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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Woohoo!!! That gives me hope. Thanks EXO. Please if someone can actually confirm this, it would make my day! I'll probably find out next week, but its so nice, I haven't been so excited about a new toy in ages...
  2. O-Oh, just a sticker sheet (I don't see any waterslide decals) and what's with the silver paint for a light, for $400 I'd thought we'd get a clear lens.
  3. $300-$350cdn is great! How did you get those prices?! I've paid $394cdn shipped - luckily I went through NY so no customs or duties, but expect another $60 in duties if you didn't go though NY. Any confirmation on waterslide decals yet?
  4. When is the 2nd book VF-22 coming out? I've got my VF-1 sitting in the HLJ warehouse - I'm hoping to combine them to save on shipping...
  5. It was 5,400Y for EMS from Nippon Yasan!!! I think I got gouged... but at least I'm paying them instead of customs... which would be at least another $60
  6. Wow! $400 for a Valk... and I thought the SDF-1 was expensive... I can't imagine it being better than the SDF-1?!
  7. THANKS!!! I wonder if we will get waterslide decals as well or just stickers? I can only wish that all the ejection triangles, pilot and rescue arrows would be tampoed on... anyone with info about these markings?
  8. Yes, I wished they included waterslide decals for those of us who want it. However I do like that they do Tampo all the other markings, the NO STEPS are a little garish though especially since they're in a serif font - WTF?
  9. Wow!!! Simply breathtaking... beautiful paint job, congratulations on such a gorgeous build and thanks for sharing. Man, I always knew it was big compared to the VF-1, but seeing it next to that 1/48 really made me realize just HOW big.
  10. Yeah, I get what you're saying, but even the new Hasegawa VF-25 looks weird... like a stilted chicken (each gear is nicely detailed in themselves, but taken together, it looks odd) - the gear struts just seem too long and make the aircraft sit way too high - the rear gear placement is really odd too, too far back and too short - that's a K design flaw I believe. Yeah, I totally agree with the "nostalgia for the old Takatoku-style bare gear" comment. I can't display any of my Macross Frontier toys with the gears down - they all have to be in flight!
  11. Is it me (or maybe I'm just gettin' old) or is it that all the new generation of designs have really awkward landing gears? The older VF-0, VF-1, VF-4, YF-19, YF-22 all seem to have decent credible looking landing gears, but all the new stuff looks just stuck on and out-of-scale - just awkward. Maybe the metallic dark grey Bandai uses for the gear struct doesn't help things either.
  12. I hope not! I have armors all weathered up and waiting for the naked bird...
  13. Hey if you come out with those decals, I'd gladly buy them off of you for mine. Let me know when you're going to attempt that 1/350 Yamato - I'd love to see what you do with it, maybe it might inspire me to get off my ass about it ;-) Great job Jefuemon on those... (yeah, I never really had problems with the Macross Figures either - flight suits are easy, its those Yamato uniform markings that I wasn't happy with).
  14. How did you paint that down arrow / boat anchor on the front of this shirt and the 3 bars on the shoulders?
  15. You are just crazy!!! Amazing, how will you paint it? Does it come with decals? I can barely paint the 1/72 scale pilots from the Yamato 2199 fighters let alone imagine how to eventually paint those 1/350 scale Bandai Yamato crew. Perhaps I can send them over to you to paint for a fee?
  16. Wow, I love the photoetched and additional details - can't wait to see what you do with them! But at 1/500 scale, you'd think they should have included these gimmicks at such a large scale already.
  17. Hey, speak for yourself - I STILL NEED THE VF-25S Ozma for my armored pack. Come on, bring on the last of the reissues why don't ya?!!!
  18. Bit the bullet on the VF-25F Tornado pack (even though I have my old v1 - maybe I could get something for it?). It does look good. I like my VF-25G in Battroid mode and the wings just look too back heavy in that mode - the Supers would do just fine... The Tornado does look best in aircraft mode - however that Gerwalk mode is really growing on me.
  19. Hasegawa all the way!!! There really is no comparison. Bandai is a real exercise in frustration for those of us who want to build a "real" model - it's simply not geared towards modelers, its more of a "snap-fit" type of kit, not really meant to be painted. Unfortunately, there were no other options for Macross Frontier and we were stuck with only Bandai kits. They are the only options if you want to transform them, but then, why wouldn't you just get the toys which are infinitely more durable for playing and transformation. The transformation process leaves gaps all over the place and sacrifices accuracy for the transformation mechanism which any single mode kit doesn't have to make concessions to. Check out my link and hear me swear my way though the dog of a kit that Bandai forced upon us... (I can't wait to get some time to start on the Hasegawas now and leave my pile of Bandais in the trash!) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28142 Here's my VF-25S (also Bandai) - minus the bitching throughout the build process... (can't wait for the Hasegawa version to blow this out of the water!!!) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38780&hl=
  20. Hmm, is it a substantial improvement over the v1? I know the plane is, but what I loved about the original Tornado pack was that it hid all the deficiencies of the v1 toy - its the only v1 VF-25 I own. How much do you think I can sell as v1 with Tornado pack & super weapons pack for now-a-days with this on the horizon?
  21. Thanks... those acrylic cases would be much classier than the flexible one from HLJ - I think maybe something 1/350 might deserve one of those someday...
  22. Hey would this super long one fit the Bandai 1/350 Yamato? (do you have a link?)
  23. Yay!! Love for the 1/48s - I still prefer my 48s over my 60s... since I mostly leave them in fighter mode all the time ;-)
  24. That sucks, these cases are really reasonably priced initially. I'm surprised they won't ship anything else with them as it was such a waste of space... basically I paid EMS to ship a big box of air-filled plastic bags. Let me know if you find another retailer that might have these cases with more reasonable shipping. Gotta convince a local hobby shop to carry them.
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