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Everything posted by Sorata

  1. Sorata

    Macross 30

    Great I go to be for one minute and miss it Playasia wants too much compared to AmiAmi then add the 20-40 dollar shipping no thanks unless I end up with no choice.
  2. http://kotaku.com/5937492/beautiful-classic-missile-spam-in-this-new-macross-game Kotaku mentioning the DYRL bluray game.
  3. Omae o Otaku ni Shiteyaru kara, Ore o Riajuu ni Shitekure! manga chapter 2 page 12 http://mangafox.me/manga/omae_o_otaku_ni_shiteyaru_kara_ore_o_riajuu_ni_shitekure/c002/12.html
  4. Well just got my Choujikuu Yousai Macross Ai Oboete Imasu ka Hybrid Pack Limited Edition in from NCSX but wont open it till I hear back from them. It arrived damaged The package it was shipped in was undamaged by UPS but the product inside is obviously split at the top of the collectors box above Hikaru's VF along the top seam, afraid it could be damaged inside too. It was obviously like this prior to shipping just must have been over looked whe they put it in the box. Hoping they will exchange it if they still have any left thats why I havent opened it.
  5. Just went to my favorite scan site for manga and guess what Choujikuu Yousai Macross the First Manga is up already.
  6. Also that other VF-25A in top left has a squadron symbol. It looks like the greek symbol for Delta.
  7. If I got time later I'll buy cables to direct capture game video. Then maybe film the contents from the limited edition. Thats if I can, most of my time these days are spent testing ammo at the range.
  8. Guess this counts as a spoiler on the game on the bluray so...
  9. Just got my limited edition in here in Georgia. May be I should be a jerk and film me flipping through the booklets etc. May be Ill do that after work monday. I love the two PS3 themes but the text really should have been black its too hard to see.
  10. Yeah me too. Total came to 155 for the limited edition. 38 bucks of that was EMS shipping but it will be worth it
  11. Yes US and Japanese Blu-rays share the same region coding. Where did you order the super set from?
  12. I assume this is the Bluray Hybrid Superdimensional Pack? thats the one I ordered. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=TVG-PS3-1018&template=default/product/e_display.html
  13. Do you guys know how i can tell which season it is for this date guide? I see four number when in a scene and three when choosing events I guess at the event choice screen the large number is the month the next below it is year and day? http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww22.atwiki.jp%2Fmacross_psp%2Fpages%2F25.html Never mind figured it out, man its too early in the morning for this.
  14. Intro and first 11 minutes of gameplay footage http://www.gamersyde.com/news_another_century_s_episode_r_videos-9830_en.html
  15. Apology email from playasia. Luckily mine shipped a day early of release so mine is on the way but it appears others arent so lucky at playasia. Pre-Ordering @ Play-Asia.com - Explanation and Apology - A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode R Recently, with the release of A.C.E.: Another Century's Episode R, some flaws in our pre-order management have been exposed. Please read through this letter and please rest assured that we take all the necessary steps to not have this matter repeated again in the future. What went wrong Cause A Many of you are placing pre-orders to ensure smooth and earliest delivery. Pre-ordering also helps us to gauge customer interest in a product and to use this as a forecast of how big our purchase orders need to be. But placing purchase orders can be a nerve-wrecking business for our purchasers because they can never get right. Buy too many and we sit on stock that is selling slowly or not at all, buy too little and we can't ship out to you and you are angry with us with every right of being so. Plus purchasers need to place their orders many months in advance. Our purchases where, although barely enough under perfect circumstances, on the low side. Cause B A simple way to decide in which priority orders are shipped is by having the order with smaller order number shipped first. This is a very simple thing to do and we have followed this for many years. However, around a year ago, we changed our tactics slightly and did not only use the order number for priority evaluation, but a mix of order number and order modification log. As many of you know, an order at Play-Asia.com can be changed before it is being shipped. Say, a customer who pre-orders Item #1 very early on, but not Item #2, will be early in the pre-order list, regardless of which items they may add to the order at a later stage. If they then choose to change the order to include Item #2 they would get it shipped before others although they didn't order Item #2 until very late. We felt this was unfair to those who order their items early on and this is why this change has been made. Cause C Our main shipment was unfortunately delayed in Japan and thus only additional, smaller shipments arrived. What happened Now, combine a poor purchasing forecast from A, with our operation procedures as laid out in B, and a shipping delay from C, we had a situation where not many orders at all could be shipped on release day. On top of that, many orders did not ship that should have as our procedures put less emphasis on the order number. In fact, since we established this procedure a year ago we have never had much complaint but at the same time never faced a situation where our main shipment was delayed and only small secondary shipments arrived until 3 days past release date. Conclusion 1. We have reverted our systems back to order number based and will monitor to make sure that those who order early are also getting their products early. We have also in planning more features to make your pre-order experience a better one and will update all our customers about these changes in the near future. 2. We will improve our purchasing operations to not have this unfortunate event of missing of the main shipment delaying all orders again. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and hope it can be forgiven. As a token of appreciation, all orders of A.C.E. : Another Century's Episode R that ship on Saturday 21st of August will include a small free gift. As an update on the shipping situation of said game, all pre-orders clear today and we receive further stock on Tuesday which will cover the pending orders and we forecast to ship new orders from stock on Wednesday, August 25th. Please continue to give us your support and pre-order from us in the future.
  16. Yeah mine shipped last night
  17. Yeah I posted in the wrong thread. But good news I already preordered ACE R yep they will both be worth it.
  18. Thanks Keith for the link in the movie thread. Preordered
  19. Man I really gotta find a place to preorder it now. Those Pics are great.
  20. I think off my head it is but the US and Japan share both game and movie Regions on Bluray, Region 1, It plays my Japanese Macross Frontier blurays fine
  21. So getting this now to find a spot to order it.
  22. PV 2 is to air July 20th from what I have read. EDIT new screens- few days old seems we were behind in noticing- also the site updated to show the Original Mech http://www.gpara.com/comingsoon/ace-game_r/100625/ http://superrobotwar.wordpress.com/2010/06/16/this-week%e2%80%99s-famtsu-magazine-4/ http://superrobotwar.wordpress.com/2010/06/03/this-week%e2%80%99s-famtsu-magazine-3/ http://game.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/20100625_376784.html
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