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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Me three? if there are any left over.
  2. Yep, its really kind of sad when you look at the big picture. Actually, luckily most of us are older and have the monetary means, I would feel really bad if I was still a kid that loved this (probably more passionately than us old folgies) and can't afford it. It would have been out of my financial realm when I was in highschool when I was first exposed to Macross, I still remember when the Gold Book first came out and I had the first printing in my hands (came back to it for a few weekends to look at it, and admire it) when an adult came in and literally bought it out of my hands. I had to save up for a year to buy it back then - but that memory has never left me!
  3. Wow! The fighter mode looks awesome.... they really pulled it off. Not feeling the other modes though, but I never could even in the lineart.
  4. Wow! Congrats on the coming kid, how do you ever get to build with a 4yr old?! I've basically stopped any and all my hobbies since my daughter was born 5yrs ago. My life has been on hold (and yeah, I AM COMPLAINING... everyday!) - but I see it that eventually in 6yrs, she won't think I'm cool anymore - then I'll get back to my life - I take cool daddy for as long as I can. It's basically toy collecting for the next few years (and model hoarding;-) Invest in a Sil-Air compressor - that's what I got after I threw away my ghetto refrigerator compressor 15yrs ago. It's near silent and has an air reservoir tank that it mostly uses from, the compressor only kicks in to fill it back up - you get really smooth airflow (no puttering at all) and its near silent (even with the compressor going to fill the tank up). I think they're a bit on the expensive side, but they last and its the last compressor you'll ever need.
  5. Thanks Mickyg I love to see your work too! My guess its the Windex - just take it out of the equation - don't use that stuff for anything but cleaning and stripping.
  6. I would have felt better about it if they took the care initially and did it right in the beginning , instead of gouging us fans that took the initial plunge and are now left scrambling for something they should have done in the first place. I'm not happy about paying for failed prototypes, that's what R&D is for. And now, this whole under supply situation just seems like a giant "slap in the face" to me - its not like they didn't have the experience from the F & S renewal release to gauge the current demand.
  7. I love details! Especially when I don't have time to build myself, I can live vicariously through you, thanks. I wouldn't really use Windex to thin down the paint, I use Windex to strip or clean my airbrush of Tamiya acrylic only. I personally think the Tamiya thinner is really designed for airbrush use (its really not that expensive considering how many hours of effort you put into this babies), I believe there are thinners in it that retards the drying process a bit (as acylics tend to dry quickly) which helps in creating that perfectly smoothed self-levelled effect. There should be no textural or "orange-peel" effect at all - if so the paint is either too thick, or the air pressure too high - the worst is when you get a "sand-paper" effect! I've seen Windex breakdown the pigmentation/binders within the Tamiya acrylic if you use too much of it (you see the pigment bits come out of the paint). Plus if its too heavily laden with Windex, it could attack any underlying layer of Tamiya Acrylic you would be painting over. There is no hard and fast rules for ratios of paint to thinner - in fact I find it various according to colour and whether its matte/flat, glossy or metallic paint - however its always between 1:2 and 1:1. Glossy lighter colours need to be thicker as it doesn't cover as well, while matte/flat paints tend to dry too quickly and needs more thinners, and Metallic colours tend to be heavier and needs more thinner to spray nicely through the airbrush. So its kind of a black art to this - but generally, it should have the consistency of milk - that will get you into the right ballpark.
  8. I think you see it happening in Automotive design as well, just compare the latest GM, Ford or Chrysler offerings with German automakers - the Americans have a "ego" design sense where fashion and trends take precedence over form and function.
  9. Wow! Being on the inside and privy to some of these producer/director meetings - he's hit the nail right on the head!! (unfortunately). One of the best explanations I've read - its so true (thanks for bring that to my attention). Also I blame SoCal School of Design churning out concept illustrators that all paint in the same technique - while beautiful, all looks the same. Also being Canadian, that's my 0.97cdn cents
  10. Robots that don't look like Chevy Camaros with thousands of useless parts that just float in thin air and disappear when transforming!
  11. Well, I find everything from Legacy kind of looks like IronMan... (Synths from Total Recall, Suits from Pacific Rim and now the new RoboCop)
  12. Is there any change AmiAmi will open up its pre-orders again? or did I miss that window too?
  13. Argh... I keep getting false alarms (my heart skips a beat when I hear my alarm via Update Scanner) when HLJ keeps updating their Euro pricing...
  14. Yes, me too! I want to correct this too, whenever I get to my next 1/72 VF.
  15. This whole process is so funny... ok I'm dating myself here now. I remember (in an old fogie's voice) when I was in high school, I'd have no news from Japan whatsoever, but every Saturday morning, right after Robotech aired, my friend and I would take the subway downtown to Silver Snails (local Toronto comic book shop) to see what had come in from Japan and it was an exciting surprise! Most weeks, nothing would happen, nothing would come in, but every so often, something came in and it would be like Christmas!! I remember the first time we saw the Perfect Memory or the Gold Book (first printing!) - we weren't frustrated when nothing came in - but flash forward 27yrs later... THIS VF-25G process, with all the information we are now armed seems so much more frustrating. Argh...
  16. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    What a wonderful MW community! Any other takers in the Toronto area?
  17. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    Again, too late to this thread... would anyone want to include me on their HLJ group buy list? Thanks.
  18. Thanks Tober! Unfortunately I was too late... they are no longer for sale at the site ;-( Damn! I was spending time with my daughter on the weekend... I guess you can't have a life outside Macross to be a collector nowadays. (I jumped on the DRYL BluRay only to have them offer them up for cheaper a few weeks later... but it seems like they didn't offer up more DXs of the other VF-25s after the initial pre-order). This is just not fun anymore.
  19. Damn! Missed this one also... here's hoping for HLJ or some kind soul on these boards here to order an extra (preferably in Toronto - I'll give a tour of my models/collection as incentive ;-)
  20. Yes, I designed the robot (Jaeger Conn-Pods) head interiors - the physical sets. Do look for Macross references! I tried to inject as much Japanese Anime sensibilities as I could get away with anyways! Unfortunately, the exteriors were already conceptualized before production started and all the LA concept artists seem to come out of the same school of rendering so everything looks like every other American designed robot. Plus its ILM doing the visual effects, so we've got a bit of that "Transformers" vibe going on - but much better ;-) From an Art Dept. point of view it "looks" amazing! I have some of the concept art, but I am bound by NDAs that will take away my children if I release them! Maybe after the film is released - the new date is July 12, 2013 (on my B-Day!). Everyone go see it - support a fellow MWer... I love iO9's discriptor; "Godzilla + Voltron - Cats = Pacific Rim"
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