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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Maybe those silhouettes are a bigger clue than we first thought and the "innovative" transformation is that the SV-262 can actually morph into other Valkyrie models.
  2. Yea it's at 1:54. The faceplate is fully red in that shot. I'm excited to see it in action. But even the old suit looks a lot better in this trailer. Amazing what cinematography and lighting can do huh
  3. Raptor One

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone else think the little eye makes the monster look cute af in that scene? It's like a baby digimon...with cannons
  4. Ah that's interesting. I figured the katakana was always based on pronunciation. Didn't know it's based on spelling sometimes too. Actually come to think of it, I have noticed that with the name "Mary." I've seen it in katakana as both メアリー and マリー
  5. Why would you crap on his dream like that??
  6. And next door Kawamori is desperately trying to figure out how the SV-262 should transform
  7. I already have a VT-1... ....and I would still buy another if they reissued it
  8. Well isn't ケイオス phonetically closer to the proper (well, the English) pronunciation of "Chaos" than カオス is? I wonder why it's normally spelled the latter way
  9. I can't imagine Bandai going the partsformer route for this
  10. Since when can't the 21/22 turn their heads? (In-universe)
  11. Yea I don't mind the heavily weathered look, but I mostly prefer my valks with just some light panel lining
  12. Raptor One

    Hi-Metal R

    Anyone have a lineart size comparison between the Koenig and the OG Monster?
  13. Can't help you with your mode issues but you should definitely apply the stickers. Just make sure you trim them first, but once you do they really add a lot to the look of the toy, plus I find that adding the stickers helps it feel more like "mine." If you plan to resell it later though you should leave them off
  14. Ugly mecha are the most charming. Just ask the VT-1's head unit
  15. 10/10 would watch. That being said, a Variable Glaug appearance in this series followed by a Chogokin or HiMetal R toy version? Yes please.
  16. The wand chooses the wizard
  17. Lol started reading the post before I noticed the poster, got three paragraphs in before I was like "I bet this is LowViz Lurker"
  18. Probably because the base airframe is the same for all variants (externally), only difference is the weapons pod. The RVF had a different base airframe than the other -25/-17 models. The fin and radome were part of the base airframe as opposed to add-ons
  19. Even the shape of the trailing edge of the wings is different
  20. Raptor One

    Hi-Metal R

    Well it's bigger than the Koenig. Right? Funniest post in this thread
  21. Surprised no one has speculated that Kawamori is still figuring out the transformation
  22. That looks pretty cool, weird that even a "premium finish" version doesn't have more tampo. Didn't mind the lack on the original version, but here it seems like it defeats the purpose
  23. Not sure how four FSW models in the entire series constitutes "overuse" but anyway Nah there are some minor differences. Pretty similar though
  24. Very cool I'd say that's highly likely Not me. Although I'm not crazy about the scheme, I'm glad they're switching it up. They'll probably release a Focker variant somewhere down the line. They won't rest when there's a mold to be milked!
  25. The 31A and 31F are SIIIIICCCCCCKKKKK
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