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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. I have the 1/350 and with the electronic gimmicks aside, it now seems rather old school and simple compared to the new 1/500 kit - the newer smaller kit is so much more detailed. They are differenet designs and proportions, the 1/500 is the 2199 version and the 1/350 is the Sony Playstation version with is more like the original series than the 2199 version. I'm personally liking the 2199 version proportions more though.
  2. Not yet, its just all in pieces. I haven't even posted any pictures of my VF-25G super packs nor my RVF-25 supers which I all did at the same time as the VF-25S armour packs - I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out though.
  3. Thank you, thank you!! It's so heartwarming to see all these "strangers" whom I've never met in person think of you, what a community!!!! Its nice to know so many people here has got my back. In fact, technoblue has PMed me and offered me one of his HLJ VF-25S - thanks to you, I can finally complete my squadron!! Between Lolicon, David H., erikos0311 and technoblue... I really feel the love - what a great forum board here. I've often said to my wife that if I die, you have to make sure my collection goes to members of MW - only they will appreciated it and I will know they will find a good home. I guess when I finally get this puppy, I'll weather it up and clear coat it, dress it up in the Armour which has already been treated and take some real beauty shots to thank you all. Gotta try out Saburo's tips and get a lightbox I guess. Thanks everybody again and good luck all.
  4. Thanks David, always nice to know someone's got your back here on this wonderful community.
  5. Damn! Up all night and nothing, so I have to commute to work bleary eyed and when I get to work, I find out that I also missed HLJ too! I did a search on HLJ and turned up nothing - how did you guys find the link?
  6. Well, still no luck at NY yet, but at least they haven't upped the price too much - its still under MSRP at 14,280.
  7. I just got a Notify when Available at NY - it just went from site maintenance straight to notify for me
  8. Boo! 30mins later and still nothing from NY other than site down for maintenance - gotta go to bed to get up for work tomorrow. Good luck everybody, hope you guys have better luck than me. Hope NY has some left at decent prices when I wake up in 2.5hrs for another 12hr day
  9. 30secs ?!! - I never saw anything but one F5 to Sold Out!!!
  10. Now ami ami is down too "due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems."
  11. So was this worst than any other Banadai re-issue or is it on par (I felt its worst)?
  12. Hmm... NY is performing site maintenance...
  13. Yep, couldn't believe I saw "Add to Cart" button, but it didn't allow me to proceed... What a tease! Where's NY?!
  14. Thanks! but couldn't proceed through checkout because its sold out...
  15. Yep, went from "available soon" directly to "sold out" - never saw any availablity at all!!!
  16. Nothing yet on Nippon-Yasan yet - argh.
  17. I'll definitely try for it myself, but I hope your right that David H is thinking about me too! I've just had my regular day of 12hrs at work to come home to helping to comb lice out of my daughter's cleaned hair and now I'm going to camp out till 3am - my wife thinks I'm certifiable, but I just don't see myself waking up to an alarm set in the middle of the night. This is the last time I'm doing this (as I keep chanting to myself) as this completes my squadron and I can't think of anything else that I would want this badly again.
  18. We can all pray... I guess I'll be a mess coming into work tomorrow...
  19. So its Friday morning at 3am for Eastern Standard Time right?
  20. Fantastic photos again!!! Are you going to start a thread that outlines your lights, lighbox setup? Did you make it yourself of is it a ready made thing, love that deep black background, how do you get it so it doesn't get lit at all? Is it a piece of black acrylic on the bottom? I'd love to get a decent setup like that.
  21. Although (probably too early to tell) I see that droopy crack behind the cockpit by the upper intakes where the chest piece separates which was always a problem with all the VF-0s before - that separation closes up nicely if its sitting on its landing gears, but if you have it displayed in flight without the forward fuselage supported, it droops.
  22. The problem with top coats is that I'm always afraid of them scratching when I'm transforming them - it does add a layer of fragility to the toy (either real or perceived).
  23. Thanks David, its so nice to know someones got my back! Got my alarm set for Aug 1st 3am (EST)... Good luck to everyone though.
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