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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. A little bit of tooting my own horn... Can anyone read German (I can't - I had to Google translate it)? For anyone that missed my presentation in Stuttgart on my design work on Pacific Rim, here's an online advertisement of the magazine issue that interviewed me to be published. The print version outlines my involvement in Pacific Rim, but the online article showcases my design work for Total Recall. http://www.digitalproduction.com/de/film-video-vfx/details/artikel/die-zukunft-bauen/
  2. Thanks! I just did my RVF-25 & the VF-171CF - in the middle of the vf-25F... kind of want to get a few going at once so I don't keep mixing clear-coats and having leftover as waste. Hopefully I'll get the VF-27 soon and finish that off along with the VF-25F and will post some shots. Still experimenting with a durable clear-coat, I'm not liking the fragility of the ModelMaster Acyl semi-gloss that I've been using on my models, so I'll try experimenting with MacrossJunkie's Future/Tamiya flat base mix and see how that goes. I'd love to see Lolicon's weathering job!
  3. I personally thought the VF-171CF was easier and much cheaper (much less than MSRP). You could find this one at or just above MSRP, but not very much below and it was already a bit more expensive to begin with. It wasn't top of my must have list, but someone here nicely pointed one out at 18,000Y which was reasonable - so I caved.
  4. Ah, thanks so much. Thanks for highlighting it. I gotta look at the Bandai 1/72 model for the details... its all that it's good for now! I wish I could print white for the decals.
  5. Looking forward to seeing your work! What stripes are missing? I'm not that familiar with this bird, mine still on its way (registered SAL) but would like to know what I need to do when it gets here.
  6. Yes! One of the reasons I still love NY - a lot of times the duties and processing fees more than makes up for the markup. I'd rather give the money to NY than our government for nothing other than making it harder and harder to allow goods into our country.
  7. I totally agree. Its one of the best art books I own. I love that they did all the designs by hand, then translated them into the digital realm. There's a fluidity that can't come from computer concepts like so many of the current Hollywood So-Cal schools of concept design. BTW, any place offering up the pre-order of the Gamilias Materials book (other than Amazon.jp)?
  8. You lucky duck!!! I was an hour too late. Let me know if anyone has extras at those prices! ;-)
  9. Wouldn't it be perfect if the Ozma renewal was a bundled Amored pack (especially due to the delay)? At least for me it would be. One can dream right?
  10. DO NOT ORDER FROM Amazon.jp! if you live in Canada. I just got a bill from DHL (3wks later) for an additional $13.19 in processing fee (GST customs & duty on imported goods) on top of the 3,000Y they charged me for shipping on that 3,600Y amazing Yamato 2199 Earth Materials book. Argh, that's like over an extra 100% of the price of the book in shipping and handling. Who has the cheapest shipping for the Gamilia's Materials book?
  11. Well, I'm in the other camp, I hate glossy toys - it makes them look like toys. I have to matte clear-coat all my Bandai renewal like MacrossJunkie. The only thing glossy I like are car toys. IMHO, I love the old matte finish of the old Yamato toys, flat finish looks more realistic on a piece of military hardware and it gives miniatures a better sense of scale. So here's to hoping they stick to the old Yamato finish. (glossy finish shows off tiny manufacturing scratches & swirls more I find).
  12. Exactly what I was thinking - did they just not push it up enough or is it sitting right against the chest? Same here, I loved the long swan-like thin neck, but the toy still seems to have a thick one - can't really tell yet. Other than that, its beautiful.
  13. Beautiful work!!! So nice to see more of these arms built up, and what a wonderful job too. Love the lights. Just watch the sag in the arm over time when mounted like this, mine is sagging pretty badly now (even though there is a brass rod inside the resin) - its slow and imperceptible, but it will sag when mounted like this over time (it was fine for the first year or two - but its been more than eight years now). Not sure how I'm going to corrected, I'm afraid the cure might be worst than the problem.
  14. Hmm.... the same 2,290Y for registered SAL to Canada. Wasn't so sure about this bird, but being below MSRP, I couldn't resist. Still can't wait for the VF-25S to complete my squadron, might even "pre-order" (if I can - its always in the middle of the night here!) just for the piece of mind.
  15. Woohoo!!! Thank you guys... I slept and missed out on HS but got in at Ami Ami. I'm not a fan of them calculating shipping after the order, how much are you getting for registered SAL to N.A.?
  16. Gone... already ;-( That was fast. Thanks though.
  17. LOL!!! I hated the engineering decks... the "look" of the JJ Star Trek is just un-forgiveable.
  18. WOW! That is absolutely the best JJprise I've ever seen. Way to go on the free-hand paneling, that really elevates the finish! You've turned a horrible design (IMO) into a great looking model - congrats!
  19. Do they have all their other renewals in PDF format? I couldn't find others.
  20. YES! And give us a HOTAS (joystick & throttle) setup that works on the PS3 - please.
  21. Ok, good to know, already pre-ordered those. However I was hoping to get the Armor parts for the upcoming Ozma renewal - but I guess I'd have put up with the current inflated prices?
  22. Oh, so they won't re-issue the armor parts for the eventual Ozma renewal? Did they never issue super parts for the VF-25G and RVF-25 till now?
  23. Hey! At least you got one. I'm just left holding that there might be some when they become available at a reasonable price.
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