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Everything posted by Sorata

  1. Looking forward to it
  2. Sorata

    Macross PS2

    http://faqs.ign.com/articles/496/496660p1.html http://faqs.ign.com/articles/458/458775p1.html Will that do the Job?
  3. Try Yesasia.com or a reputable ebay store that imports. I got All my import games from ebay for the same cost as they come out in japan with no problems, got the ACE 1 collectors set that way.
  4. This pic of the game is from superrobotwar.wordpress.com showing the original mech in the game by mecha designer, Yanase Takayuki http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/4439/srwhotnewsqe6.jpg EDIT And Some magazine pics: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/5879/ace33resizeih7.jpg http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/4851/ace32ev2.jpg http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/2061/ace31na6.jpg Better Scans: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/Stu...oyer/ace3_1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/Stu...oyer/ace3_2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/Stu...oyer/ace3_3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/Stu...oyer/ace3_4.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/Stu...oyer/ace3_5.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/Stu...oyer/ace3_6.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v481/Stu...oyer/ace3_7.jpg The Game Comes with Special Visual Booklet "A.C.E. Ultimate Library" The game will also feature the following theme songs: Heats - Shin (Change!) Getter Robo King Gainer Over! - Overman King Gainer In My Dreams - Brain Powerd Realize - Gundam SEED Dreams - Gundam X Resolution - Gundam X Trust You Forever - G Gundam Last Impression - Gundam W: Endless Waltz Yume Iro Chaser - Metal Armor Dragonar Dunbine Tobu - Aura Battler Dunbine Information High - Macross Plus Turn A Turn - Turn A Gundam Days - Eureka Seven sakura - Eureka Seven My Boyfriend Is A Pilot Part 1 - Macross: DYRL? Plus 9 other songs… Videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsySp3t0imA Unit List: OVERMAN KING GAINER King Gainer Dominator Enperanza AFTER WAR GUNDAM X Gundam X Gundam X Divider Gundam Airmaster Gundam Leopard Gundam Virsago Gundam Ashtaron MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM Gundam Full Armor Gundam MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM SEED Freedom Gundam Justice Gundam PSALM OF PLANETS EUREKA SEVEN Nirvash typeZERO Nirvash typeZERO spec2 Nirvash typeZERO spec3 Nirvash typeZERO theEND Terminus typeR909 ∀ GUNDAM ∀ Gundam Turn X GETTER ROBO ARMAGEDDON Shin Getter-1 Shin Getter-2 Shin Getter-3 MACROSS PLUS YF-19 YF-21 METAL ARMOR DRAGONAR Dragonar-1 Custom Dragonar-2 Custom Dragonar-3 (season 2) Falguen MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM CHAR'S COUNTERATTACK νGundam ReGZ Sazabi Jagd Doga (Gyunei) Jagd Doga (Quess) MOBILE FIGHTER G GUNDAM God Gundam Master Gundam THEATRICAL MARTIAN SUCCESSOR NADESICO The prince of darkness Black Salena Yatenkoh NEW MOBILE REPORT GUNDAM W Endless Waltz Wing Gundam Zero (EW ver.) AURA BATTLER DUNBINE Billbine Dunbine SUPERDIMENSIONAL FORTRESS MACROSS DO YOU REMEMBER LOVE? VF-1S Valkyrie/Hikaru VF-1S Valkyrie/Focker VF-1S Valkyrie/Max BRAIN POWERD Yuu Brain Hime Brain Nelly Brain WINGS OF REAN Nanajin Oukaoh ACE ORIGINAL Ichsblau
  5. Yeah appears so look at the date and time he posted and joined they match. Edit he posted the same here too http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...6412&st=160
  6. What can I say I was running low on material after being come at with a shank that day after a 16 hour shift the day before and my regular 12 hour shift that day. As my boss' say: rule 1 your not superman, rule 2 call for backup, rule 3 when backup arrives paybacks a ..... Besides someone had to say it
  7. "For the last time your name is Hikaru, and thats Misa. I dont know who the he** this Rick and Lisa are you keep talking about!" "OWNED!!! You noob my skills are 1337!" "Hikaru if you ever wanna be a great pilot like me you have to do three things. Be unafraid to fly drunk and for god's sake man slap the taste out of Minmay's mouth! Oh and Misa you take care of the third. (*wink* *wink*)"
  8. This is the one I plan to get myself this year once I have cleaned it up a bit more in photoshop which I suck at. My only doubt now is were to place it I was thinking my left upper shoulder facing out ward like a squadron patch or maybe on my left shoulder blade or left breast of my chest. I got this from a fan sub of Macross 7 Episode 1 and had to clean it up in photoshop to remove the subs cause I am too lazy to dig out my dvd and get a clean image of it.
  9. Mr March any plans to add Milia's VF-11 to the Macross 7 VF-11 Entries? Yeah i know thats the last thing you need more color variants. It appears in Macross 7 P-L-U-S episdoe Top Gamlin.
  10. Its the 305th if my memory is correct off hand as the golden eagles is earned in the arena. Feel free to try hell mode its fun but if you get stuck then I'll tell you a cheat I learned after I beat it the hard way.
  11. Once you beat hell mode or if you already have the F-15J and DJ look me up online and we can go unlock the last plane you only get on live. We can do co-op base attack versus the Ai to get it I'll explain more if you want to try when your ready. Right now i am replaying the whole game as my file go deleted when it was saving and the power went out. And my pilot had full maxed stats EDIT live tag Sorata
  12. Go here http://un-spacy-qmtdb.com/ and click on the Macross then on the next page click on either Macross Mecha manual or UN Spacy QMT Database which are on the left side of the page next to the word email and look like banners. then from there just click on what you want to see by series if you went to the mecha manual or by the name in the QMT Database.
