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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. What's the high speed gimmick with the VF-0D?
  2. EXACTLY!!! I felt the same thing, especially coming in at $384cdn (plus customs & duties!) shipped, it left a sour taste in my mouth. If they command those prices, it needs to justify them. I wanted to love it so much, but I had to be honest with myself. I'm glad I have ONE, but that's all I need thank you very much! p.s. I hope they solved the floppy neck syndrome my VF-0A has, its great if its sitting on its landing gears, but if its flying, and the forward fuselage is not supported, it has a crooked neck hanging down leaving a large gap behind the cockpit.
  3. Nor do they have any sense of landing gears too! Great at robot proportions and details, but anything aircraft related? Its just hopeless, just like their Yukikaze kits.
  4. So looking forward to that Star Destroyer! How's Bandai compared to Fine Molds I wonder?
  5. Hey, at least they tried some bit of effort with Transformers (although I hated all of them!) - BUT what gets me is that EOT was beaten by Fault of the Stars and PR was beaten by GrownUps 2 - which makes it that much more disappointing. It's like the population preferring a Taco Bell special over a Michelin 3 star dinner!
  6. Edge of Tomorrow only made $29M on the opening weekend... WTF?!!! - 3rd place... and some $12M Fault in Our Stars made $48M. I just don't get it... I guess these are the same people that voted Harper & Rob Ford in with an overwhelming majority. ...I'm living on the wrong continent. So much effort goes into great movies and people just want crap! This is opening back up bad wounds for me from Pacific Rim when Grown Ups 2 beat it in the opening weekend. Both films (Pacific Rim & Edge of Tomorrow) did very well internationally - so its only North Americans that are idiots? Everybody go see Edge of Tomorrow, its an excellent movie! Prove to Hollywood that dreck isn't enough.
  7. I loved it! Not to mention the Production Designer is a personal friend and I have worked with Doug Liman and his team before - really nice guys (and that's rare in Hollywood). I'm so happy that it turned out so well. It's a breath of fresh air in the midst of a lot of stale by-the-book Hollywood sci-fi. I enjoyed it even though I was so hyped up for it, so it's gotta be even better if I hadn't had such high expectations on it. It left me wanting more, which is a great thing - it made me feel like a kid again (I can't remember a recent movie which made me feel that way other than Pacific Rim). I highly recommend it, prove to Hollywood that there are people who still appreciates sci-fi - sci-fi is always a tough sell since its so much more expensive to produce than any other genre film and often has lower returns, so why would anyone pay to have this genre made (crap like Grown Ups is so much cheaper and makes more money back)? It's funny too, my wife really enjoyed the humour, it was forced, it just fit in with the story.
  8. I think the new VF-0D is much more massive (central bulk) - just looking at my VF-0A and the new YF-19, its like a heavyweight vs. lightweight and the VF-0D looks even bigger with the solid delta wings. So just on the amount of "bulk" I would guess it would come in more expensive than the YF-19 (which does not bode well). The YF-19 has made me very cautious now for this upcoming release, especially if it will be even more expensive.
  9. You Americans are lucky, we're paying $50 in customs & duties extra for these toys, there's an automatic $9.95 processing fees, then 13% GST/HST on top of that too!
  10. Wow!!! That's amazing (epecially with the SNOT method too!) My wife and daughter got me Benny's spaceship for Father's day (but they are sold out -boo!) but I might have to break out my Galaxy Explorer too to get started.
  11. Nice! Is that the new Chinese J-20 shot down in flames in the background?! This Japan/Chinese rivalry is really all over the place now that I know about it.
  12. Hey does this work with the AC5 HOTAS PS2 controllers (they're USB too)?
  13. Wow! Like my initial review said, it was not worth the MSRP price, but it's definitely worth 1/2 the price. Dang!!! If there's anyone on the fence, I'd jump at it at this price. It sure stings that I paid more than twice including shipping, plus I got dinged $60 from customs too! Ouch!. At least I found some great decals for the tiny little white markings and the yellow hatched areas - I'm planning on posting the little touch ups to my GX-64, but I hadn't had a chance to weather and clear coat it yet. I'm still debating on adding the 1/700 scale photo-etched ships railing and ladders - they fit perfectly, but weren't seen on screen (although those little white markings around the torpedo tubes and waterline marks weren't really seen on the screen and only appears in paintings and illustrations.
  14. I have another perspective to contribute on the power armors being so boring and utilitarian (like most of the Hollywood SciFi stuff seen lately). I've come across this lots of times and have received the same answers from everyone from Producers, Directors to Production Designers. The general consensus (not mine!) is that in SciFi - all the hardware should be relate-able, something familiar that the audience can understand easily and relate to (or more precisely, THEY can relate too as most Producers, Directors and Production designers are not Sci-fi fans) - since its a fantastical premise, the last thing the directors or producers want is a skeptical audience when it comes to the hardware designs. I hear over and over again that my designs are too sci-fi, too futuristic - they want it to be grounded in things they have seen before, like DARPA robotics YouTube videos. If they've seen it in the real world, then it gives them a sense of security that this could actually exist. I just don't get how they get chosen to be the boss of all these productions when most of them have never seen or read Japanese anime or manga.
  15. I'd love to see a build up - so I can live vicariously through you guys!
  16. Really?! Where is our VF-25S renewal re-issue??!!! - argh.
  17. I can just see myself... halfway through it and its a mangled mess, then I think, hey, I can do a CRASH scene! (with a burnt out hulk of an airframe)
  18. I'm not a huge fan of the newly added panel lines to the SDF-1 - they look completely non-nonsensical and out of scale.
  19. Probably spying on Americans (oops I guess I just got redflaged on that one by Prism)
  20. Fantastic job Takatoys! Aboslurmely beautiful - now would someone PLEASE make waterslide decals for this beauty?! That's a great tip to add that little bit of black to the canard wing pegs!
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