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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Please let me know if the VF-27 becomes available anywhere at MSRP when its ready.
  2. Gee thanks ;-) Still waiting on mine from NY... I was hoping that it would be just like the RVF - its seemed so nice.
  3. The sad story... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35120&p=1052354 Although, this time around, I got a package of Flory Pro-modellers wash which I will try out.
  4. Thanks, I couldn't find it on HLJ (sold out for the Earth one and couldn't find a pre-order for the Gamillas)... could you show me the link? This book got me excited enough to re-attempt a new Bandai 1/72 Comso Zero after my previous attempt went down in flames. Funny how many mistakes I avoid and how much faster its going, I should build all my models twice! NOT!!!
  5. Where is the Garmilla book available for pre-order? It doesn't seem to be up on HLJ yet, and the Earth book I got from Amazon.jp cost 3,000Y just for shipping - argh. It's an amazing book though! I'm pouring over every page, its fantastic for mecha fans and I highly recommend it.
  6. Wow! Two, I couldn't even get one at the HLJ prices... I had to resort to the NY price. Good for you!
  7. Yes!! Please matte finish... those glossy Bandai birds doesn't like my matte clear-coat and its its rubs/slides right off the shiny smooth plastic.
  8. Thanks! Hoped you enjoyed it. I'm listed with the other Set Designers (there were 101 built sets!) alphabetical in that list within the Art Department. Was kind of hoping for a single line separated credit though ;-)
  9. I hope so too, but that's not really the case with the current VF-25F.
  10. Am I the only "loser" that still paid the marked up 21,00Y?! Oh well, once I got it, I stopped shopping around (and slept a good nights sleep!) and got caught up with work... I never managed to snag one of those cheaper HLJ ones either - always asleep. At least its shipped and on its way, I do like the Registered SAL option with NY - which cuts a bit of the pain.
  11. OMG! It's beautiful... they've really uped the shapes since the VF-4G. It's like a model!
  12. Please let me know if the VF-27 becomes available anywhere for a decent price... still looking for that one. Then the VF-25S and I'm done. So do we think they will offer up the Tornado parts as a separate purchase for those of us with the VF-25F or will they bundle it with the Valk again? I can't remember what they did previously with the v1. Did they ever offer Tornado parts or Powered Armor set for the Renewals?
  13. Now THAT will be the first Macross Frontier model I will actually enjoy... ;-)
  14. Glad I saw your "interest: sarcasm"...
  15. Is it this book? http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=NEOBK-1501763 Out of print - is there anywhere else to get it? edit: just got it on Amazon.jp - but ouch! 3,000Y was the only shipping option available...
  16. Gundam are made by Bandai as well, so they'll probably have the same "screened" methods to achieve the various colours and similar decal carrier films. Treat yourself and get a kit with Cartograf decals - some Hasegawa kits and Academy kits have them - you'll be spoiled and never go back again! Or maybe not, because you'll never use Bandai decals again ;-) Ah, I was getting a bit worried because we haven't seen anything yet. I'm so excited by this news - can't wait! Higher rez please.
  17. Wow! I thought I was done after the Macross Frontier Bandai renewals... but this sucked me back. Gotta get at least one though - hopefully without the markup and drama! It really looks great - I can't believe how far they've come from the v1 VF-1s.
  18. I don't get it... cloning just produces an identical organism, complete with reproductive systems - nowhere does anyone ever say clones can't breed. Why can't a cloned Kaiju reproduce?
  19. Wow! That's great, where can I get this art book? When is it coming out?
  20. My favourite moment was when we initially see the Conn-Pod interiors, you started on a closeup of the door inside Gypsy Danger (the original version with the brother) and the lights flicker on and we pull back to reveal the entire interior in a wide shot with the guys coming in! Hehe... Very disappointed it lagged behind a comedic has-been ad-libing with a bunch of personal friends to the tune of $80 million... there is no hope for humanity, bring on the Apocalypse! ;-) I do hope it becomes a sleeper surprise hit with more "legs". Thank you all here that supported it, and I'm especially grateful that you all liked it.
  21. It was so much better in IMAX 3D!!! - you really see so much more than the regular 3D version (our crew screening).
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