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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Man charger you really know how to make a valk look badass. Even with all the improvements I wasn't really feeling this toy. Now I'm not so sure
  2. Sigh. The one time I decide to check this thread. Ah well
  3. To me this looks better than most of Yamato's removable intakes
  4. This actually makes a lot of sense. I understand the missile bay argument a bit better now. Though I'm not particularly interested in the gunpod actually being spring loaded either. I just want it to be store-able in the leg and hopefully able to be displayed half out.
  5. Why is everyone so obsessed with missile bays all of a sudden? I feel like most people didn't even know the VF-17 had them before it was mentioned in this thread. And why would you want a missile bay that was used in one episode of the anime over a gunpod mechanism that was used in practically EVERY episode?
  6. I always loved that Elintseeker boxart. Funny that the Yamato matches it waaay better than the Bandai ever did lol
  7. Looks pretty nice, but all these pics do is increase my anticipation for a proper VF-25
  8. Are you saying you preordered? If so where?
  9. Wow these are coming out on the 25th? Can't wait to get copies of both. Gonna start learning to read japanese
  10. There are also missile bays in the legs
  11. Very nice designs guys. Just a noob question. I don't know much about squadron names but I was reading up on the US Navy and I understand now that the V in "VF" refers to fixed wing aircraft (as opposed to helicopters) and the F stands for fighter squadrons. So where does the "S" in the "SVF" come from for the UN Spacy squadrons? My first though is it refers to space but is that right? Also, what the heck is the VF-10 Super Cutlass?
  12. *Shrug* Just relaying the feedback I've heard. I didn't see it as an issue myself. Great movie, though I rewatched X2 afterwards and I still think it's the best one
  13. There was one scene in Macross 7 where Mylene and Gamlins valks were landed side by side in Gerwalk mode and both had the noses facing down, so I think the knees of the 17 were bent all the way forward in that scene. I forget which episode though, but it might have been one of the ones where they went looking for Basara after he had run off.
  14. I think the racist comments may be more to the fact that
  15. Milia's VF-11B appearance in M7 isn't quite blink and you'll miss it, but it's pretty close. Speaking of the MAXL, is there any art of the un-modified (non-Sound Force) MAXL?
  16. ^Point taken. That being said, I have mixed feelings about the YF-29's Guar- I mean Gerwalk mode. But I think the DX pulls it off well
  17. LowViz Lurker has been on a roll lately
  18. That looks pretty cool. I like the S Head in that picture too. Looks pretty demonic, like a Nightmare should
  19. Definitely need a Milia version
  20. I grew up on Robotech. I kind of miss saying Guardian mode
  21. Whether or not they NEED landing gear, they have them in the anime and this is macrossworld where we NEED our toys to 100% anime accurate . Besides, landing gear are cool
  22. I'd be willing to bet they will give the option of swinging the legs forward. They may not give as deep a bend as usual tho
  23. Oh wow that Gerwalk stance is nice. Finally a Frontier toy with a Yamato-level gerwalk stance
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