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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. That sounds great! I love art books. How does one get all 3 books outside of Japan? Will the regular places like HLJ carry this (as a 3book set)?
  2. Is it 2 books? (Vol 1 & 2) available Dec 6th 2014? with Vol 3. available in 2015? Wow, 21,990 Y that's a bit steep.
  3. Hey derex, are all the instructions translated? Could you scan a nice copy of the english pamphlet? Where did you buy it?
  4. Where did you buy it so that the box says "Starblazers 2199" Is it a sticker over the Yamato 2199 logo or did they actually print a different box for the NA export?
  5. Ah, I never noticed, but now that you mention it, I can see that difference. Very cool, now I gotta get back to my GX-64 toy and see if I can easily paint that in - argh.
  6. So what's the consensus on the deck colour, I didn't know it was "wood" planks in space?!
  7. Wow, the detail on this 1/500 is amazing! I wished my old 1/350 was as detailed as this.
  8. So beautiful... brings a tear to my eyes. So lucky that you have your VF-25S (so envious that you can call it quits!). It really does complete the set. That's what I'm waiting for, I never got my own pre-order but I hope that wonderful kind soul technoblue who offered me one of his from HLJ comes through... then I can call it quits too and be done with the Bandai shenanigans.
  9. Thanks for all the Kudos! I have a sticky up in the workshop thread; http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=691 It's also in my sig at the bottom of my post that I try to update in one place with all my threads - the initial SDF-1 build up thread is in there as well as all these recent Gallery pictures. Some of the earlier threads are gone or partially restored due to the various site outages, but the more recent stuff should be intact. I'm very glad this project is finally over, I get kind of obsessed when I'm in it to finish, and my schedule doesn't really allow for much modeling time anymore, so I'm very grateful to finish this one finally.
  10. Finally got around to my other jewel of my collection, Yamato's 1/3000 SDF-1 DYRL. I finished some time ago, but I hadn't had the chance to photograph it. It took me literally months to put on the hundreds of tiny decals to give this monster the scale it deserves (I don't think I'll do that again for the upcoming 1/4000 Hasegawa version ) Hope you enjoy... For those of you who forgot my ordeal... here's the original build-up thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=34450&page=1
  11. wm cheng

    Wm_Cheng's toy collection

    My clear-coated and weathered toy collection photos
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