  13. Are you refering to him constantly covering Sound Forces butt, saving the group in Operation Stargazer or discovering the Spiritia gathering weapons in the enemy Variables, or bringing Basara back from acoma Or flying Mylene around in the Jamming Bird or....... Not to start a rabid debate as this type of question usually results, in one but dont you guys think that even Basara was hinting to Mylene that she actually was in love with Gamlin rather than him but just didnt realize it. An example is his response to Mylene in Episode 46 after she saves Gamlin when Basara says that she "doesnt get it" when Ray told her her feelings got through to Gamlin. Add the fact she gave her charm to him, and she wore his ring however she does seem confused as in episode 49 she said she like both of them equally. But I think her feelings for Basara is more admiration and a crush and wish to be like him in some ways than anything else.
  14. Helps if you an ex Navy aviator like me The griffen C if i remember just has improved avionics over the A and mid air refuel but in game there is no air refuels. The F-35B (the Marine version) can use VTOL in the game both on land and the carrier. Just hit the left d pad and throttle up or down for Veretical take off and landings and for carrier ops do a vertical landing but for takeoff just throttle up as usual like you do for the F-18E and it will auto kick in and out of vtol as you fly off the end of the carrier without need to use the catapult or lift straight up. EDIT: get the SU-33 and do like me save all its replays with the prefix VF11, oh in game you can use it for carrier ops unlike the real thing.
  15. Yes you unlock the SU 33 in a big boss fight in the arena. Its special is the AOA limiter. Some fighters are unlocked by a 2nd play thorugh by playing some missions a second time like the mission you get the Griffen and Mig 29 in played again in a new play through unlocks the Mig 29S and Griffen C. I have all the planes but one which i can only unlock in live play with a team mate and unfortunately it takes time and its hard to find a guy to play with. To do a second play through go to the main menu choose new game and save over your previous file and you keep all your stats and old planes. heres a good site for info on unlocking planes : www.gamefaqs.com
  16. According to the Japanese site it is a Xbox 360 exclusive. Personaly I thought over G was ok and would like to combine it with elements of Macross for the PS2 to create the ultimate realistic Macross game.
  17. My "didnt like it" was refering to Big West and Bandai approaching him to work on Macross II but he declined and did not wish to create a follow up to Macross at that time but Big west went ahead without him. He may have never seen the finished version that we saw, of that I am uncertain but I do remember him mentioning they approached him and others who worked on the original series and based on the concepts for it and the fact they did not wish to make a follow up series at that time they didnt like it and they all declined but the two individuals I mentioned in my previous post. I remember reading this in an interview by Kawamori but cant remember the source or i would post it, i also should have made my previous post clearer, I am a bad typer as i type way slower than I think and often cut my post and thoughts short when posting on the net. But as for the "it really sucks" etc yeah thats opinion and to each their own.
  18. Plus most of the people who worked on Macross like Kawamori didnt like it and didnt have their input on it and Macross II deviated from the overall plan for Macross. Shoji Kawamori had no interest in doing any more followups to SDF Macross at that time. Studio Nue was not involved, and of the original staff, only Haruhiko Mikimoto and one of the original screenwriters who I cant find his name decided to work on Macross II which Big West and Bandai decided to do themselves based on the Macross franchise for money. Also if it was canon then the Marduk would have been part of the ancient people that made up the Protoculture or a splinter off shoot of the Zentradi race.
  19. Lucas also made Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic for Xbox is canon (Kotor I atleast he didnt say this about Kotor II) also the new upcoming Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 game Star Wars Unleashed is canon he is personally working on that game and it fits the gap between episode 3 and 4. But yeah Macross II isnt canon.
  20. I have a version of VOXP as a 345mb exe file that already has the no cd crack installed and has working in game music. If it was combined with your version from the above blog site then you would get the full game all the mods and addons and working in game music in one file.
  21. Yeah did both paths years ago but I can see the good ending thats all. But the dex drive took care of the VF-11C Armored for me and it appears I didnt miss alot with the good ending.
  22. Ya mine used to do the samething. I don't own the game anymore so I can't try it on my Japanese PS2. Man well now I dont feel like I was cheated since this is so common.
  23. Okay if these are stupid question just kill me. I have Macross VOXP, but I cant find the downloads for it at all I went to http://www.angelfire.com/mac/mvo/ but all their links are broken. I tried a net search and cant find them. Do you guys know a place that would have a patch, english translation, or VF downloads for this game? Edit well no need for the translation I figured it out well enough. As for the patch I dont need it either my version is already version 1.2 Only thing I need to find are Valkyrie like Maxs etc. My version already has the VF-1J Millia, and QF-3000E and VF-1DS but no VF-1J Max. Having a time figuring out the Fly alone screen. EDIT: Never mind Max's VF was there. I just needed enough points to unlock it to use.
  24. Thanks. For the info.
  25. Thanks for the reply. The female wingman is the one I always used though, but if the ending is just a static image then I guess its no big loss as the dex drive will take care of getting the VF after the scene ends.
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