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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. I'm definitely in the parallel fin camp haha
  2. Raptor One

    Macross 30

    Oh that's cool. Explains the Vanquish (sp?) Race levels
  3. Yamato's VF-25 will be glorious
  4. That transformation sure is something. Awesome to see. I wonder why they didn't include panels to cover up the gaps in battroid mode like they did for the 19 series though. Edit: Oh, nevermind, there are sliding panels. Sweet!
  5. This is awesome. Love me some VF-9! Looking forward to some Gerwalk mode shots. I still don't get quite how the wings fold. But I think I have the arms pretty much figured out. It's actually similar to the missile pod for the new YF-30. Haha I can imagine
  6. Can't wait to see some low vis customs. Yea I certainly don't think it looks more advanced than the YF-30 I just think it looks better. It seems like a step back in terms of capability. I'm betting that the YF-30 was developed by based on the YF-24 either by another colony or by the earth itself but since the Frontier (and Galaxy) fleet(s) kept taking all the numbers, they ended up with the YF-30 designation lol. Makes me wonder what the YF/VF-26 looks like I'd bet that the YF-30 will be the last valk based on the YF-24 platform though. I'm sure it can be removed. Probably standard procedure once the missiles are depleted. It kind of remiinds me of Gundam Kyrios' optional missile pack, except built in. What's cool about the concept is that it allows for different add-ons without having to change the airframe itself. Like they could easily swap it out for a radome attachment without having to make an entirely new RVF version (although I guess they would have to change the avionics and stuff).
  7. It looks so much more awesome than the YF-29. Love me some (stylized) delta wings.Would love to see how the armament pack in between the legs would look with a beam cannon instead of a missile launcher.
  8. Raptor One

    Macross 30

    Does this even really matter? It was just a throwaway comment. Anyway I read his post and understood how it related to what you were saying. Basically that the VF-17's performance in an atmosphere should be irrelevant since VF-1 are shown flying around with super packs, therefore it's doubtful that this would have factored into why Gamlin isn't using it. Now we can argue whether he was right or wrong in his assertion but that doesn't change the fact that it was a perfectly legitimate response to your comment.
  9. It looks so much more complete with the skull markings, even without the FB2012 colours. So I wonder how far back the ankles can tilt on this one. Hopefully further than the VF-17 and VF-19 series
  10. Might be a conscious decision in order to give him some range of motion, since they can probably add in the neck piece easily in postproduction
  11. Raptor One

    Macross 30

    And so, the YF-30 answered the perpetual question: Do you even lift?
  12. Agreed
  13. Wait what? I thought the movie version is the one that was dubbed?
  14. I remember him saying the same thing about YF-19 though. I have no idea what thread that was in. Even if he hadn't though, I think it's safe to assume a updated YF-19 is only a matter of time
  15. Finally, someone else sees the light
  16. Raptor One

    Macross 30

    Oh man this game sounds amazing. They even have Macross: The Ride style races. *macrossgasm*
  17. So what you're saying is, you didn't like the trailer?
  18. Something I've always wondered: In the DYRL style cockpit, tilting the throttle stick to 90 degrees puts the valk in fighter mode and tilting it straight up signals the transformation to battroid. So what position is the throttle in for Gerwalk mode? From what I've seen it seems to be at 90 degrees like fighter mode. If that's the case then how does the pilot distinguish between changing to fighter mode and changing to Gerwalk? Or is the throttle at some other positiong for Gerwalk, like 45 degrees?
  19. Raptor One

    Macross 30

    Summer 2013? I HIGHLY doubt that. I'm in for some after-Christmas sales though
  20. Raptor One

    Macross 30

    I wonder if I can learn Japanese by the time this game comes out. Or at least by the time I can afford a PS3 to play it on
  21. Amazing work MacrossJunkie. I can totally picture your Elintseeker floating along in space somewhere. The weathering just gives it that nice "realistic" look There are tons of pretty fat girls, nothing illogical about it.
  22. All those blue valks look really nice together. I was planning on getting a bunch of Blue and white valks and creating a fictional "Blue Reaper" black ops squadron. This pic has given me more motivation
  23. Raptor One

    Macross 30

    Unknown. Some suspect a production VF-24. Could also be a VF-30
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