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Everything posted by Macrossmerrell

  1. All you have to do to remove the 1/48 canopy is to pull it sideways when you are sliding it down into position. It will pop right out. I have done it on accident on my VF-1A Hikaru about 20 times... damnit They snap in and out quite nicely. Merrell
  2. Macrossmerrell

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    All I care about is that it says 1/60th Scale, and 2004!!!! Merrell
  3. You Betcha! The Hovertank was rereleased in about 1994 in the exo-squad line. I got one off ebay for about 100 bucks MISB!!! The original Matchbox one was better IMO, the exo-squad version is all "battle-damaged" up. If you like that look, then go for it, otherwise, get the Matchbox one. No Veritech Hover Coptors were ever made Merrell
  4. I didn't have to push the back plate in to make the fast packs to stay up. That is what the little back neck piece is for. You use it and the little clip hook to hold the FP mount in place. Merrell
  5. I wuz lucky. No beauty mark on mine, only the face seam and the crooked Skull emblem. Merrell
  6. Got my first valks off of ebay waaay back when the VF-19, 21, 11B came out. Then I found VF1X.com and gave Jerry a bunch of my money. Then I found Kevin at Valkyrie-exchange.com and gave him lots of my money, then I found Tmpanime.com and am currently giving Tamim lots of my money... So what has it been, 4 years and about 3500 bucks later, I am a happy macross collector. Merrell
  7. Only thing I broke was my VF-11B, but with some small precision metal screws, a washer, some filing and a dab of super glue, you can't even tell it was ever broken. Does all kinds of good poses now and is strong as hell! Merrell
  8. 1/72 - 7 1/60 - 10 1/48 - 4 Others - i.e. bandi 1/72 - 4 1/55 - 9 plus I have some other unmentionables Merrell
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