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Everything posted by Sorata

  1. Its up for download now but in 7 pieces not a complete torrent, once i finish and verify its the right file Ill give the link to those who PM me
  2. Yeah but I was in a hurry and not thinking. I may do that later and make them at a higher resolution like say 2400 or so.
  3. Ill try to scan the illustarations when I get my scanner cleaned up a bit. Also a tip for the shop, Sheryl appears most often after you earn a SS and items in the shop are cheaper with her than Ranka. So afr I have beat Zero, Frontier, Dynamite 7 and Macross working on DYRL now. Game is tough at times but easier than the first, I have mostly all ss ranks and about 4 s ranks. EDIT Here you go let me know if you need bigger resolutions, note I dont have a account so these can only be downloaded 10 times let me know if the link dies and you want them. http://rapidshare.com/files/288360368/photo0001.jpg.html http://rapidshare.com/files/288361048/photo0002.jpg.html http://rapidshare.com/files/288361721/photo0003.jpg.html
  4. Thought i'd quit playing just long enough to send you pics of the limited edition. Sorry my good camera isnt here at the moment. I may later after a play session go put it on my scanner. And yes FP Klan is in the game in some form saw her on the loading screens.
  5. All right just got tracking info on mine should arrive either Thursday or friday! Edit :Dang it in the US already but not here yet, the wait is killin me after seeing what it looks like on a PSP above.
  6. Here I downloaded and put it up for you guys in mp4 http://rapidshare.com/files/277922252/____...____PV.mp4.html http://www.megaupload.com/?d=O4P8K1CI
  7. Opening Song Burning fire http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTE4MDgzMTM2.html This is for those who cant use nico like me
  8. Yeah he said it was specifically for the VF-25G Mikhail Custom.
  9. Well my order finally arrived today, here are the pics of them (boxed unfortunately as of this posting I had to rush out the door, and could not open them, got called into work, Ill display them later and pose them for pics, also some are Yamatos but what the heck they were in the box together) Unfortunately the SV-51 Ivanov and, 1/60 Roy with Strike Set havent arrived yet. PS dont knock my camera skills to much I didn't have alot of time. They will be joining the ranks of the Yamato 1/60 Roy VF-0S w/Ghost , SV-51 Nora, Queadlunn-Rau Miria, Yamto 1/72VF019A VF-x2, Yamato 1/48 Super & Strike Parts for VF-1 Valkyrie, VF-1S Roy, VF-1A Cannon Fodder, VF-1 Armored Set. Hey he is also shipping me a small box with a replacement part for the VF-25G set from Bandai themselves, have you guys heard of that? He says they gave one out per every VF-25G that the dealers like him had to use to replace a part that quality control identified as easy to mess up on the VF-25G. He didnt say what part it was other than it was small.
  10. Hey guys quick question. I am gonna get these stands for my valkyrie collection so I wanna know what size stands do you guys usually use? I need about 5-7 of them for my Valkyries with no stands. Edit nevermind just saw where you guys prefer the 2.5 and 4" ones.
  11. Yep 11.5" SBR registered with BATFE just waiting on the stamp to return so i can pic them up Wow LD I have never even seen a LD.
  12. Refinanced my house to buy 2300 worth of Bandai and Yamato Valkyries: 1/60 Yamato YF-19, YF-19 Fold set, YF-21, VF-22S Gamlin, VF-1S, VF-11B, Bandai 1/60 VF-25F, Tamashii Super Sets both versions, VF-25S Armored, VF-25G, RVF-25, Galia IV set and Ghost Weapon Set. Theyll go good with my old 1/48 Yamato sets and the Macross Zero Valkyries I got, it also lowered my intrest rate and allowed me to buy a gas piston upper and suppressor for my AR, by the way could you guys help mme get an excuse to explain it to my family... kinda didnt tell em. Imported all the games since the PS One titles, Own all the Blur ray releases so far. Getting a Macross tatoo this year too just gotta decide where I want it. The AR is my Macross collection insurance policy.
  13. About 1000 flat, over priced but hey they were the only guys who had them all as a set.
  14. Well I just joined the owners club after a long wait I just bought these -> Bandai Chogokin DX 1/60 GE-47 VF-25S with Armored Pack, VF-25F, GE-44 VF-25G Super, RVF-25 Super, Ghost Set, Gallia 4 Set, and Tamashii Web Shop exclusive- Super Set VF-25F and S. I'll post a pic of them all together when thay arrive.
  15. Yeah I preordered it too but I may also preorder the regular version to have the other cover...darn macross stuff you just gotta have it all.
  16. Well its not a for sure thing till Bandai-namco announces it. It could be a port to another system of a previous ACE game or a new ACE game. However no other Bandai-namco product has those initials as its name, some people tried to say it was a new Ace Combat but the abreviate their title AC and some said they think its a new game using the title ACE which is also very unlikely. One person commented that its listed as a PS3 action title but I cant find where they got that from.
  17. http://superrobotwar.wordpress.com/2009/06...-new-trademark/ Its old but I just now noticed it. look at the last name they registered, I hope its actually another ACE game and we can fly new Macross Valkyries from Frontier.
  18. I am quite plaesed to hear this
  19. Watch the new Haruji Suzumiya episode being aired and the second of the new episodes you seen Kyon yelling 'Kakaizaki" at 11:45 onward as he peddles a bike loaded with fireworks and launches them off in an italiano circus. You can find the episode subbed here http://www.chihiro-subs.com/2009/06/24/haruhi-02v2-released/
  20. Here is a larger version for the Sheryl fans http:// danbooru.donmai.us/data/43e933b1a49e718a1ac258d1975cfccd.jpg remove the space from the name otherwise it doesnt seem to work.
  21. Could always turn this to a sketch and make those floating arms belong to another pilot standing behind her
  22. Finally finished the DL, it stoped at 99.5 % yesterday as the seeder got off line. I will post a review when I edit this post. The review wont be graphic but will just be a star rating as thats the only way I can think to do one. I give it 4 Sheryls, the costumes were well done the actor for Sheryl and Ranka were good but Alto needs a new actor, length is 2 hours. I just fast forwarded through it for now and will be seeding it 24-7 for at least a month for those who wanna download it.
  23. Links sent enjoy
  24. Yeah I'm downloading it now, its awful popular, 3000+ peers and over 578 kB/s
  25. Baxley Georgia. Yeah I am registered at the site.
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