able to revisit them. (...Or maybe they'd just been watching a lot of Code Geass )
  16. Yea, I'm confused about that too.
  17. Haha so true
  18. It's out next month isn't it?
  19. Yea, no I get what you're saying and I agree you gotta shop around (like my mama told me). Just saying that's how some people use the term. Speaking of Overdrive, I'm tryna decide whether to go with them or HLJ for the 1A. Any thoughts?
  20. Saw that last night. Epileptic seizures ensued from the sheer awesomeness. So um back on topic. Can't wait for the 1A. Any guesses on when we'll see the Super O?
  21. I think the point is that people call it being ripped off, not whether it fits the exact literal definition of being ripped off. When people buy something and then find out they can get it from somewhere cheaper, their first response is to say they were ripped off. If someone I know buys something at what I think is too high a price, I would tell him he got ripped off and could have got for x amount of money at this other place.
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