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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. yeah dude.. good way to cover your ass on an obviously racist remark...
  2. you guys don't know a goddamn thing about cars.. try saying AWD isn't useful on the track to every 911 that won Le Mans. I drive an A4 Quattro and I can tell you the benefits of AWD too, it doesn't benefit just offroad rally cars. My last car was a RWD Infiniti and I take the same route home from work as I do in my newly bought Audi and I take all the turns at the same speeds, sometimes faster, and I still haven't been able to get my car to spin a tire like I could in my Infiniti. the bottom line is if the Skyline is too expensive don't buy it, the two of you need to stop trying to be such smartasses.
  3. the skyline performs like mofo. SMOKES the old ass Toyota Supra. its AWD, I hope you know the difference between the two.. It set an autobahn record of 200mph+ a few years ago that beat the speed previously set by a RuF Porsche. and the Skyline lineage is actually older than the Mustangs, going waay back to the sixties. and yeah I know, for the money you could get a lot more exotic LOOKING european sports car. but thats not the point of the skyline, its cool cuz it still looks like a car, its a sleeper. i've never liked the interior on them though. I guess for 90 grand (the cost of an imported R34 Vspec) you could get a Porsche turbo, but its all about what your into. I see Porsches everyday up here in carlsbad, but I've never seen a skyline in the US. that'd be pretty sick to roll in one of those cuz it would be so rare.
  4. I third that.
  5. I saw that article about that Skyline.. damn that car is bad and will always be my fave. and yeah- that new Mustang is crap. sooo cheap looking. and those spindly toothpick looking wheels some of them come with suck. waay too small. the back end of the new stang sucks, just a giant round piece of plastic. and the frond end sucks too, I can't believe they couldn't do anything more creative than just giving it round headlights set behind a square piece of plexiglass.. so retarded.. no balls..
  6. thats funny.. cuz the last time I check I was the one who started this thread..
  7. exactly! I couldn't put my finger on it but you hit it right on the head.
  8. just saw pics of the 2006 Eclipse and must say I like it. They messed up the last one so bad I'm glad they changed it. course its waaay too jelly bean to be a real sports car, but they never have been anyways. besides its FWD anyways.. so they just did a good job in the looks department, but the performance took a step back.
  9. Its not for anyone to tell anyone anything to do. Unless they're a mod. so stfu. you wanna disrupt or derail a thread like Fearyaks do it over PM, not trolling.
  10. thats a sweet ass that thing has.
  11. blasphemy.
  12. sorry, I meant that Nissan thing looks like a Honda Insight on crack.. and if anyone wants to see the power of Audi, click here: http://members.home.nl/nica23/P1010001.MOV BMW M5 Vs. Audi RS4 Avant... 'nuff said.
  13. I think you guys might expect too much from your Star Wars games... SW: Battlefront sure as hell delivered for me though. I don't even play Halo 2 online much anymore, just Battlefront.
  14. I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.. seriously, that car looks like a Honda Element on crack. I love Infiniti's, had a J30 for several years, but Nissan's a different story. I hate the 350Z and the new Maxima. talk about killing a family tree of previously sweet looking cars.. Only thing new that Nissan is coming out with that caught my eye is the Nismo Frontiers. about time nissan put Nismo in the spotlight like Toyota did with TRD like, um, 15 years ago.. and the Sentra SpecV GT-R thing... oh buddy do I feel sorry for you dude.. sorry to hear your stuck with one of those buwahaha the new limited edition Skyline GT-R is the baddest car evar though. its my fave car ever I think. not a nissan fan but I LOVE skylines to death.
  15. car thread, sweet! I just bought a 2000 Audi A4 1.8T Quattro tiptronic. Fedex'd my ECU to Neuspeed today for a 1.0 bar chip and getting a 710N valve, Beru plugs and snub mount put in on Friday. cars gonna rule Now all I want is xenons and a tip chip. any other Audi guys around here?
  16. I bought this game on Friday too! weird. anyways, I never played the first one so this game wasn't spoiled for me because of hype or expectations. I like it so far. And I seriously wonder if people are critical of this game because they expected so much of it. I feel that if it was anything short of the second coming people would rag on it, and this has proven to be the case. I still have to put another couple hours into it thought cuz I'm still undecided. nothing compares to Star Wars Battlefront though, that game online flat out rules. Talk about gaming for hours on end. guess I'm just more of an action/shooting game fan anyways..
  17. d0od that Cruise Chaser Blassty stuff looks awesome! what console? never heard of it! and Jem, once again I have to lay down a "you a mod? stfu then". thank you
  18. shoo.. bye.. later...
  19. I just can't stand whiney tools who have to chime in with their worthless 2 cents. nobody cares fearyaks.. this thread is already 3 pages long.. go away.
  20. thats a sweet pic >EXO<! whats it from? i love those candid mech shots..
  21. typical inflated price from a UK ebay seller.. don't tell me about exchange rates either.
  22. you a mod? stfu then.
  23. diecast vehicles from Aliens makes me HARD..
  24. wow! what are those?
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