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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. The retail Vita games will be released as physical copies and downloadable. Instead of UMDs they come on small memory cards.
  2. Well it's Joss Whedon so I would say that them getting their asses handed to them at some point is a pretty safe bet.
  3. Put it in spoiler tags. Most people still haven't gotten theirs and subs aren't even out yet..
  4. Yea even the VF-9 is sort of a "Z fold." Still, the arm and wing transformations are enough to set it apart. Also VF-5000>>VF-3000
  5. Somehow I'm not that excited for this. Maybe it's just the pics but it doesn't seem that impressive.
  6. 1/72 would be cool in terms of all the accessories we could get too. Ground crew etc.
  7. This looks AMAZING. I think I might panel line my VF-1J now as well.
  8. Dear everyone, If you do not buy this toy YOU are responsible for the end of Macross toy production for all time!
  9. The more I look at it the better it looks. I'm looking forward to seeing what the plastic version looks like.
  10. Cool thanks. There's another pic here http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/release_107/index.html Different angles.
  11. Any chance for larger versions of these pics?
  12. Ok that looks kcufing awesome!
  13. You should do a whole series of VF-9 art. (Please?)
  14. The fighter mode is a bit stubbier than the lineart, but honestly not that much. It's mostly due to the legs. Speaking of the legs, one thing that bugs me is that they seem to angle downwards a bit in fighter mode. I hope that's not the case in the final product. Also hope they use a darker grey. Lineart from Macross Mecha Manual
  15. We had this discussion earlier in the thread. Didn't we cite multiple instances in Macross 7 where the legs go all the way forward? Other than that I think it looks pretty decent. I'm wondering if this is just a resin proto though. I'm guessing yes, due to the lack of tampo and the less than perfect fit and finish.
  16. You sir, are a lucky man. Tell her job well done for me
  17. It happens a few times. Most notably when they go to Gallia-IV
  18. I wouldn't call that a collar either. It's just the bottom of the neck. Even the 1/48 has that. Not gonna get into the rest of the argument though.
  19. I agree about the lineart versus animation actually. Especially in Macross 7, the VF-19S looks way better than the lineart most of the time. Of course as jenius says, sometimes it looks horrible.
  20. Very nice! Needs more VF-9 though /wishful thinking IMO the VF-19 looks the best by far
  21. Very nicely done. I love me some VF-9 and some Milia!
  22. I've been thinking about which units to get with what add-ons, I think the Michael version looks the best with the super packs. The blue and grey go well together. Plus the rifle is badass. I wonder why the regular VF-25 gunpods are purple.
  23. There's an eyecatch with Docker where you get a really detailed look at the 19S' head. It's a lightish grey that really makes the details pop. I'll see if I can find it.
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