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Everything posted by Panzer

  1. ^^^ thats called the VT-1 & VE-1
  2. my VF-1S re-ish is my favorite valk. i also have a 1/60 Strike and a 1/72 YF-19A but the Bandai takes the cake for me. I regard my yammies as nicely diecasted finished models. one bump and you got hands and armor falling off and paint chipping. its got great detail and poseability, like a model, but they're delicate. (i know this isn't breaking news.. ) the bandai is rock solid and I consider it to be the most accurate representation of the valkyrie because it was the original toy design/vision Kawamori had back in the late seventies. i guess they are saying now that the 1/48 is the perfect transformer but i will always like the 1/55. is it me or does the re-ish feel a little more fragile than the Jetfire? i used to have one back in the day and it seemed more solid, but maybe it was just loosened up from so many transformations. anyways the re-ish's are gorgeous, the painted on markings are really high quality with lots of detail and it has immaculate QC.
  3. Panzer


    wwwhys that? i noticed the budweiser can and had to rewind frame by frame to make sure i wasn't trippin'. in the '80s tho i'm sure ol' Buttwasher was pretty cool in Nihon.
  4. that airbrake makes the VF-O IMHO. such a cool lookin feature.
  5. link don't work for me either..
  6. me? i have: 1/72 = 1 thats it. i sold the rest of my yammies, the rest of my collection is bandais.
  7. ah.. figures, i should have known it was the work of the Zen Master himself. my fave will always be his VF-22S fighter.
  8. ^^^ man thats a gorgeous model. looks REAL..
  9. yes.. very obtuse..
  10. That would be Gaogaigar, he made my list Are you sure that it's Predaking? There are a hell of a lot of other lion-chested robots out there... just checked that site.. there sure are. wowza
  11. this is a nice change of mecha..
  12. i like the way a black background looks on a forum, heres an example: http://forums.insertcredit.com/ feels nicer on my eyes if i've been on a long time.
  13. 4chan rules. nudey pics and mecha
  14. I was wondering what color scheme the re-ish Bandai 1/55s VF-1S has. is the base white color from DYRL or TV?
  15. I kind of understand what you really ment. However, fact is both Yammies and Toynami items are made in China. The toy companies HQ are located in different contries. I think Toynami Alpha has many QC problem. However, Yammi is not far superior either. i guess "designed in Japan" would me more appropriate. makes a world of a difference tho.
  16. please do, i'd like to see too. nothing like a little valkporn to out you in a good mood.
  17. man... i just looked up that Devastator Transformer.. i haven't seen that toy since i was like 10. all it took was one look at that neon puke green color and i got all these old feelings of envy i had when i was a kid cause i never had one and i'd see these other kids with them. i gotta get me one.
  18. hey i'm just sticking up for the other people who are having a good time posting on this thread. i know i get marked, modded and tagged as a troll fer less
  19. hot damn! now wheres the nudey pics? i sure would like to check out that guys hard drive, i bet he's got some cgi rendered vaginal anatomy
  20. as compared to??? jets transforming into giant robots? A gigantic Space Cruiser... changing into a giant robot? A super musclebound guy riding the shockwave of an explosion behind him? Yes.
  21. i think its gettin' there.
  22. i thought they already discovered a dinosaur that looked like this.
  23. now all they need is cease and desist and it'll be complete!
  24. you gotta cool mom. mine bought me a Jetfire with the Macross logos on the fast packs. she also bought me a Milia Joke Machine back in the day. gotta love mom
  25. very nice. if its cool i'd like to do whatever forrest gump did in that movie to get rich like buy some stock in Apple. i'll only need to borrow it for a few hours.. PM me if you think thats gonna be ok
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