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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. clearly, your idea of "cool" and "sophistication" and mine are two VERY different things...
  2. teh graffix are suxx0r. must be the PS2 screenshots..
  3. I'm just trying to point you in the right direction. I think you need to set your soul free and and give in to your inner most desires. I had a cousin who did this and his life was certainly more "fulfilling" after he answered his true calling.. I'm not coming on to you, I'm just a concerned and helpful (straight btw) MW'er.
  4. ewwww Yukikaze: The Unreleased Prison episode!
  5. dang dude.. that car doesn't look half bad. I got the idea for putting xenon in an old '80s car last week myself when my buddy was talking about buying a CRX Si.. I though it'd be hilarious. people wouldn't know what the hell it was at night.. soo... you have an NSX too? dang
  6. d00d... lay off the Initial D...
  7. d00d... Pelican makes the absolute worst crap.. don't buy ANYTHING from them..
  8. I like mine. but if you gaze at the light blue color for too long you begin rationalizing spending $150+ on the regular YF-19 just to see the toy in tan and turqouise...
  9. teehee.. I'm getting a "tip chip" and catback exhaust next week for the A4... can't wait! Already got european headlights, xenon, turbo timer & boost gauge and ECU chip.. just need those other two things and my car will be all done.. for now.
  10. damn.. that would have been cool to see.. the guy deserved to have his car smashed to bits.. I'm still trying to figure out how that guy/girl got that car to spin so many times like that.. i figured with those wide ass tires and racing suspension those cars have it would be very hard to spin. guess not.
  11. theres a bunch of games I want: Ridge Racers Lumines Coded Arms Dynasty Warriors take it from me.. these will be good.
  12. thats just the nerd who owns the comic stores way of showing off his collection.. sure, he'll sell it to you for that price but he's not expecting anyone to buy it..
  13. I have a PSP and ridge racers reserved but won't be buying it because I'm too broke! I've been spending too much money on my new car.. sux.
  14. not to troll... but does anyone here NOT like the new star wars? I watch episode II last night for the first time and well... it was just hollow. I think movie makers need to get back into using animatronics. CGI just does not have a presence or any atmosphere at all for me. Give me an animatronic alien in a rubber suit anyday over something drawn in CG. atleast its "real". I'm not sure how old everyone is on here but I'm old enough to have seen ROTJ in the theaters the first time around so for you younger guys maybe the new films are cool. maybe the old films are cool to me because I saw them when I was young.. who knows. either way though.. the CG doesn't do anything for me. the movie looked like an expensive Star Trek episode.. *end trolling transmission*
  15. speaking of C5 Vettes... I was on highway 8 yesterday about noon heading towards the beach. I look ahead of me down the road aboout 100 yards and and some #ucking idiot in a vette is doing like 720's in the middle of the highway!! guy must have just lost control and over-corrected. he didn't hit anyone either. it was totally insane though..
  16. thats the best description I've heard for the box art. they look like those goddamn photoshop-filter-overloaded rave flyers with the greasy/too glossy paper..
  17. Panzer


    I hate that skinny little chinese guy. not all of them though. I do hate the ones that sell bootleg stuff on ebay though..
  18. yes, I would say a modified 240 can handle better than a Camaro or Mustang but if you don't have power in the straight away you won't win the race. and 240's are pretty slow.
  19. try to get some DNA out of the semen and prosecute this "Hollywood" character for rape...
  20. hahaha 240's...... RWD is such a coveted thing in Japan... to get "super cool JDM RWD" you gotta drive a car thats got the same engine block as a compact pickup... real hot rod ya got there
  21. WHHHHPSSSSS *sound of cracking whip* get back in the appropriate forum!! WHHHHHPSSSSS
  22. Panzer


    Being from Hong Kong should NOT be a red flag for anyone. I've dealt with many HK sellers and they've all been highly reputable and more professional than most of the US sellers I've dealt with. And most of the stuff I've gotten has only taken 1 to 2 weeks to arrive. The only trouble is opening the box and instantly being infected with an exotic flu. well your situation is unique to mine. Whether I'm buying DVD's, video games, R/C and real car parts, Macross toys, you name it I always notice HK sellers trying to pass off bootleg #hit as the real thing. It pretty disturbing but Taiwan doesn't have to observe the same international copyright laws and so vendors on the mainland and HK get lots and lots of stuff from there. I also catch lots of sellers from New York City selling fake garbage. so just be smart and beware these guys. this is after all what the threads about, not some national pride "stick up for HK w00t" thing.. (top post again!!!111 Like the 10th one so far!!!11)
  23. I'm going to give the Audi an intensive One Grand polish/carnuaba wax treatment on Saturday. I sure as #uck hope it stops raining in San Diego....
  24. yeah.... I was only joking... yeah thats right... "joking".... (top post!)
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