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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Lucky you! I wished it had the detail of the 1/500 model - then it would be a no-brainer.
  2. Another great job MJ!!! Looks fantastic... you managed to even make the minty green look good. Great photography too! Sorry I might of asked before, but what lighting setup to you use to get the background so black? Your photographs really do it justice too. I've finally finished my RVF with the super packs too - just never get the time to photograph them, my ghosts are still naked though.
  3. It would be great if they would make the slats and Fowler flaps moveable as well as the wingtips foldable too (but still be tight enough to zoom around the room!)
  4. Stunning as always MJ!!! Hate it when you make mecha that I don't even like look so good.
  5. YES!!! Even have the armour all weathered up waiting for the bird...
  6. I didn't realize its so politically charged I worked on the film for a year and didn't think I was offended (I'm Chinese). I guess you can read into anything, but knowing the writers and being present at some of the ideas meetings... there wasn't any hidden agenda at work (at least in my presence ) Crimson Typhoon needed 3 guys because it looked cool inside to differentiate it and it always had 3 arms since concept stage. The dual pilot system is a dramatic device, it allows what would otherwise be an inner monologue be voiced out with an opportunity for acting, drama and tension. From what I saw, the writers are usually cool guys, not really historian buffs or social psychologists - just some cool ideas got thrown out there and some sticked and some didn't. I don't know about the studios or if there's some hidden agenda, but its really not like that - at the end of the day, we all just want to get paid, enjoy what we are doing and the people we're with and go home to our families.
  7. Thanks, I didn't take it wrong - I just never knew there was any tension at all. I guess I'm kind of insulated here in Canada. It's certainly enlightening, I will ask Guillermo tomorrow if I see him to find out if he was aware of any of this - he certainly got treated well when he made his trip over to Japan. I will definitely take you up on your offer if I ever get around to that part of the world!
  8. Wow! I never knew the tensions were so high. It will certainly make me think twice about ever visiting Japan (being Chinese). All I knew about it were stories my father told me about the Japanese occupation during WWII and how they tortured and killed his parents (my grandparents) in front of him to make an example to the town - in fact both my mom and dad experienced first hand the brutality of their occupation first hand (they will take their hatred to their deaths). It's been a constant sore point in my relationship with my parents that I had taken an interest in Japanimation - especially when I wanted to learn Japanese (never did due to them). In fact we never had anything made in Japan growing up (except my Macross toys and books) - we had a huge argument when I bought my first car, a used Honda Accord. There is a lot of hatred with the Chinese of the older generation towards the Japanese, but I had no idea there was similar feelings going the other way? What do they hate the Chinese for? LOL! anime52K8 - goood one!!! Well, NECA was definitely a disappointment - Hot Toys look great, Sideshow looks great, but you can't really play with them. Who are these great American toy companies?
  9. Could you remake a new intake with a angled lip like the Yamato one instead of the thick step? I'd buy that mod in an instant! ;-)
  10. Yep, I saw it but was so disappointed... even the hands aren't articulated, just a dumb fist at this size?! I wish some Japanese company will take this subject up and do it justice!
  11. Wow!! I can't wait to see your build. Would you do a build up so I can follow along and drool? I'm really on the fence with this one since I have the 1/350 - thinking that will be my definitive one, but I do like these details.
  12. I'd always liked the old Yamato favouring the fighter mode above all else to make it look "right". I love the transforming ability of these babies, but I really admire the "sleekness" of the fighter mode the most and leave it there for the majority of the display time. Oh well, I guess its about time for the pendulum to start swinging the other way - sigh...
  13. Looks great (except for that damn thick intake lip - but I'm learning to live with it)!!!
  14. Yeah, ridiculous, plus add customs, duties, HST taxes, processing fees which amounts to another 25% on top for anything over $100. I once bad $25 in customs after I paid $35 in shipping for a $20 book! Thanks Canada (for nothing!). It seems like we're always screwed here - so many of my modeling supplies isn't allowed to be imported because it doesn't have a French sticker (they're made by small/tiny companies) so I have to pay exorbitant taxes and duties to have them delivered. Just this Christmas I was comparison shopping for an item on Amazon.com for $20 (but it won't ship to Canada), the same item on Amazon.ca was $100 - that's NAFTA at work for us?!
  15. Looks good... especially from the top, it lessens the thick intake lip (not sure if they actually did anything, I think its just the angle of view). I sure hope this is at the level of execution of the VF-4G - its the best one in my collection from Yamato.
  16. Thanks so much. Yes your right, when you see it straight on, his side view is off, but his build and level of detail is absolutely incredible! I actually quite like the Playstation version, it seems the most dynamic where the keel bulges in and out like that. But overall I think I like the 2199 version best (most balanced), then the Playstation version, then movie (the straight side elevation of this version makes the conn tower look too small for the rest of the ship) and lastly the original old version, just so static.
  17. That's great! Now I want to see the comparison with the movie version and 2199 version.
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