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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Gotta love the TV CF. I'm gonna have to try a similar pose with mine And this might be the photo that convinced me to get an 0D
  2. Still waiting on RG Ground Gundam
  3. THIS!! I've been telling myself for years that we will finally get a Dynames MG once the 10th anniversary rolls around though. Only two years left!
  4. I've always wanted to design a Valk with delta wings that split into Angelic looking wings in battroid mode. Even if they were as relatively simple as the Wing Gundam's
  5. ^Indeed. Does fighter mode even have a "back" to speak of?
  6. I did like how they (he) switched up the arm placement on the YF-30. I'm still retroactively amazed we didn't see arm-mounted hard points on any valks before this. Agree about the increasing back kibble though
  7. Right after the one for the YF-30?
  8. For the -19 valks and onwards: -Better ankle joints. -No limiting the thigh joint to less than 90 degree rotation
  9. I'll focus on non-Valkyries: Variable Glaug Original Monster Koenig Monster SDF-1TV Military Ex-Gear (borderline I know) Q-Rau Cheyenne
  10. Yea, I thought I would be one of the ones to not really care about the colour, but that ish is WAY off. What makes it worse is that they pretty much nailed it in those photoshopped pics. Not sure why they ended up making it worse afterwards but ah well
  11. For me there is only one answer: The VF-9 Cutlass. Although the VF-4 would be cool to see in a modern context as well
  12. So no thoughts on the thigh joint?
  13. Can anyone tell me why Arcadia seems to be continuing the trend of the Gerwalk thigh joint not rotating a full 90 degrees? It's pretty important for some decent Gerwalk poses imo and I see no reason why they should limit the range of motion for that joint
  14. Wow, haven't checked this thread in a while but congrats on the site Yeti. Very clean design, as others have said. Looks like I'll be able to get some XL and Dual arms very soon
  15. Looks really nice. Only thing bothering me is the shape of the nose in fighter. It slopes up way too high. Still prefer the stubbiness of the Arcadia in battroid
  16. Raptor One

    Hi-Metal R

    That GBP looks BADASS. Might be the first GBP toy I get. Probably in for the Monster and the Regult as well. Not a fan of the Hi-Metal VF-1 sculpt overall though
  17. VF-19EFs would make more sense wouldn't they?
  18. Wow, this is crazy, and I just got an Arcadia YF-19 too. I can already tell this does some things better than the Arcadia, but it looks inferior in some ways too. I prefer the stockiness of the Arcadia battroid for example. OMG, don't you go getting my hopes up!
  19. To be fair I've only owned VF-1's so far, which I agree have the right amount of tampo. Have a 19 on the way so we'll see how I feel about that one. I've never had a problem with stickers in terms of looks. Once you trim the excess they blend pretty well with the tampo stuff. Then again, never had a black valk either. Really the only thing that really annoys me aesthetically about the Yamacadias is the intake fans
  20. On each and every one. Although sometimes I take a while to get around to it Couldn't have said it better myself. It's a lot of work, but a valk doesn't feel like it's truly mine until after doing some panel lining and stickering. And I'm not one for reselling so don't have to worry about that.
  21. *grabs popcorn and pulls up a chair to watch reactions to the alleged price*
  22. Ugh, so gorgeous.This is gonna look good on a YetiStand
  23. VF-1A flying escort duty for a VT-1 after a training mission. 1A Ostrich Escort by KasukeSadiki, on Flickr 1A Ostrich Escort ii by KasukeSadiki, on Flickr I was pleasantly surprised by just how awesome these stands make the CF look.
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