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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Maybe they can use some folding panels or something
  2. Would a topcoat/dullcoat work to make the finish of this look matte? Doubt I would use it anyway but...
  3. Haha all those answers seem plausible
  4. Double fold boosters? What's the logic behind that?
  5. Looks like I'm gonna have to learn the guitar
  6. Is there anywhere selling the VF-1J Max?
  7. I really want a YF-19 v3 as well. But I don't mind waiting a couple years, the VF-19 and it's variants should tide me over until then. What I hope they do is release a YF-21 v3 around the same time as the YF-19 with a more lineart accurate battroid mode while keeping the fighter mode proportions of the current toy. If anyone can do it, it's Yamato!
  8. Ah, that makes more sense then. @ff95gj Do you prefer the design of the YF-19 or the toy itself?
  9. If you won't be using them then it doesn't really matter if you lose them right? Just put them away somewhere. No big deal
  10. Yea I thought the VA-3 was supposed to be huge
  11. Funnily enough I think the impending release of this toy will be what finally gets me to finish Macross 7. I always got bored after the first few episodes but now I'm really into it lol
  12. Lol this is the most logical reason
  13. Hahaha the Karate Kid Jaden Smith pose
  14. Pretty sure he was asking what's the point of the NUNS stickers Anyone planning to throw a topcoat on this? I think it would look pretty boss with a matte finish and some panel lining.
  15. That black VF-19 looks awesome in fighter mode
  16. I'm loving that shade of red
  17. ...70s? Macross 7? It all makes sense now!
  18. Interesting info about the VF-1X being produced in 2047
  19. ^You spoilin' bro?
  20. That's it, I take back EVERY good thing I said about this toy!! No clear eyes = INSTANT PASS!! /macrossworld
  21. I would get at least one. Assuming accurate sculpt and minimal partsforming like was said before. I don't mind partsforming if it means disconnecting parts and reconnecting them in different places. But I do mind it if it means parts swapping. As long as everything (or almost) I need to transform the valk is on the valk itself, I'm good.
  22. That Cutlass design isn't too bad. Reminds me of some of my own VF designs
  23. Looks pretty good. Can't wait to see Battroid though. For those complaining about the missile pods or extra engines or whatever they are. For me nothing can compare to the ridiculousness of the VF-19s fastpacks
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