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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. I'd love to hear from fellow Canadians how much customs/duties we end up paying (or any pleasant surprises of sneaking though!).
  2. I've noticed that NY often has the most expensive shipping (of course this is usually offset by the fact I don't get charged customs & duties when they send their stuff to Canada - US residents don't have to worry about this). But this time I tried to order the GX-64 Bandai Yamato and their shipping was 70% more expensive than the next most expensive retailer - which is much more than usual. So check around paying special attention to shipping fees, I think this is where a lot of stores like to gouge now as its sometimes hidden till after you place the order.
  3. Well, I bit the bullet (thanks Kyp!)... with Ami Ami - it was 4,560Y for EMS (which is more in line) - they will not send via Registered SAL as its over 2kg, its actually 2.4kg. So it came out to 25,530Y total, now I gotta brace for the customs & duties charges when it hits Canada. Has anyone gotten AmiAmi to declare it as a gift or undervalue it? Cobbled together enough little white markings that I can't wait to give it a dark wash with some dry brushing too to weather it up slightly. Maybe these photoetched parts might step it up a notch eh? http://www.ebay.com/itm/TOMs-1-700-USS-Hammann-Sims-Class-Destroyer-Photo-etched-set-778-/400655335970 Ordered this case from HLJ too; http://www.hlj.com/product/YLSPPC-KN14CL/Sup It perfectly fits these ships (my Andromeda is in one and it looks like its made for it).
  4. Normally I'm not in a rush, but 4400Y is usually what I pay for EMS on something like this - not 3 months?! AmiAmi gave Kyp EMS for 4560... I think NY is tying to hose me here - unless there something special about sending it to Canada (other than our great customs/duties/taxes).
  5. Thanks, I've e-mailed AmiAmi about the shipping fees (I hate that they don't give you an shipping cost before you order it) - I hope they get back to me with the same 4,560 (which is less than 7,500 from NY). So it looks like NY is actually 4,470Y more assuming I get the same shipping rate as you did from Ami Ami. I even checked Amazon.com which as it for $224.30usd, but they charge $20.66 shipping + $30.06 import fees which comes out to $275.02usd which works out to $310cdn (again within a few dollars of the NY with the outrageous shipping fees) and all this is before my $50 customs and duties that Canada will slap on (although all my stuff from NY has snuck though without it, but they are the only store). Man! Just when I thought I was convinced... the price goes up - argh!
  6. Whoa!!! I almost bit the bullet, but shipping from Nippon Yasan was going to be 7,500Y via EMS or 7,300 Eco Registered SAL (isn't that a bit high?!) - I was expecting 4,500Y to be the top end - that's over 30,000Y before I get hit with customs & duties. Ami Ami won't calculate the shipping until after you order it... I don't want to commit and be surprised like NY. Where did you guys order it and how much was shipping / to where? HLJ is 3,860Y for EMS - but their at 26,000Y so that puts them at 30,000Y or just slightly under also.
  7. I'm awaiting your pictures with baited breath! Yeah, I hated the GX-57 sculpt, where did they come up with that "wide-mouthed" wave motion gun port?! I thought their 1/500 scale 2199 model was it 2yrs ago too, but now we have a much improved 1/500 scale model. Why do you think there will be no other 2199 renewal toy? Is there going to be another 2199 series - Comet Empire? The "renewal" toy GX-71 could come out to celebrate that series... unless you know something... I'd love to know as I don't follow this series as much.
  8. Part of me is worried that Bandai will pull a renewal on this toy, remember how they put out the initial 1/500 Yamato (based on the 2199 version) just 2yrs ago - which seems very much detail-wise like this GX-64. Now they have the new and improved 1/500 Yamato kit (also based on the 2199 version) - I would love that kit detail on this toy in 2yrs time. Ah, I'm just trying to justify it...
