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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. I'm liking the really light grey! Easier to make the FB2012 version...
  2. OMG! That Yamato build is EPIC - I can't believe that's 1/1000 scale - the handrails... I am so humbled. I love that metallic scheme. Truely amazing, thanks so much for the link. Now my 1/350 Bandai seems so plain ;-( Yep, I liked the other earth federation capital ships too.
  3. Slightly off topic here (but I couldn't seem to find a thread dedicated to this) - did anyone see the live action Yamato film 2yrs ago? I loved it, I take it the reaction from Japan or here on these boards was not so favourable - I don't see any discussion of it. Anyways, does anyone know if any models were ever made of the interpretations of that film?
  4. Wow! Fantastic work Derex - beautiful paint job and the weathering is just perfect! What was the base white/grey did you use on that? I have the same photoetched grills and resin fans - it looks great in your photos because you can just make out the fan underneath and it gives great depth. What did you mean by it wasn't worth it? What was the hardest part about fitting those in? Did you paint the interior fan black first, then the grills the light grey and weather over the entire thing with the burnt streaks? I think this is my retirement project ;-) or at least I won't come around to it for another 4yrs (unless I get laid off!)
  5. Same here! Thanks to these forums here (although if it weren't for these forums here, I probably wouldn't know about this release and my baby would have diamond shoes! ;-)
  6. I just checked my pre-order summary and it still says the old price even though their site says "Customers who ordered with the old price will have automatically the new price when sending invoices." I've e-mailed them now about it and await their response. Thanks for the heads up!
  7. What about those SRB boosters? I guess it will be another release to milk the molds eh...
  8. I wish! I haven't had time for models since my daughter was born. I've only had a little time here and there to paint up a toy now and then, but I look forward to the day I can start one of these beauties. For now I'm just a box collector... living vicariously through some of the other master modellers here on these forums. ...some day soon I hope...
  9. Great review Veef (I want one even more now - I didn't know that was possible)! How I'd love to do an oil wash, light weathering and matte clear-coat on that baby and zoom it around the room!! I just wished I had gotten my hands on one, now at over $600 is just too expensive to justify. I hope they do a re-issue with the armor at a reasonable price like $400
  10. I think when you pre-order, I saw an option to pre-pay now or pay just before the item is ready.
  11. I would like a 1/60 VF-2SS please.
  12. My bet would be Bandai... part of their EX collection. I would love it to be Hasegawa though, but I think Bandai has got the rights tied up tight.
  13. Wow! That's amazing for a 4 yr old - maybe I should get a snap tight for my 6yr old daughter.
  14. Anyone with english instructions on the controller layout?
  15. I love that design! I wished there was a good FineMolds kit of it. I had the old AMT/Ertl - what a disaster that was.
  16. eh... looks like a guy in a Crysis suit... not very mechanical at all (from a design standpoint).
  17. +1 Come on Hasegawa... but I'm not holding my breath on that.
  18. Well, what's up with giving us an adapter to a stand we can't even purchase or is out of production?!
  19. It's all relative. Some of the kids around the office spend $400 on the weekend bar hoping and going out for fancy dinners! or some of the old timers easily spend that on a game of golf for the day if you work out their greens fees, membership fees and clubs and divide it by the games they play. I don't drink or play golf or go see a hockey game - at least that's how I'm justifying it! ;-) It's only 4 pairs of shoes for my daughter... she can squeeze into her runners for another year
  20. Thanks for the heads up ... just pre-ordered with NY - even though its one of my fabourite valkyrie designs, I probably wouldn't have done it if I hadn't missed out all those Bandai MF valks! I guess Bandai's stupidity is good for Yamato. If HLJ comes out with it, is there any penalties in cancelling with NY? Do I just not pay up within that 2-3 week prior window and let the order lapse? Is there a more definite estimated release date other than December 2012?
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