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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Wow! That looks great (great photography too!). I feel much better now. I did get the full set of paneling decals too so I intend to apply varying shades of Aclad metalizer with the paneling decals over top (I went all out and got both the armor and in between the rib decals as well - it will take forever!). Although now seeing how that Japanese modeller did his, its hard to ignore it (once seen, its hard to "un" see it). I really loved how he did the cannons - especially the barrels - I have no idea how he did that at that size as the kit ones are just mush and the resin aftermarket ones aren't that much better.
  2. Cool! The rear landing gears are on the wrong side - the wheels should face outward.
  3. Yeah, me too! (I think we're the only two that like it though ;-)
  4. Yeah, that custom was epic! Especially loved the metallic scheme.- very nu-BSG
  5. Nice! Thanks for sharing... didn't know that I would have to do so much work to get all the armored panels to have their undercuts - hmm... that's a lot of work (throws my kit to the back of the pile!)
  6. I wonder if there will be any aftermarket Photo-etched sets for it? Now if it was the movie version I'd jump all over it!!!
  7. The details are wonderful... hard call. I have the 1/350 Bandai kit and it was my holy grail retirement project (one of many!) - but the surface scribed detail on this seems to beat it - I know its a different design (old school). If I went ahead with this, I may never get around to the 1/350.
  8. I wished the GX-64 looked like that! (how long would the 1/500 model be?)
  9. YES!!! It's beautiful to look at... since film is such a visual medium, I can forgive bad acting and dialogue if it looked beautiful (ie; Tron) - however I can't forgive ugliness no matter how good the acting or script is. A friend of mine is the production designer on Edge of Tomorrow, and it looks great! So I'll definitely see it.
  10. Although I never knew him, I am very saddened whenever we lose a member of our family here. I wish his family all the best and he will be missed.
  11. That's great! I'll try it next, so this Mr. Surfacer Black is glossy I presume? It can be the primer and gloss undercoat in one? I used that Alclad black glossy stuff and it didn't lay down too flat - it was slightly pebbly, but it reacted badly to my mineral spirit wash and ruined one of my Cosmo Zeros completely. I got a second kit and have re-done it (again with the Aclad Black) but it lays heavy and softens a lot of the fine scribed lines. I'd love to use something differently.
  12. Hey, at least you're not being charged another $30-40 in customs & duties like us up here in Canada!
  13. Woohoo!!! Finally received mine via Registered SAL from NY - wow the level of detail and painted/tampo markings is amazing. Thanks again to NY for declaring a lower value on the box - it saved me customs and duty in Canada which is often 25% of the cost again. Now if I can only find the time to properly detail them up to mate it with the RVF-25... All this almost makes up for the silly minty green colour ;-)
  14. Thanks for sharing... not very practical, but interesting shapes!
  15. Does anyone have colour lineart of the "Super" crotch piece for the VF-25G? It just looks so out of place, it looks like cheap plastic with no markings and so out of place with the rest of the colour scheme - its the only part with that kind of grey. Does anyone else feel this way, its not like the VF-25S Armored crotch piece which looks like the rest of the extras parts - this one feels like an afterthought.
  16. Gorgeous falcon Derex - is that the expensive custom plexiglas cover from Fine Molds or did you get it elsewhere?
  17. Anyone in the L.A. area interested, there is a gallery opening with the Art of Pacific Rim that we produced in the art department as well as conceptual pieces during pre-production. http://www.gnomongallery.com/next.php
  18. Yes, I love Fine Molds. I have the 1/72 scale version along with just about every resin / photoetched detail upgrade ever produced for it. It is one of my many retirement projects!
  19. Wow! Simply wow, thanks for sharing... I've been out of the Star Wars modeling front for quite a few years now, but this would be a "holy grail" model-kit for me someday. I love the timeless classic design and I love the "loaded with greebies" ships of the 80's.
  20. Thanks, wow, over $500, that's too rich for my blood, let's hope Fine Molds makes one soon (with all the detail of course, not like how Moebius skimped on the detail translating the Galactica from the TimeSlip resin)
  21. You can get your Alto renewal re-release here; http://www.nippon-yasan.com/lang-en/macross/4884-macross-f-dx-chogokin-vf-25f-messiah-valkyrie-saotome-alto-custom-renewal-version-reissue.html But, YES! Where's the Ozma re-release!!! (I even have the armour waiting - and all matte clear-coated and weathered already...)
  22. That's what I thought too... taken in isolation, I think it looks worst. However everything else looks better (except for the glossy finish).
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