  9. Hahaha... I'm in Toronto, we've had our 18th straight day of "Extreme Cold Weather Alert" - last week we had a -20c day with -34c (-29.2F) with the windchill! So no sympathies here. When you get it, can you make sure to take a picture of the top of the rear deck just in front of the engine cone, I'd love to see if they've included any of the panel and slotted details in this area under the catapult. And can you confirm the overall length, I'm getting 42.5cm / 425mm in most places (I think some places must quote the box size) as the case I want to put it in is 44cm / 440mm which will be a tight fit.
  10. OT - What spat with Tamiya? (my two favourite companies)
  11. PLEASE waterslide decals as well if they're not all tampoed...
  12. It started out as a love/hate relationship - NY was the only place in town that I could get my Renewal pre-orders in, for some reason they consistently seem to have more pre-orders available than other online retailers. Now its become my retailer of choice mostly because of the way they under-declare the customs form which always saves me $50 at least in customs & duties in Canada, plus they offer Registered SAL for further savings. Even though they charge more, (never more than 5,000Y) I'd rather pay the retailer for obtaining the toy for me than the government from preventing these toys from being imported! Now, I've never had any problems so far... I'm sure if there were missing or broken pieces or if the package is lost, the under-declaring could end up working against me - but so far I've had nothing but good experiences. They used to include little hand written notes of thanks or a package of Japanese snacks in the box a few years ago, but I think they've grown so big that they are beyond those little personal touches now unfortunately.
  13. It looks so nice... I've even seemed to have pieced enough tiny white decals/dry transfers from my box to apply those markings. Now its ether winter boots or this? If Nippon Yasan goes below 20,000Y then I'll bite (I know AmiAmi is already there, but they don't declare a lower value or gift, so its an extra $50 bucks in customs on top of the shipping)
  14. Thanks... Kyp, you're not making my case for me! I want to say, "hey honey, look, they all have kids AND THEY can afford it!" Yes, I do love my Andromeda (I head off that round because I didn't like they way they rendered the fat Wave Motion Gun opening). I keep telling myself that there will be a better "renewal" version that will come out later... they really have upped the game with every Yamato release... what is this, the third or more? I love everything about this GX-64 release except when I saw the 1/500 model, I wished for that level of surface detail or the tiny white & yellow warning markings to come out for this version.
  15. Wow! $50 bucks for shipping... you baller! Good on ya, can't wait to see you pictures. You're not exactly making a good case for me... with Christmas bills, my wife's SUV needed a tow and new water pump & expansion tank, then there's swimming, gymnastics class, chinese school, acro & dance classes for my daughter all needing to be paid for the Spring session... hmmm.
  16. I would have liked to use the stands on the old Yamato releases in my collection that never got stands. This bird begs to be displayed on the ground will all the weapons laid out like that classic "This is Animation" cover...
  17. Boo!!! My feelings exactly, there's no excuse... but that hasn't stopped them from NOT printing the stuff in the past.
  18. For those of you who bought a GX-64, how much was shipping to NA? (Canada would even be better) - just trying to justify it ;-)
  19. Are they really going to tampo all that? It would be great, but very un-Yamato-ish... I think its just all the stickers on. I'd be the first one to jump for joy if they really do tampo all that including the no-steps on the wings (they sure can do even smaller stuff with those Gundam Fix-Figuration around compound curved surfaces too!). Yeah, that grey stripe missing bugs me too. I really hope they include a stand too, but looking great (except for the intake lip - I will have to display it on a lower shelf so you're always looking down on it ;-)
  20. Yes, I saw it there for 20,970Y before shipping... tempting. I wished there was a bit more surface detail on it though. Or at least if there were some after market waterslide decals. Been a little crazy in 2013 catching up on all the Bandai renewals. I wished the stand was exactly the same as the Andromeda stand, I liked how the remote is integrated into the stand, where do you put this remote?
  21. Please I'm dying to see your review, I'm really on the fence with this... I want it next to my Andromeda, but its hard to justify since I have the 1/350 model, but that won't get built for years - hard to justify this toy with all the classes I'm paying for my daughter though. When will your review be done? Where is it still available at a decent price?
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