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Raptor One

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Everything posted by Raptor One

  1. Update: I got Max's ๐Ÿ˜… As much as I like the paint scheme I still wasn't 100% convinced. Especially because the Gerwalk mode is kind of meh, and the hip joint can't rotate down a full 90 degrees, which is an annoying trend on some other Macross toys by both Bandai and Arcadia and severely limits the Gerwalk aesthetic. But after putting it into battroid, throwing on the Super Parts, and seeing how good it looks with them in both battroid and fighter, I will say I'm sold on the design. Feels good to have a modern Max valk as well!
  2. Why is the option that we either get a toy that perfectly represents the lineart in all three modes, or we accept anything they give us? Is there no room for hope for a reasonable balance? The problem isn't that it doesn't look perfect in both modes, the problem is that Bandai has made seemingly unnecessary changes to the lineart that make every mode look worse. Now maybe they made those changes for reasons of sturdiness or longevity, but we can't really know that until the toy is out. Either way, it's not very productive to discussion to berate people for complaining and not being grateful enough. If you're happy with the design then just say that. No need to imply others are bad people for discussing their perceived issues with a product they would otherwise be interested in/excited for.
  3. Or a 19ACTIVE Hey, a guy can dream
  4. Yea Iโ€™ve been trying to find a 1S for a while so this is fine with me if itโ€™s a full reissue
  5. I've never been a fan of the YF-29 design but God help me I kinda want Max's
  6. Definitely did not see this coming! You spelled VF-9 wrong ๐Ÿ˜‹
  7. Hi everyone. Wondering if anyone in this thread might have a spare Arcadia Macross Zero adapter that they'd be willing to sell to me? Recently purchased a VF-0D but had no idea the connectors for the Zero valks were different.
  8. Digging the 31AXs, especially the name Kairos Plus. Might try to get Arad's, but the armored is tempting too. Not a big fan of the modern armored valks but digging those colours. How stable was the Arad armored DX?
  9. Have we already talked about how this new custom has the boosters mounted in a different configuration (similar to how they mount the Lil' Drakens)?
  10. Ohhhh right my bad, I forgot the most recent version (which is the one I have) was by Arcadia and not Yamato.
  11. Looking good. Already have the Yamato but I would be seriously tempted by this if they improved the rigidity of the wing rotation mechanism. Umm, you sure about this? Seems unlikely.
  12. Thanks for that
  13. So I just got a VF-0D and was getting ready to display it when I realized the display stand adapter connection is completely different from all my other Yamato/Arcadia valkyries (it's my first Macross Zero valk), I also see that YetiStand products are no longer being sold. Any suggestions for alternative display stands that would work for the VF-0D and are actually available?
  14. This has bothered me for years but does anyone have any insight as to why modern VF-1 toys position the pilot so far forward in the cockpit?
  15. I just wish they managed to properly capture the curves of the nose and cockpit. It looks so much better in the animation
  16. Classic Bandai!
  17. This sums up my thoughts on it as well
  18. Except on Ouroboros
  19. Any news on the release date for the premium finish 0D?
  20. Thanks
  21. Nice. I may eventually get one and try it out
  22. Anywhere still selling preorders for the weapons set?
  23. Did you ever confirm that they were the same measurements as the SV-262 adapaters?
  24. Giggity! Still one of my favourite gerwalk designs (and valk designs overall)
  25. Not liking what I see of the nose so far. Need better pics of fighter mode
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