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Everything posted by valiantknight

  1. I had the same issue with my Roy 1s when I got it, I went htrough overdrive and got the entire arm and shoulder assembly for 13 bucks shipped ems from japan, took a couple weeks but it was worth it. I have the 1j but honestly haven't taken it out of the box yet. I'm hoping that my tv max 1a and the vf1d don't have any issues. vk
  2. the small ring that the shoulder pin goes through on mine was broken out of the box. I was pretty ticked, but over drive is the bomb the got me the entire arm assembly for 13 bucks shipped ems from japan.
  3. thanks Guys That worked great.
  4. I recently got a fold booster set and have been having issues with the leg armor. When I put it on in fighter mode it doesn't stay in place correctly when you try to snap the wings into place on it. Is anyone else having this issue or am I doing something wrong. VK
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