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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Saburo, you gotta dress that pretty bird up in some stickers! Amazingly clear photos yet again.
  2. Amazing work as always MJ... you have always taken planes I never really liked before and presented them so well that it makes my wallet hurt
  3. Love the variation going on there, it will bring so much more interest to those flat expanses of colours - bravo Dobber! Are you going to do that to the red waterline portion too? Can't wait to see more!
  4. Slowing getting around to the rest of my collection... I purposely kept the main fighter cleaner and concentrated on more of a shadow/form shading - I figure he doesn't get hit very often He abused his booster pack a bit more.
  5. Thanks MJ, The subtle streaking is done with a smudge stick and graphite shavings from a mechanical pencil (much more control). Yep, the DX lenses do work, but would make a 24Mp D750 into a 10.3Mp camera (plus I wouldn't be able to get as wide). However it would spread out the pain to my wallet over some time though.
  6. Thanks! Yes, the D750 is the one I want. Been reading up on it and they've finally put the feature I really want, the articulating screen!!! I just wish it was cheaper as my lenses are all DX and I would have to get new glass as well Well here's my VF-171CF, for some reason a lot of the subtle light weathering didn't seem to show up in photo as it does in person. Even though its such a toublesome Valk (luckily my bottom triangles are just starting to crack, but I'm not transforming this one other than the first time when I got it), I do love this one because its so unique and I'm a sucker for dark planes. The fast packs really add so much to it!
  7. Finally gotten around to photographing my RVF-25 with the Super Packs on. Unfortunately I haven't done anything with the drones yet. They're a little soft (focus wise) because I'm just too lazy to setup a tripod and its all hand-held, I need a better camera! Enjoy...
  8. Nah, I wasn't in any scenes. I was there for many of the days of Conn-Pod shooting though, just behind the camera. I did love standing in there and pressing the buttons (hehe). Yes, I still want decent Pac Rim Toys - the NECA ones just don't cut it.
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