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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Fantastic job Takatoys! Aboslurmely beautiful - now would someone PLEASE make waterslide decals for this beauty?! That's a great tip to add that little bit of black to the canard wing pegs!
  2. Yeah! How else will I pay for my Valkyries if you guys all torrent our work?
  3. Those are great!!! exactly what I've been looking for. Oh man, they're like $20usd from Amazon.com but over $50cdn from Amazon.ca - again us Canadians get screwed!
  4. LOL!!! Love it! my feelings exactly...
  5. Anyone confirmed a english dubbed track on the Funiamtion Live Action Yamato bluray release?
  6. Now if they could do it on that tiny model... why couldn't they include these details on the GX-64?
  7. Yeah, but aren't us modelers sadist anyways?
  8. Hmm, I'm actually happier with my Bandai VF-25 renewals than my Arcadia YF-19 - especially considering I can get more than two VF-25 for every YF-19!
  9. Woohoo!!! It's back up at NY for 19,950... only a 750Y mark up, I can live with a $8 markup for sleep. They e-mailed me. Good luck everyone!
  10. Yeah, $140 is just too much, I'd pay 1/2 that.
  11. That was my first thought! Have it in a hanger with all the access panels removed undergoing a major systems overhaul, tons of wiring and plumbing everywhere. I wished I was independently wealthy and didn't have to work... ah, I can dream.
  12. Got nothing yet again... at least this time I didn't stay up all night for it. I sure hope they are available at release time, what happened to it being a non-hero valk? Oh well, it wasn't a "must have" anyways, but I do want it now more than before since I wasn't able to get it - funny how things get when you "can't" get one ;-) Now the Ozma 25S is another story - I really hate why Bandai makes us go though this mess everytime.
  13. Yeah, I think its too much for a naked Valk, but what can you do? It's not worth it, but I'll probably still try to get it. I only wished my job had raises like these toy prices! I'm still a little disappointed from my Arcadia YF-19 purchase for the amount they asked for it!
  14. Well, those photos were better than the previous ones, enough to make me bite. As long as I can get one of these without staying all night for - I'm just not going to go through that again. Lets hope there's some available in the morning for us in North America - otherwise I'll just wait to take my chances at release time. Either case, its not such a great loss on this one. Now, Ozma VF-25S I just HAVE TO GET - come on and re-issue that!
  15. Pretty funny tanks on top (MZ wasn't that far off eh?) http://sploid.gizmodo.com/the-typhoon-looks-like-a-futuristic-combat-jet-with-the-1566389209 ...not to conformal if you asked me.
  16. That's great news, I'd be all over that when it comes out. Where can I buy it? I don't see it here; http://shop.funimation.com/Shop/ShopMain.html
  17. What is this "Funi's release of the live action Yamato movie" - where can I find any more info about it? Is it a fan made dub, or an actual licensed proper dub? Is it a BluRay release? Where can I get it? I too would love to take in all the great visuals that I missed trying to read the subtitles.
  18. Cool! So does "The Ark of the Stars" happen before the Comet Empire (are they still doing that for TV?) or instead of?
  19. Great news, who is this designer? What was he responsible for? Was he the mech designer? Pls. link when available (preferable anywhere other than Amazon - crazy shipping prices!)
  20. Hi promethuem5, I'm sorry if my initial comments came out wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed your review and thank you very much for putting the time and effort into it. I just meant that the overall tone of the entire review was overwhelmingly positive. I am happy that was your experience. Although you did mention a few points here and there, it was mostly drowned out by the glowing reports and it didn't make an impression on me after taking your review as a whole. I value your opinion and certainly didn't mean to spark any criticism of your excellent review. Don't get me wrong, I am happy with my toy, just not overwhelmingly ecstatic about it. There are improvements here and there and some WTF were the Arcadia engineers thinking about moments here and there. I agree with Lowviz, I do like the toy, its probably a great $200 toy, but I don't think its a $384 toy. Arcadia would need to justify that extra 90% premium surcharge with some tampo printing and at least a stand (not to mention better ankles or engineering refinements) - come on, if you include stand adapters, then you should either have a stand included or at least sell the stands separately - what is this, just a tease for something you can't get?! If Arcadia wants to charge these premium prices, then I expect a premium product and I will be more critical of it than a cheaper alternative. I am not going to criticise a Chevy Cruze for handling like I would a BMW M3, basically we've got a Lexus, its better than decent, but its way overpriced for what you get. IMHO ;-)
  21. Hmm, that was a glowing report, no mention of the criticisms at all.
  22. Yeah! And stickers just don't cut it!!!
  23. Great mod, so does it still fit in the gear well? Do you have to take the mod out to retract the gears and close the doors or does it telescopically retract?
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