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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. My only problem with it is that with the collar that high you can see the gap where the canopy hinge is. But like MacrossJunkie said there are ways around that.
  2. I really liked my High-Metal...until I got a Yamato
  3. 1/60 Destroid Monster was a Yamato product shown once (I think) at some toy show and then never heard from again, thus implying the Speaker Pod Gamma is vapourware
  4. That's an awesome pic
  5. I'm really looking forward to seeing the F all painted now
  6. Check it out here. It's not much of a view but still a nice glimpse of the shoulder detail and the feet.
  7. They even have a glimpse of the VF-19ACTIVE's Gerwalk mode. It's so badass
  8. I can interject here as I got the VF-1J Grey Visor version just a few months ago. It's been holding up great so far, way tighter than my VF-1A Hikaru and a bit tighter than my VF-1A CF, although the wrists are a bit loose. The Grey Visor version was one of the later releases so it has the "safe" shoulders as well as the 1/48 style crotch mechanism and clear canopy. To me I get this feeling whenever I see pics of the VF-11C. It's basically a Space Shuttle turned variable fighter.
  9. The VF-1J has the best head sculpt of all the VF-1 variants in my opinion. It just looks so menacing but yet heroic. Before I got my Hikky VF-1J I was reluctant cuz I thought the scheme was too plain, but after I got it I loved it, especially in battroid. In summation: My vote goes to the 1J. I have to agree with this. The grey visor just gives it that extra something How do you like the VF-1J CF? I really want another 1J but the M&Ms are unavailable and I'm not sure if I like the colour of the CF. It looks pretty badass in that shot however.
  10. It may be because there are no comparable fighter mode only toys at the same scale and detail level.
  11. Let me just add that I actually like the nosecone of the SV-88. It reminds me of something from Zone of the Enders
  12. Yea I was excited for these but now I'm considering going back to my original plan and waiting for the Yamato version. I can be patient when need be. In any case I guess the best we can do is wait for reviews. Of course then you run the risk of it selling out, but it's probably better to want it and not be able to get it, than to get it and find out it's faulty. Wallets will be pleased.
  13. YFZ-21 is awesome. I've recently developed a thing for delta(ish) wings. Any pics of the other modes?
  14. I like calling it the v3 because it gives more of a sense of how much progress has been made. I jsut make sure not to mention a scale when calling it the v3 and it's still accurate since it is Yamato's third. As for the VF-1, VF-1v2 just rolls of the tongue I guess, lol.
  15. I would assume it's because he's asking for pictures of a model kit. It's not like this is an announcement thread. I can't wait to see what Yamato would do with the VF-4 though. It's not really one of my favourites overall but I love the fighter mode. One step closer to a 1/60 VF-9 (Hey a brother can dream)
  16. I concur with this. I really want a YF-19 but I'm content to wait a few years for a v3
  17. The pics of the SMS VF-19 that keep popping up aren't really a major spoiler but the fact that almost everyone who posts it refers to it as an ***** variant kind of is. Also you can't really compare it to the YF-29 which was something Bandai promoted endlessly and released photos of even before the movie came out. The VF-19 showing up was a well guarded secret until the movie came out, a surprise that we won't get to experience just because we don't live in Japan.
  18. Finished stickering up my v2 VF-1J Grey Visor version. I used the Master File style modex. Not sure if I will keep the nose stickers on, but I'll give it a few days before I decide. I was going to panel line it but I think I prefer the clean look.
  19. Looks like some kind of underwater mode. Like the SV-51
  20. It could also have something to do with nostalgia or the 'cool' factor. It must feel pretty sweet to beat a bunch of racers in AVFs when all you have is a VF-1. Even if it's a heavily modified VF-1.
  21. Why do I keep coming back to this thread? Lol, oh well I guess knowing that a certain mecha is in it isn't really a spoiler
  22. I didn't even realize I had expectations for this until I saw the trailer. Robots? Somehow I thought it would involve some new breakthrough in stealth technology and a conflict that erupts because of it, meaning that the battleships have no idea where the opposing forces are. Lol. Well I like most of the actors in this so I'll check it out if it gets decent reviews. I got a good laugh out of this.
  23. Probably the same way they do it on the VF-1 toys ...wait
  24. Definitely TV.
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