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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. So I just realized my 31A came with two right gun holding hands and no left fist hand. Anyone in the opposite situation and wanna trade?
  2. Still torn about this. It would be really nice to have that weapon set. But I'm perfectly content with my Arcadia and don't really want a second YF-19, as much as I love the design. Maybe Loopaza will come thru for me on release like with the 31A. If so I might just keep the accessories and sell the valk itself lol
  3. Damn. Didn't think of that until now
  4. Definite Full Armor Unicorn Gundam vibes
  5. Here's hoping. Wanted to pre-order but the way my bank account was set up...
  6. So is the Kairos still available anywhere?
  7. Holy crap, PG Exia! Slightly disappointed though because I was hoping for an MG Dynames for the 10th anniversary
  8. Fair enough. Not really a huge deal for me, but would have been a nice bonus. Not sure if it was asked yet but how long are the Web Exclusive preorders usually available for?
  9. The onscreen 3D models sure, but wasn't it specified in supplemental materials that in-universe the 31A's had a different configuration for that pod?
  10. At least these will probably come with the option parts (neck and underarm covers). Those are standard now right? The originals didn't have them
  11. Awesome news, already have a (used) Max and never felt too badly about not getting a Milia but I'd definitely consider it now (or just a second Max)
  12. Oh? Is this confirmed to be the subject of the new series?
  13. I like fanfic that explores parts of the universe that don't get delved into in that much detail in the series itself. Whether it's regular soldiers during some of the main conflicts, or exploring the aftermath of these conflicts, or even giving minor characters the spotlight. For me the most important thing is having well-written characters that have believable and consistent (but not static) personalities and that interact in interesting ways, while also having a driving conflict that gives the story focus. I do like the realistic approach but I'm not a stickler for that. If the characters work then the story can be as fantastically as it wants to be. That being said, it should still fit with established Macross lore at least in the broad strokes. I also tend to avoid crossovers. I love time travel but admit it is very hard to get right and probably works better for original works than for fanfiction.
  14. Awesome job! Plus anything VF-9 related gets my instant upvote
  15. I think ChaoticYeti was asking how can you be underwhelmed by the new mold if we haven't actually seen it yet. Although I got the impression that it wasn't the actual design of the new mold you were underwhelmed by, just that you aren't particularly interested in an updated SV-51
  16. Yea I've been waiting for this too. Would also be nice to check in and see what's been happening on Earth
  17. Oh man, if they EVER released a VF-9 I would get like 5. And I never buy multiples. But an updated YF-21 to go with my 19 would be nice
  18. Yea have Mirage as the main character continuing the work of Delta Platoon while Hayate and Freyja fly off on a Basara-esque journey to unite the galaxy through song (and dance)
  19. I just want more female pilots that actually get to do something I would love to see something like this. So much so that I'm doing something similar in the fanfic I'm currently working on A male idol who doesn't pilot along with two female pilots
  20. People using the music as an example of something Delta did right? The music was mediocre at best so if that was the highlight of the series... Although I did dig some of the actual BGM, I think the only Walkure song I really liked is that one that sounded like Earth Wind & Fire's September. But regardless of the quality of Delta there will never come a day where I'm not excited for a new Macross series. I still would love to see a Macross the Ride adaptation because it would hopefully mean VF-19ACTIVE AND VF-9E DXs, which would legitimately be dreams come true. Something different like the airshow based series Kawamori reportedly wanted Delta to be originally would be good too. Or something from the gap between Flashback 2012 and Plus, maybe M3 era. Would tie in nicely with Jenius Air (and be another chance for a VF-9 DX haha) Agree whole-heartedly with the rest of your post (well, minus the praise of Delta's music) and this is probably the least important thing in it, but I have to disagree that the outcome of the triangle in Frontier felt like a foregone conclusion. It definitely feels that way in hindsight but I remember the heated discussions and repeated declarations of victory by supporters of both sides of the triangle all the way up until the end of the series (the movies are a different story), it really did feel like either of the girls could have come out on top. Of course that was partly due to how frustratingly obtuse Alto was (or at least acted, if you take some of his dialogue at the end of the series to heart).
  21. That would be cool but they should add a premium locking method to the wings too
  22. I always feel so proud when I look at a valk I've panel lined and stickered myself
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