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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. I'd assumed that any of those old school cars were just replicas. Probably made by some car enthusiast after finding some pics or blueprints on an old hard drive. Dunno about the helicopter though.
  2. Such a pretty valk. It isn't THAT different but this looks SO much better than the Yamato. The little things add up
  3. Still better than the YF-29 Well it's a radome that doubles as a stage...
  4. He's definitely up there for me too. Counting down in German before flying headfirst into an Itano Circus and dodging every single missile? Son. Plus he's partnered with the Walkure member who has my favourite design so far
  5. That black and grey does something to me. And I actually really like what we've seen of Messer's character so far so that helps.
  6. Will DEFINITELY be trying this ASAP
  7. Yea I think Mikumo has some serious death flags on her. Actually I was thinking that Mikumo might be part Protodevlin or something, because the way she was moving around the battlefield kind of reminded me of Sivil from M7. That plus the whole "unknown history" she has going...
  8. 02 is currently top of my list
  9. That articles reaks of satire though. And I cant find a Harmony Gold twitter account anywhere
  10. That's interesting, because it's one of the things I loved about FMA: B, and anime in general. But I will agree that it definitely doesn't work for every series. Regarding FMA, I'm pretty sure that slapstick stuff lessened significantly as the series went on, iirc.
  11. Gonna have to agree on Mikumo being besto girl so far. In fact, she reminds me a lot of Sheryl. I'm interested to see Mirage's development though. And I really like Kaname's character design and the little glimpse we've seen of her partnership with Messer, Oh, and Freiya is a lot of fun so far. Nah I didn't get that impression at all based on how the others members of Delta Squadron were talking about her. From Arad calling her "our naive little girl" to Mikumo ditching her in order to go undercover. That's not really how one treats a commander. It's more likely that she's the newest member of Delta. Lady M has yet to be seen.
  12. Rewatched with subs. It definitely plays a lot better when you can understand all the dialogue and stuff. I actually really like how they set up this dire and foreboding situation when the Var Outbreak happened and the city turned into a war zone, then had Walkure come in as almost a literal ray of hope in the darkness. Little touches like how they had to contain the var outbreak within the "soundstage" and how you can tell the girls are actually putting themselves in serious risk by going into the battlefield like that. It adds some weight knowing that even the stuff that looked kind of ridiculous is actually grounded by the technology the have available. The drones can run out of charge, the Var Syndrome can reappear if the song is interrupted etc. I also really liked the teamwork Delta Squadron showed during the dogfight. I don't recall Skull Squadron from Macross F ever being that in-sync lol. The Kingdom of Wind boys had the same thing going for them as well. But Arad and Messer seem pretty badass already. Can't wait to see how Hayate fits into the team. Freiya being from the Kingdom of Wind is pretty cool. I bet one of the other pilots is the guy she was supposed to marry. Would be funny if it turns out that's why they hate Walkure so much, because they think she ran away because of them. Also, while I'm not crazy about the actual Walkure songs, I did enjoy a lot of the background music/score. And the song that started off the Var syndrome was pretty nice as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this series goes. Someone from Walkure ain't gonna survive to the end..
  13. Watched the ep again. Loved the dogfight at the end. And I do like all the characters. I thought the Walkure stuff was okay but the whole transformation sequence was pretty ridiculous, lol. Sheryl did it better. Not in the first episode it wasn't. I'd guess that it's not efficient enough to be used with things the size of Valks
  14. Lol did someone in this thread really claim that Frontier had better animation than this? I mean I loved Frontier but come the F on!
  15. Lol good point
  16. I can live with the ankles but the swing bars are abysmal so any improvements on that would be a godsend. And I really hope Arcadia starts giving the Gerwalk joint the full range of motion it used to have on Yamato valks again. It seems their recent valks have only been able to go as far as one click from 90 degrees. It makes Gerwalk look like crap
  17. Damn, it doesn't even come with a pilot? Arcadia is really slacking
  18. OHHHHHH SNAAAPPPP! I mean, I was intrigued by her from the start, but to find out she's a Jenius?? Hell yes!
  19. The arm cannons are different from the gunpod
  20. Nice design. "Speaks his mind"?? "A little blunt"?? "Wandering the galaxy"?? Alto and Sheryl's time-displaced son* confirmed!! *Or de-aged Alto with a new alias
  21. I'm sure there'll be a female character older than 22. Just not any of the idols (What's the average age for idols anyway?)
  22. Haha true. I've only just gotten used to English in Katakana so that might explain it Another nice character design Ah yes, nothing says genuine manliness like long blue hair and a hariclip
  23. Nice to get a bit more info on the setting. Sounds good so far I really like Guynemer's character design. There's a shot or two of her in the trailer in non-idol attire. She definitely caught my eye. I hope they give us some more info about the female pilot soon too. The pronunciation of the katakana in her name is tripping me out though, especially the "NU" character in the middle.
  24. I was disappointed in Ritter's casting because I just don't think she looks much like Jessica as depicted in Alias (way too skinny for one thing). But she nailed it in terms of personality and physicality, which is far more important than comic-accurate looks
  25. Yea, gonna have to agree. The beginning had me HYPED! All that tension, all that animosity! Then it quickly devolved into campy cheese. The worst moment for me was when Supes was like "Is she with you" and then Batman, with a look on his face more suited to the Adam West incarnation, says stupidly "I thought she was with you." Come on! The real Batman would have maintained his gruff expression and just been like "No." And the sad part is, that would have been JUST AS FUNNY! For all the talking Snyder and the others have done about how DC's take on superheroes is so much more serious and grounded, this trailer had a lot of corny stuff. I mean, say what you will about Marvel overdoing the humour, but at least they do it right more often than not. Anyway, still gonna watch it. At least the first half should be a pretty good film. Maybe it will be like Hancock. I still enjoyed that movie a lot despite the fact that it became a different movie halfway through.
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