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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Hey, anyone want a sneak peek at these badboys come and join me in Stuttgart... http://www.fmx.de/program.html#!/event/1037
  2. Ahh, kindred souls... you know me too well! Yes, I was so happy just to finish the darn thing and get it off my workbench, now the more I look at the crappy photos the more I'm ashamed of the photographs. I am just happy I finished this, but it really tried my patience, never have I broke so many pieces or had so many parts just crack and break on me for no apparent reason (one of the arm cuffs had cracked as well as 3 of the 4 yellow tips to the reaction missiles - I would have never known had I not of done an oil wash, of course the black wash creeped in to expose the hairline cracks!) I don't get it, maybe the plastic deteriorated or something, I just can't explain it. Also some of the decals just flaked off due to handling, you really have to clear coat seal them after the fact - just really poor quality water slide decals from Bandai - I think they were counting on people using the stickers provided. You really do gain an appreciation for the design after you've built one of these, I originally thought it was just to bulky and un-graceful - but know I really do like both modes - can't decide which to keep it in (and can't believe I would go through this hell again to do another one to keep one in each mode - I really believe modellers are sadist!) Thanks for all the praises... it does dull the pain of the build somewhat ;-)
  3. Thanks all, actually the photos are kind of blurry... (I'm not really satisfied with them - just glad its done!) If I get some time in the summer, I'll take it out again with the SDF-1 to take some proper photos of them outside like my older stuff.
  4. Battroid mode! ...and finally, the moment I've been waiting for... the missile doors open BAM! Sorry, not much of a Gerwalk fan, so I skipped it on my way to the Battroid. And its here it shall stay until Bandai re-issues its VF-25S Armored renewal toys and I can actually get my hands on it - which at that point I leave that toy in Battroid mode and re-transform this model back into the aircraft mode (at least that's the plan). Oops, the posting got all screwed up waiting for that time limit to expire while posting and now I can't edit it (the 2nd batch of Battroid pictures, before the missile doors open is supposed to be before the missile doors open but it doesn't show up to let me edit it) - oh well, you guys get the idea.
  5. Well, I can't believe it myself... after 94hrs, finally finished!!! This was a much bigger undertaking that I had originally thought. Full of setbacks along the way if any of you were following along in the Workbench thread. I just wanted to power through this and didn't see the need for a build-up thread partly because I was selfish and didn't have the time and also its so close to the original VF-25F I did before (but easier as it didn't have the alignment problems and modifications). This is a much improved kit than the original fighter mode only kits as the armor contained all the tabs that you needed to lock it into the various modes. I must admit that it did take me 2hrs to transform this baby from the aircraft to the battroid mode - but I was careful to not break anything else and not scratch the paint finish. So without further ado, here are the first batch of finished photos;
  6. Haha! I blame you guys... its the V2 Bandai Renewal VF-25S Armored that everyone was posting (that I missed out on - argh!) that prompted me to build the 1/72 scale model.
  7. Panel line and clear coat all the parts so they're less shiny would be a good basic first step. I wouldn't panel line with the Gundam Markers though, a little too dark and wide - unless you're good at wiping away the excess with alcohol (I think there's a technique for that which I don't know). I'm not sure what you're referring to about not airbrushing, but I wouldn't know how to paint with a regular brush anymore since I almost mask and paint everything tiny thing with an airbrush nowadays. I never use spraycans as its too thick and doesn't afford me the level of control I need. Good luck!
  8. So sorry to hear that Derex - but unfortunately I totally understand... "been there, done that!" My wife doesn't understand why I like to build models as all she hears about are the problems and a constant stream of swearing from the basement! It does seem like more goes wrong that goes right sometimes - maybe the mistakes are just bigger emotionally (at least for me!) but they're how I learned. That is fantastic weathering Myersjessee - beautifully finished as always!
  9. That looks fantastic derex!! Love the eggcartons, they look so good in this use. Did you modify the kit to have 3 landing gears for ANH?
  10. I've posted some shots of my workbench (currently the VF-25S Armored) this thread here... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35120&p=1022950
  11. Have you read my thread here for the VF-25F? They're all pretty much the same basic construction, it'll give you a better idea (skip the modifications if you're a beginner or if you've got the Armored or Tornado version as the locking tabs on the fast packs solve the problems). http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28142 Good luck!
  12. Why don't they just charge a little more and make more. I think I would feel better if I paid the same, but the MSRP was closer to what I was paying - then I would never have known how much the prices have been jacked up in the first place!
  13. Has anyone wrote the director about these concerns? He might not even be aware of Macross as its own separate entity. The e-mail may never get to him, but you never know unless you try?
  14. Thanks so much for the heads up last night!! Got one at $183 (but would of paid what it was this morning too!). Now I can relax till June (peace of mind is worth $30 bucks too!). Now I just hope they'd re-issue the VF-25S & F.
  15. Thank God that fix worked! ... I should of started out on a easier kit. I guess I'm just rusty. But yeah, that's 3 hinges I've broken in the last 2 months - argh! I'm too impatient. However, this is the best of the Bandai bunch (love the tabs that lock everything together) - although I haven't built the Tornado one yet which I hear is just as good. Might have to consider the RVF-25 next as I missed out on that pre-order as well... Well, 85hrs later... some quick shots at my workbench with a piece of black card to hide my mess... Only the gunpod and reaction missiles left... and a transformation into the Battroid mode to see what I have to repair.
  16. Yeah, I pre-ordered from HLJ in September and it says my order is in processing now...
  17. Wow, it seems like its going to work! It's working just friction fitted pins without glue so far. I'll crazy glue the pins in tonight and see what happens. Dinner break! How do people build this model?! I feel just too old...
  18. DISASTER STRUCK! Argh... I must be gettin' too old for this... while I was transforming it (very carefully might I add) - I somehow broke the main wing hinge. Its pretty crazy for all this weight to be on those tiny plastic hinges, but they gave way and snapped! I was so close to being finished too. I'm so disheartened... I guess, I'll try to pin the hinge where it broke like a resin model with epoxy and see if I can salvage the hinge. Worst case I can glue it permanently in the aircraft mode - although I've been dying to see it in the battroid mode as well. THIS IS WHY I HATE TRANSFORMING MODELS!!!
  19. Even YA is "not for sale" now at those inflated prices - now I'm thinking I should have grabbed one this 30mins ago (funny how you always want it even more when you miss out on it)
  20. I know, I know... I'm not looking forward to it either. But it was originally intended to be in Battroid mode to show off all its missiles. It's only in this mode because this is the mode you finish off in following the instructions. However I do like it a lot. But I did scrape some paint off the head that I need to repair and I need to dry brush weather the armor packs which is easier in the Battroid mode. I take some pictures before I "REALLY" carefully transform it into the Battroid mode once to give it a chance before I decide which way it will stay. Hopefully the Hasegawa kit comes out soon to replace this in the aircraft mode (but I'm sure its years away, they will probably put out all the aircraft only full squadron first!)
  21. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! Man, I love this community here. MacrossWorld has helped me so much over the years - what a wonderful online treasure.
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