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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Wow! That fighter looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing EXO. I guess you'd have to paint the entire thing white for the FB2012 custom (or is it just the moveable surfaces?) - or maybe keep the grey and do a low-viz version maybe where you'd only have to paint the tails. I just hope we can get our hands on one of these beauties here in Canada without too much of a markup.
  2. Thanks, I thought Polar Lights was going to put something out, but haven't heard in a few years. Not that I'm in love with the odd design, but it might be good for completeness. I would love Bandai to do another pre-printed and lit version of this in scale with the others.
  3. Has anyone made a "real" model of this "odd" duck?
  4. WOW! That looks phenomenal! Fantastically clean scheme. Maybe a tiny bit of weathering to give it weight - but amazing job though. More pictures please.
  5. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    Did you pay over $400+ for the VF-25S?!
  6. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    +1 (thanks for the heads up though...)
  7. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    Hey is anyone still monitoring the HLJ link with AlertBox? I'm getting a timeout error; "The server at is taking too long to respond."
  8. I like to shed a little light on the "old=good / new=crap" debate. In the "olden" days a lot of these designs like Star Wars or 2001 had aerospace experts/consultants come in to the art department to consult on the designs. Of course it was film after all, so a lot of these designs were "enhanced/exaggerated" or altered to make them look better to a camera lens or serve the script beats better. In any case, the designs had a original basis that came from experts in their field. Also Production Designers were usually architecturally trained with "real" scenography/production design degrees. However, today, most of these designs come from concept illustrators which are trained in fine arts and digital painting (so cal schools). They know how to make a "sexy" rendering and painting. They could be called upon to paint up a 12th century stone castle one day and design a futuristic robot the other - they're key skill is to portray a seductive image with emotion and lighting - not necessarily any mechanical logic or understanding. I get some of these beautiful paintings come across my desk and everytime I have to look into how a piece "actually" joins or connects, it either fades into darkness or is obscured by a lens flare! To compound matters, a lot of newer hotshot Production Designers today have no architectural background or film/scenography background, they come as friends to directors/producers, set decorators that have moved up, music video or commercial ad designers and just fell into the right place with the right people at the right time. Unfortunately, our present day society is all about the image, not substance anymore. Thus, this culture is reflected in film design as well. IMHO! p.s. don't dwell on this ED-209, its an early concept, I don't even know why Marketing chose it, its not chosen from the Designer or Art Department - I guess someone at Marketing thought it was "neat"! The revised version that I've seen is much better in everyway (heck! I even like it, and would love a model of it!)
  9. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    Perfect! Thanks so much!! (nice avatar BTW ;-)
  10. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    How do you set it to scan for only the "order stop" text on the page? Are you using Update Scanner?
  11. That ED-209 is a very early concept illustration (yes, unfortunately from the same set of concept illustrators from so-cal as all of the recent movies...) - but the newer updated designs of ED-208/9 is much better looking (IMHO). Unfortunately, I didn't have much to do with any of the mech designs on this one (except some various data port connections on the RoboCop suit itself - the bulk of the design work started while I was still on Pacific Rim), I'm working on the Lab in this one so far.
  12. Argh! with all this talk of VF-17 & 171s - just to clarify, are HLJ saying that they will NOT be carrying the web-exclusive VF-4G? Oh, no... if that's the case, especially if amiami isn't going to be carrying Yamato stuff - what are North Americans supposed to do? (finger itching closer to the panic button - as if my hand isn't already there missing out on the VF-25G) ;-(
  13. Yes, please, I would be in for a group buy - any Japanese fans here to help us out?
  14. Yep, its exactly as I designed it because I supervised the construction of the physical sets. However, the CG extensions are done at ILM after my employment with the production - so I will hope they will follow my designs for the virtual world.
  15. I certainly hope it comes with a stand - its getting impossible to find a 1/60 clear yamato stand these days (any hints?)
  16. That's my Conn-Pod in the background!! - get those stupid actors out of the way... they're covering up my set ;-) In fact all the Conn-Pods are mine.
  17. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    I feel like a little schoolgirl everytime I hear the alert... ;-)
  18. wm cheng

    DX VF-25G

    Hah! the site just updated!... damn false alarm - it says HLJ is down for mantenance... Could they be changing that web page to put up the pre-order?! - ah, just wishful thinking... the entire site is down...
  19. I'd spray it some kind of aircraft metal frame colour - it would be pretty hard to glue and file and keep the brass clean and have the same sheen throughout construction. Maybe we could wire up the internals and create a cutaway or combine it with a 1/72 Hasegawa model for the skin in some areas - that would be a huge project!
  20. Wow, kind of interesting to do a complete cut-away - but it must be a bitch to build... I wonder how much?
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