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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. nope.. just a statement based on fact. Hitler was a monster and he didn't like Jewish people and he didn't like your kind either. he was a real mother #ucker.
  2. I would definetly do the salami thing. it would be semi-hard and everything.. I'd get a salami that went down to my knees..
  3. I order that guy to get a life...
  4. Panzer


    I've just been on ebay a long time and have seen and bought lots of crap directly from HK sellers. I've been there too. talk about the capital of the worlds black market.. honestly though, buying an item out of HK should always be your last resort. just find a seller in the US. it may cost a little more but it won't take three weeks to arrive like most stuff from HK. won't come in that "green corduroy" wrapping paper though..
  5. yeah and Hilter gassed lots of homosexuals too so I don't think you'd qualify as a member of the "master race". we still love you though.
  6. I heard it just makes the whole head glow when you turn it on...
  7. Panzer


    a big red flag should have shot up inside your head when you saw that the seller was from HK..
  8. haha thanks for stepping in Lightman.. (top post!!!!!1111111)
  9. But didn't you notice, it was the boys trying to grab his dick, not the girls. Anyway, I'm surprised Michael Jackson never went to teach English in Japan, I'm sure he would have loved a job where young boys try to grab his dick all day . Graham i know.. thats the disturbing part.. I think I would have to wear a cup and a jock strap every time I went to class...
  10. that was a joke. I thought it was quite humorous. I hope you liked it.
  11. yes I am but I didn't mean to sound racist. I was just describing him. he is chinese. and he's skinny. and he's an ass.
  12. Canada: Come for the bacon, stay for the ass or poontang!
  13. yeah just basically REALLY spoiled, pompous rich brats. money makes money. if I had parents that rich I'd have a 9 second car and a motorsport company too.
  14. hey different countries, different cultures. the legal age for consent in Holland is 12. its 18 here but when in Rome..
  15. don't ever speak the words "Yamato" and "Toynami" in the same breath ever again. I don't even feel comfortable typing them that close together...
  16. dude, that guy is really funny! now I really want to go to Japan and teach english while I still have the chance! 15 year old japanese chix grabbing my dick and asking "biggu dikku??"!! hell yeah!!!
  17. I've heard about the bogeyman, but I don't believe it. WAAH WAAAH WAAAAAH That last one made 980rwhp on the stock block. I know all those #uckers. these guys too: www.wotm.com fast cars (9 second Supras) but douche bag drivers. almost had to beat Ryans ass once in HS. I'm sure his skinny little chinese ass would have just sued anyways..
  18. and this is related to "other anime and science fiction" how...?
  19. reliabilty is a factor too. its one thing to have a 900+hp Supra that you won't take to the grocery store because you're scared it'll blow up and its another thing to own a million dollar Bugatti you can drive across the entire continent of europe without having the thing break a sweat or foul a spark plug.
  20. damn thats cool.. talk about a holy grail!!
  21. I wanna get this one. I picked up the Clone Wars/Tetris disk yesterday at game crazy for $5!!! w000t I also play lots of Kotor II and SW Battlefront online.. that game is my friend (top post!!)
  22. ^^ wouldn't be my first choice but I'm sure its an amazing driver.
  23. beautiful.
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