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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Woohoo! Arrived Tuesday 25th (via registered SAL), picked it up today and no customs or duties. NY only declared 10 euros, but the registered insurance was for 27,000Y - I'm just so happy that I didn't get dinged by the government again. Just took it out and it all looked great - it was somewhat mis-aligned in the box - but a few snaps here and there aligned it up nicely (at least in plane mode). Will transform it tonight when I get home from work to check out the toy, but I think this bird is staying in the aircraft mode for most of its life. The mint green is still an odd choice from a design point of view.
  2. I paid for registered SAL and it arrived at my door on Tuesday 25th (not bad eh!), but I wasn't home so I gotta get it from the post office now.
  3. Thanks! Whew, that's a high markup... here's to hoping some might become available at release date. It's already an expensive one, I like this, but not that much!
  4. Where? Anywhere still have them up for pre-orders?
  5. Did you say AmiAmi still had stock? Is it this? http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-03430&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dvf-27%24pagemax%3D30%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 It says super parts set - is it only the super parts or does it come with the whole VF-27? I get a "sold out" - did it open up again?
  6. Although if everyone passes on these toys - that's a guaranteed way to make sure they don't make any better ones down the line! They're only $25 bucks each, its not like they're a huge investment.
  7. Yep, being so intimately familiar with the designs, its heartbreaking to see all the cool stuff omitted from these toys. There is no articulation, the balance is so bad and the joints so weak that you basically have one dorky standing pose to have them in (balance without tipping over - mostly for Gypsy Danger) - some joints are really lose, its the luck of the draw and the cheap PVC/rubbery material they used. They aren't really that playable. The Crimson Typhoon poses much better than Gypsy Danger (I can't seem to get him in any decent poses without falling over 30mins later). Oh well, that's US toys for ya. Just glad the made any! Too spoiled with better engineered Japanese toys I guess.
  8. Woohoo!!! I've just bought the first toys I've ever worked on! They're also my first American made toys... boy what a let down in quality. I can only hope the movie becomes popular enough to warrant the Japanese creating toys for it.
  9. What's the cheapest place to pre-order the armored parts for this? It is still NY at 6,480Â¥? Or should I wait till they are released in September in hopes that they will go down in price like the toy itself? Isn't this pre-order a little different because aren't they made to order? Now or wait?
  10. I love that grey/tan - is not so saturated, much more realistic. Damn, I hope its not going to be another pre-order ordeal again.
  11. Thanks! I finally bit at that price (makes me feel better its even coming from HLJ). Now where is the best price to pre-order the armor packs?
  12. Thanks! I don't know yet, I'm getting it for sure though, but no one has approached me about any of my artwork or drawings for the book (however, all of my artwork is the property of the Producers and studio, so they don't really need to talk to me at all).
  13. I just saw it with the crew screening in Toronto and it's AWESOME! There's some obvious dialogue which will help out the 11-12yr olds in the audience. I hope it will blow their minds out of the water as Star Wars did for me. It's pretty fantastic and the action doesn't let up. It really does show that ILM can actually do robots properly (I wasn't sure after the Bayformers) and someone actually understands mass, weight and inertia. I gotta go back and see it in IMAX now in a theatre full of real audience. Guillermo was so kind and gracious that he even showed up to thank us and introduce the film. This was pretty much the top of my career so far - so much fun. Please everyone go see it and I can't wait to hear what you guys think of it. (look for Macross references in the Conn Pod interiors!)
  14. Yeah, I'm getting that feeling too. I'm just glad NY allowed me to get some sleep and get my toy too - that, I'm willing to pay an extra $20 bucks or so for. Worst, NY might just throw up their hands and people on the other side of the pond loses this opportunity. My "marked up" RVF-25 shipped today - woohoo!
  15. Yep... since 2013-06-14 11:54:10 Preparation in progress still...
  16. There's a Brera renewal?! Can you give me some info on this?
  17. Yeah! I can't believe there is someone to actually take my money this time... it's amazing what this hobby has turned into!!!
  18. Is there a list somewhere of the visual changes? cuz, I can't see any. I love the live action version of the Yamato and can see the differences there.
  19. Go for Roy's VF-1S - the yellow/black/grey just has a more realistic look - think of it next to a Jolly Rogers F-14.
  20. Yep, I paid for my pre-order at NY too - its only $20 more, but they were the only ones that gave me a chance at this toy. I kind of think of it as a little loyalty back I guess - hopefully they will keep being good to me (at least until the VF-25S re-stock ;-)
  21. Thanks for the encouraging words all. That's why I post it here, hopefully it will save others from the same mistakes. I am constantly learning all the time and with the internet, I learn that much faster. I didn't know the black gloss undercoat was enamel by Alclad - now I do. Thanks for the brake fluid tip, good to know even if I don't do it on this baby, at least I've learned something new. I think I will try the ProModeller's wash (Flory) if I can find some local hobby shop with it around here - its clay based and water soluable, so it seems very inert. Well we'll see when I can start up again. I need a little time to lick my wounds (plus I'm starting another film on Monday, so it might be a while). Thanks for all the support though.
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