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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Can anyone tell me anything about this? http://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/product/4499231493/ref=pe_620922_174472542_em_1p_2_im Is it models or drawings/artwork of the mechanics? Does anyone have it? Is it worth getting?
  2. I don't have a VB-6 either, but there's no rush to pre-order this right? It will be open right up and past American Black Friday? Just in case it goes on sale then?
  3. Ah, perfect! What a great idea, mind if I copy you?
  4. Isn't it just greed and profiteering? I don't think foreign sales even registers on their radar (especially with the licensing issues) so comparing the yen to foreign currencies is kind of mute. Don't they just cater mostly to sales within Japan?
  5. I'm looking forward to this one - nicely different, really lends itself to more of a tank/armored vehicle kind of weathering. Especially with all the nicely tampoed markings that Bandai provides!
  6. Oh ok, thanks! It seems like its been a while since we got our YF-30 - I'm looking forward to this one.
  7. It's out already? I didn't get any shipping notice, only Payment OK.
  8. Wow! Beautiful as always!!! Almost enough for me to take mine out of the case and weather and decal it... Love dark valks!
  9. Is this going to be a replay of the renewal pre-order madness or is this a sane and sensible pre-order?!
  10. Thanks, at just over 3,800 to ship EMS, HLJ is only 900Y cheaper than NY - not bad considering NY will save me $40-50 in customs/duties/brokerage.
  11. So how much is HLJ charging for shipping? (by which method?) NY charged 4,700Y for EMS.
  12. Thanks that's good to know. Wow, $20-30 as a min. - what country is that? I thought we had it bad in Canada.
  13. Can't wait to see what you do with your 1/350! Its funny how much more detailed the 1/500 is than our old 1/350 - kind of puts it to shame.
  14. Does anyone know what the cancellation policy is on NY? https://www.nippon-yasan.com/cms.php?id_cms=10 It doesn't say anywhere but it does say I have 15 days to pay when I receive the payment notice before your order is cancelled. Does that mean I can just cancel it anytime before I receive payment notice (15 days before release?) ie; if HLJ does their Black Friday sale and IF the VF-0 is include and IF its actually a sale of more than $40-$50 off.
  15. Yeah, I saw that a while ago, but I thought it was just too fussy and involved too many steps. I'm trying to send it out to a dry transfer manufacturer - we just used them on the last show I was on to do a control panel button lettering and it turned out pretty good - but of course that lettering was 100X bigger than what I want to do. And because its a small personal project, its on their backburner - argh.
  16. Well, actually its my floppiest valk in my collection. I love they way it looks (although it still has the giant trench panel lines of the 1/48 era toys) but I can't even pick it up without the neck/forward fuselage flopping down, let alone zooming it around the room. I sure hope they've improved it since the original VF-0 - otherwise I'd sure be disappointed if they just stuck delta wings onto the old toy and decided to charge twice as much! Please, pls can someone beg on my behalf on twitter to Mr. K to make water-slide decals available as an option (I'd gladly pay for them!)
  17. Congrats MJ! That's the best looking YF-19 I've seen to date. Having all those markings really elevate it from a ridiculously expensive kids toy to a real adult collector's item. It looks simply fantastic, you should be proud. I can't wait to start in on mine... someday... I've re-traced all the Arcadia stickers in Illustrator to vector files, and I'm hoping to try out a guy that does "rub-on" transfers to see if he can do a opaque white now that Alps printers are no more but its taking forever for him to get back to me. I wish Anasazi was still around... (I'm so NOT looking forward to the VF-0D having to source out decals for that puppy especially since its a dark valk). It's been so disheartening to see mine naked especially after how much I had to paid for it.
  18. Unfortunately I know you're right... but its MW, I can bitch & complain can't I?! It really bugs me, can't they just include water slide decals as well - how much more would it really costs them to include that? AND what's with providing stand adapters to stands that they never include nor can we actually buy anywhere in stock? They're just laughing at us sayin' haha you can never use these adapters. I just don't get why everyone hates Bandai, for 1/3 the price they tampo print EVERYTHING and include a stand. You lucky U.S. people... you just don't understand the woes of paying an extra $40-50 per toy every time to the government that actively tries to prevent things you want from entering the country just because it doesn't have French on the label.
  19. Thanks Charger69 - just bit the bullet on ONE. Came out to the same price as the YF-19 shipped - at least I'll save $40-50 in duties with NY - I can't imagine HLJ will have a $40-50 discount. This better be better than the YF-19... - I'm only giving Arcadia one more chance because I do love the VF-0D design so much. Please, please tampo print more than just the UN Spacy Kites.
  20. Wow, still no stand at that price... just a stinking stand attachment, really?!
  21. I'm glad to hear some people applying the stickers. You don't have to go the whole nine yards, but just trimming and using the stickers adds a great deal to the toy. That's what really bugs me about the Yamacadias, they really could tampo print everything (especially at the prices they are asking for these days!)
  22. Nice Photos Saburo! Does everyone just leave their Valks naked? Doesn't people use the stickers?
  23. Wow!!! At least we won't have to go through the Bandai pre-order shanagans. Everything better be tampo printed on for that price. I'm just not as sure anymore, as the YF-19 still left a sour taste in my mouth. It's still sitting naked on my shelf (until I can find some appropriate white printed water-slide decals for it). Judging from all the posts of amazing photography and collections, the vast majority of Yamacadias are still naked (so stickers just don't cut it!).
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