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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. The new VF-25s have a completely different situation, they're not even comparable. If you're talking about the thickness of the separation between the upper secondary intakes and the main leg intakes, it's not sleek by any means, but its still waaay thinner than what we've got here. I'm just so disappointed since they've seemed to get so many things right except this glaring (at least to me) error - it's amazing how smooth and sleek the VF-4G turned out, that I can't see why they couldn't step up and attain that level of finish on this 3rd try.
  2. So cool! Can't wait to see it. What kind of paints or clear coats are you going to use to stop it from scraping/scratching during transformation?
  3. Wow! Thanks so much - that's exactly what I need. How did you get the two screws in the middle out? It looks like the white swing down piece wouldn't swing down far enough to allow a screwdriver in there. What scheme are you going to paint your bird in the end?
  4. Thanks Lancalot, So just to take apart the forward fuselage from the LERX - are there any glued parts there or is it all just screws? I want to get to the painting the stripes and sand down the inside surface of the LERX to reduce the chance of scraping the painted stripes. So the two LERX are tied together by that steel axle and do not apart separately? Could you take any photos of just the forward fuselage apart?
  5. Finally got my VF-25A. It arrived with 3 layers of tape on the flap in the box as though its been re-sealed. Greasy as usual, especially the gunpod. It was partially transformed in the box, the nose and back were mis-aligned in the box. However, I transformed it and after re-adjusting all the joints, I got it back together and properly aligned. It's ok, not the tightest one so far - at least my copy, my VF-25F and RVF-25 was much tighter and fit better, actually even the VF-25F seemed to fit better, there is still a slight seam/gap behind the canopy where this seam is usually very tight on all my other Messiahs. The forward part of the canopy seemed just ever so slightly askew - I am very anal though ;-) Lastly, I couldn't get the nose cone to fold all the way back, I could get the first joint of the double joint to swing down, but the second joint to swing the nose cone back seem to be seized, I don't know how much force I should attempt. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Any solution other than just forcing it? I like the colours, but it is a little bland, I think I will try to do the stripes that MacrossJunkie did - anyone know how to remove or disassemble the LERXs?
  6. Hmm, maybe I just have all large sizes or my combinations aren't really any savings, but so far it seems to cost exactly the same. I'll give it a little more time, just getting wary with all these supposed "deals" everywhere but it's just a marketing way to screw the customer (maybe I'm just getting jaded or hit a rough patch of bad customer service all around me - not with HLJ in particular, just about everywhere else and its colouring my views towards everything around me). Thanks, I appreciate the feedback though.
  7. Hmm, I usually use SAL if that's an option, but whenever I put stuff in the warehouse, that option often disappears, I think its a limit thing, if its over a certain limit, they must go FedEx or EMS (at least that's what I guess).
  8. Hi all, Now that I have a few items in the private warehouse, and played with adding and subtracting items I have stored in there for shipping - has anyone noticed that there really isn't any real savings in lumping your shipments together? As I add and subtract items, the shipping option changes (of course as the cost goes up, you lose the cheaper SAL options and are left with Express FedEx or EMS) and basically it just works out to each item being shipped separately added to the total costs of the shipping option. At least for me, it seemed that it would have cost the same if I shipped each item as it became available than lumping it all in one large shipment now. (I tried to keep track of what the shipping costs would have been before). I don't seem to see any advantage for us... its cheaper for them to lump it together, but I don't see the savings yet. Has anyone else noticed this?
  9. What a great thread to follow. Thanks so much Boinger for doing this and I will be listening to the pod casts. Thanks for all your amazing and inspiring work John!
  10. Wow!!! Love that fighter mode.
  11. We should all "contact" them en-mass - that might get their attention. Maybe we should all post a nice polite message asking them about their timely processing on facebook. They seem to update that, its in English and its something other customers will see. What do you guys think? It will only work if we all do it together.
  12. I wonder what happened? Did they cut back labour? They weren't always like this.
  13. Argh! That intake lip still YELLS out at me... damn. (sorry I know we've been over this - but everytime I see a new photo, it just screams at me) It seems like such a glaring error (I guess there aren't that many of us that values the aircraft mode over the battroid one).
  14. Same boat here, my last thing VF-25A from NY was in "Preparation in Progress" for 10 days - so I expect the same with the VF-25G super parts... ;-(
  15. It's mostly just a really bad model...
  16. I'd have to say VF-2SS - I'd buy that instantly (almost regardless of price) - I know that's a long shot, but I always thought the VF-4 was a long shot too.
  17. Wow, just stunning paint work - amazing that it works on so many angles too. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Funny, but I almost never go the front page... I always go directly to the forums, I usually get my front page info from Facebook.
  19. Yep, I had the same problem, I could get one leg locked up, but the second leg as hard as I pushed I couldn't get it locked up into the backplate. I even created some stress marks on the backplate (luckily its under the arms). I ended up lightly filing down the nubs on the peg sticking down to get it locked in - I figure I'm probably never transforming it back into a Battroid any time soon with those exploding black triangles. I believe MacrossJunkie also had this problem too.
  20. All the Bandai Valks seem to have this horrible gloss finish. It shows off every swirl, scratch and mar from the factory - I honestly don't know why they chose it, it makes them all look so much more "toy-like" and its a horrible finish to try and any clear coat just slides right off (scratches) the slick plastic making it even more difficult to weather and customize. My only guess is that it hides all the machine grease or release mold agents from the factory (as its the greasiest toys I've ever owned) ;-) or there was this obscure scene where a character runs his hand over the forward fuselage in the hanger and can see his reflection in the body of the Messiah - so they think they're all super glossy. (argh! can you sense my frustration)
  21. Nice! (I guess I'm the only one that liked it... for what it was). I love that a remake doesn't have to be a complete re-imagining that pays no respect to the original - especially design wise. Love the new metallic look of an ultra-detailed Yamato - without sacrificing the overall original look, feel and design. So will this theatrical release be dubbed or at least subtitled?
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