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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. This thread is pretty interesting. Nice to see opinions that contradict the majority
  2. Maybe someone would be willing to trade? Could you cut the stickers out and then just stick the pieces together? It will be a lot more work but you might be able to get away with it. Not sure if this helps but shipping to the Cayman Islands for me usually equals out to about $30 US. That's with airmail though. Fedex is waay too expensive, like over $100
  3. VF-1S High Metal. I loved it at first but ever since I rediscovered the Yamato v2 it's just meh to me. I think I might even prefer my Revy VF-1J (non-transformable)
  4. Plot armor? Alternatively the earring he had with him at all his battles resonated faintly with the Vajra and threw off their attacks, making them less effective.
  5. Honestly, during the Ranka concert I kept thinking about how awkward it would be if someone caught me watching it. But the VF-1 CG model more than made up for it! One thing I noticed in the movie is that Alto seems to be a far worse pilot than in the TV series. By the end of the TV series he was pretty skilled, but he never seemed to reach those heights in the movie.
  6. Lol what? (Yes I have decided to latch on to the least important part of your well thought out post which raises many valid points )
  7. Ok now that just looks straight up gorgeous. Thank you
  8. Are you guys using the beta version of CCCP? I updated my CCCP and it worked for one or two vids but I was still having issues with the majority. Then I upgraded to the beta version and everything works like a charm now.
  9. That is pretty cool. I had a question about those: Do the landing gear retract? I'm guessing no but just wanted to make sure. I might pick one up in the HLJ sale.
  10. Shoot, I wonder if I should jump on the armor plus Ex-Gear. Who wants to convince me? I also need a valk stand lol
  11. Lol can't a brotha be curious? Thanks for the response though. I was mostly wondering if it was the YF or the VF and now I have my answer. Loved the cameo, even though I was spoiled it was still epic.
  12. Not sure if this has been discussed already but is it confirmed which
  13. In addition to the complexity of the design and the expected sales there's also the factor of R&D costs. The VF-19 might have been cheaper to design since they could have brought some of the lessons learned from the two previous YF-19 toys. Whereas the VF-17 they are doing pretty much from scratch and the design is very different from any of their previous valkyries. Then again I don't know how much R&D matters to the retail price.
  14. I'm very excited for the EW Heavyarms. Because I'm hoping once they get that out of the way we can move on to the rest of the TV versions.
  15. You need to put a slash in that second spoiler tag for it to work
  16. I'm pretty certain that set of pics is not the resin prototype. You can tell by how difficult it is to see all of the details and how it seems to fit together a bit better. Look at the difference between the resin prototype at the top of the page and the plastic prototype in the rest of the pics. It's pretty clear different materials are used (not just because of the colour difference). If you look at the comparison pics with Kai the materials on them looks similar. That is what makes me so sure it's a plastic proto. I could be wrong though. Feel free to let me know if I am.
  17. The original pictures are of the resin prototype, whereas the newer pics are of a plastic prototype. The later pics should be more representative of the final product but there are some pics of it in the latest Dengeki Hobby. So whenver we get scans that should give a better preview of what the final product will be like.
  18. Me too, I'm so impatient lol. Only scans available so far are some transformers stuff. Bleh
  19. Since when does the v2 VF-1 have wing indents? I'm glad this does though. I always wondered what it would be like. Is there ever a time when you want to position the wings in a way that the indents don't let you?
  20. Do you guys think Lucca and Micheal's valks will be web exclusives too? Don't really care about Lucca's but I would consider the VF-25G
  21. I think that's standard, at least in the military. The aircraft's modex rarely corresponds to the callsign of the pilot. I guess it's the same for SMS Also aren't there some shots where Alto is piloting the VF-25F but that section is still white?
  22. I think he was referring to scriptwise as opposed to behind the scenes.
  23. I want to say my 1/60 VF-1J Grey Visor Ver., but my VF-1A CF has a special place in my heart.
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