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Everything posted by Macrossmerrell

  1. I keep getting page not found errors during checkout at HLJ
  2. Macrossmerrell

    Hi-Metal R

    I got 3 from AmiAmi, and I'm out!
  3. Macrossmerrell

    Hi-Metal R

    I managed to snag one after 100 failed attempts to get to / through the checkout process @ Amiami.
  4. Anime Export. Happened to be there at the right time.
  5. I managed to acquire a mint in box Yamato VF-4G Lightning III. Got it for a "steal" as it has been opened to ensure everything was in there I am one happy camper!
  6. WOW it's a sad day for Macross World collectors. Kevin was definately a diamond in the rough! I too bought at least 1/2 my Macross stuff from him. (Thanks for offering up my latest and final acquisition from Valkyrie Exchange of the MPC Blue Alpha and clear 1/48 fast pack parts!!!) I sure am going to miss you buddy! You always went above and beyond and I for one am grateful to have done business with you, and wish you and your family all the best!!! Sincerely, Merrell
  7. IT Resource Manager. Idaho pay aint the best, but it's a job and it's close to family. So it's what I do. Merrell
  8. LOL, I was thinking along the same lines... I'm NOT going to save up for Taka GBP-1S now... I'll be happy with my yammy version! Merrell
  9. I just got wOOd... Merrell
  10. Thanks Graham! All I can say after looking at those pictures is.... BBBBOOOOIIINNNNGGGGG!!!!!! Merrell
  11. I wish I still had the pics, but I took mine apart, went down to my local Ace Hardware and bought some tiny machine screws and nuts. Drilled all the way through, carved out the inside of the nose area, superglued the nut in the nose area. I sanded down the hip joints and then glued the sucker together, put the longer screw all the way through to the glued nut, screwing it through. Now both hip joints are solid as a rock. My 11B can even sit "Indian" style now while he reads the paper and drinks a beer. Merrell
  12. Schweet Taka!!! I'll be picking up a set for sure! Merrell
  13. Yes I would love 1/3000 Macross stickers! Merrell
  14. quack - quack HAHA! That is EXACTLY what I was going to type before I read further down on the posts!!!! Merrell
  15. Here are the pics incase you decide to go back and change yours. Here you can see the break, where I initially superglued it before drilling it out to put the machine screw through: Here is a shot of the inside of the fuselage where I cut away some of the plastic structure support and put the nut on the machine screw: Second shot of the same: This one is a bad pic, but I shaved down some of the white Hip Joint cushion material around the edge to give more flexibility to the hip: Here is what the screw and shaved down ball joint look like: Finally, my VF-11 would like to @SS you a question: Peace! Merrell
  16. Yeah, not as much fun with 2 people, but its all good. I generally play an NPC or two and she generally plays two characters (she is really good at coming up with personalities for them). We don't play often, but I love writing the games up. I designed a bunch of sheets that give basic stats with additional modifiers for all NPC mecha including VFs, enemies, and every Rifts mecha up till I quit buying the books. Make for smooth, easy RPGing. Merrell
  17. I still enjoy playing Macross (err Robotech) Palladium style. I even wrote a full 20 some odd page and still growing Macross II coversion book for the Rifts Universe. Was schweet. Every now and then the wife and I bust out the RPG books and play. I waiting for my daughter to get old enough so she can play too! Merrell
  18. LOL, When my hips broke on the VF-11, I drilled all the way through the fuselage, inserted a machine screw, but a nut on the end and sanded the hip ball joints down. Now I have a fully poseable VF-11! and no possibility of breaking! wOOt Merrell
  19. I'm live in Idaho. Probably the only Macrossworld member residing here in Potato land. Merrell
  20. I can tell you from experience (I have both), the dremel is NO WHERE NEAR as powerful as the B&D if you decide to do anything heavy duty with it. The B&D is easier to handle as well. My 2 cents, Merrell
  21. Thanks sir! I appreciate it!! Merrell
  22. Hi all, Got my airbrush, a bunch of Macross kits (some resin) and I need to know the best online places to get Taymia paints, resin primer, etc. Where do you guys get it from? Thanks all! Merrell
  23. Hi bud, Go to ebay, do a search for "Airbrush City", then do a list all sellers items. They have really good packaged deals. I got one awhile back with a craftsman 1.5gallon compressor, regulator, evap filter, a 3 airbrush hookup, 2 cheapy single action brushes, 1 Badger copy, and a Passche VL for like 176. they have new ones with a blue 1 gallon air tank compressor w/ airbrushes in your price range. Merrell
  24. WOWo... those gunz are HUGE! Hello boys! Well howdy ladies! LMAO! Merrell
  25. I am 28, and I have 12 1/60th, 12 1/72 M+, 9 1/55, 6 1/48 and 4 armor sets, SDF-1 1/3000, and a chit load of wobotek stuff (i.e. ExoSquad, Super Poseables, MPCs, SD, etc). If its Macross Related, I collect it. Merrell
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