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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Yep, it saves us Canadians a lot of customs & duties that way! However, mine is held up in Customs, the status says "Rentention Period" after Customs - what does that mean? Its been there for 2 days. In fact its been in Canada for 4 days! Argh, hate our post office and government here!
  2. Feel exactly the same way! However I already pre-ordered (despite the YF-19) ;( If this has the floppy neck syndrome, then its my last Arcadia... fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice... well, you get the idea.
  3. I loved the movie! Yes, its Hollywood, the producers want to see the actual actors in it - its why they get the big bucks, you don't want to hide all that star power encased within a suit that can be any stunt double or worst yet, completely CGI. It's also supposed to take place in the immediate future, if you look at the DARPA suits, its pretty close as far as research goes. Director wanted a gritty wartime reality, a improved cobbled together technology in a rush to counter the aliens - he was very adamant he didn't want anything sci-fi and unbelievable. I get to work with the same production designer again on my new movie now (yay!)
  4. Without NY, I wouldn't have ANY of my renewals... I'm just glad they're around
  5. Really?! Where are there 3rd Party decals for the YF-19?!! They just aren't even available so its not an option.
  6. That gap on the back hump which is where the floppy broken neck syndrome on the older VF-0 has me worried, its been in every one of the photos of this toy so far!
  7. Can anyone please tweet this desire to include waterslide decals to Mr. K please? I for one was SOOOO disappointed that waterslide decals were not included with the YF-19, please don't make that mistake again with the VF-0D. In order to make it up to us, Arcadia should include the missing set with the VF-0D as an apology
  8. I thought the same, however on the last shipment they actually paid more than I paid for shipping... but mostly it works out in their favour have to admit I think its an estimate and they usually estimate high to cover themselves.
  9. Hey that partner would be me! I hate puttying and sanding smooth all the seams, sanding is soooo tedious for me. Often I don't do enough of it and have to pay the price later once I start painting. I love painting though, that's when the whole thing takes shape and I can start to shade and weather it. I love decals too, I love the whole last half because I can then see the light at the end of the tunnel. Yes, exactly what Chas said, I'd do the same too.
  10. Wow! That looks great, wonderful save! I didn't think it was savable... so how did you restore it? Is the key getting the future underneath the decal?
  11. Oh no! Future and Micro-SOL do go great together, that's been my combination for years. Your green layer looks rather dull/matte, did you coat it with Future to make it really glossy and shiny to provide a smooth base for the decal first? You have to have a super shiny smooth glossy base for the decals to sit on first. The Future which gives this glossy base needs to setup and dry first. Then you apply the decal and lightly dab the edges with Micro-SOL and let the capillary action draw the Micro-SOL underneath the decal - by this time it should be in place as you never move a decal once its gotten Micro-SOL on it, its a solvent and its natural for it to wrinkle up the decal a bit before it dries and lays flat. When it isn't crazy curved surfaces I would only use Micro-SET instead of Micro-SOL as its much milder and won't "melt" the decal. The silvering underneath the decal looks like it was applied over a matte/flat finish basecoat and there's nothing you can do afterwards that I know of that makes it go away (short of removing the decal and starting over). I wish I had better news to give you.
  12. That's how I feel too, I wanted to collect a few of these figures too... but they way they've interpreted the designs, they would just make me look like a creepy pedophile
  13. Glad you got yours MJ! NY did cancel my 2nd order... hmm, now I'm wondering if I did the right thing? - just never happy are we
  14. Well, I thought my saga was over with the VF-25S when I finally got an order in later in the day when NY gave me an initial "Awaiting Refund" notice on my first order. The next day, after they shipped my 2nd order out already, my initial "Awaiting Refund" order was changed to "Payment accepted". Dang! I went from having stayed up all night and missing out on the original pre-order to now possibly having 2 VF-25S (I usually only collect ONE of each). I've sent them a e-mail about cancelling one of the orders, but it might be too late. It's so weird to be feeling like I missed out for months, with the hope of a kind sole here (TechnoBlue) offering me one of his HLJ orders... to hanging on pins and needles awaiting for a HLJ payment request... to missing out on one of the first windows after issue to now having possibly 2 VF-25S! What a ride this toy collecting business is.
  15. Woohoo!!! I finally scored one from NY, got an in-stock e-mail and bought it right away (after someone bought it out of my cart while I was paying this morning!). 19,000Y - not a too bad mark up! FINALLY, I can sleep...
  16. Beautiful MJ (as always!) - you should definitely graduate to building models with the amount of work & effort you put into these toys, its immensely gratifying (sometimes ).
  17. I love that front view! While its not exactly the YF-19 we grew up with, I love how they modernized it and it seems sleeker (definitely in keeping with "Advanced" version, I think it would be a mistake to keep comparing it with the original 80's design lineart) - it would be very appropriate next MF stuff. I'm eagerly awaiting this release.
  18. Ah.... I just checked NY this morning and the add to cart button was up, but by the time I checked out and paid, I got a status of "Awaiting Refund" immediately - does that mean someone bought it while I was checking out and its gone now?!
  19. Thanks so much! Yes, I did a search when you first mentioned it and couldn't come up with anything. It's been saved and I will attempt it soon.
  20. Was there ever any instruction or thread about how to perform this fix?
  21. Yes, I thought I was the only one that cared about that! I never touch my VF-0 because I can't zoom it around because it breaks its back as soon as I lift it. Arcadia didn't exactly hit it out of the ballpark with the last YF-19 release, I'm still hoping I haven't made another decision I regret.
  22. I hope not... I think if Bandai went with Arcadia, it would be a step in the wrong direction Less printing, less playability and more expensive (not a good combination!)
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