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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. I've been printing my own decals for a while now, however the non-printed white is a HUGE issue. You can basically only apply the decals to a white aircraft only. All the colours (especially if your laser printing them) will be translucent and will take on the hue of whatever underlying paint colour your applying them on. Its fine when we have white Valkyries, but when you start to stray and go to other colours, they will "cast" that colour onto your decal designs. If you have a dark paint scheme then forget about printing your own decals. You need the white underneath to make your colours/design show through. The white sheet is of no use because you have to trim around your designs perfectly to not see any white carrier sheet left behind. It's too bad Alps printers went the way of the do-do. Please let me know if anyone finds a solution to this problem!
  2. Release waterslide decals for all their toys - while we're at it, since its a wish, give out waterslide decals for their previous toys that didn't come with any with free shipping abroad and a note of apology!
  3. Waterslide decaling or stickering? Don't get my hopes up for waterslide decals... any news on that front?
  4. YAY! Your right, no droop. A glimmer of hope! Any news about the tampo printing? Can anyone ask or suggest?
  5. Wow, great weathering job!!! ... for armor maybe or maybe it was found in the bottom of the ocean? Really hard to do that though, I'd love to learn how for some of the really dirty Tomcats in the final days.
  6. Wow, 41m is 134ft - that's huge, it didn't seem that big in the anime. However, if that's the case, then the bridge is way too small - isn't there supposed to be at least 5 levels/floors within that clear part of the bridge superstructure?
  7. I just lucked into it at the hobby store and asked the clerk to open it so I could see the decals. Try here; https://www.google.ca/search?q=hobbyboss+1/700+russian+navy+typhoon+class&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=FJC2VNXnM8qpyAS_xYDoAg There's a shot of the decals on the images tab - and its on ebay too, although it seems to be discontinued or sold out at HLJ. Good luck.
  8. That's cool, where do the small Valkyries go on the model? That monster would be huge if it was to scale, look at it compared to the bridge?!!
  9. Wow, that's great, she loves cute stuff like this! Thanks David. I like this a bit better for me... Now I'm on the search - never seen this before at our local hobby shop. (sorry for the OT)
  10. Ok, its been awhile, but finally finished my GX-64 toy repaint. Deciding on repainting the deck slowed me down a bit. Mostly what bothered me was the lack of white tiny decal markings on the toy, so I searched around and found a cheap 1/700 scale Typhoon sub that had these small white waterline markings it was $7 so it was like buying a decal sheet. The thick plastic fence for the railing in the front bothered me too, so I also got a 1/700 photo etched detail set at the hobby store on sale - it included a bunch of stairs that I folded up which I used too (man these are small!!!). In fact they are so small that in the end, when I attached them, you could hardly see them anymore since they've been painted grey. I put in a set by the catapults as shown int he sketches for crew access to the planes while on the catapult. Also a set by the doors below and some sprinkled throughout the deck. For the amount of pain and hassle, I don't think they're worth it as you can hardly see them unless you were looking for them Over all I just gave it a dark wash to pick out the recessed areas and a white dry brushing with the Tamiya weathering powders, some pencil graphite rub stick at the panels and a future/matte clear coat to seal it all in to allow handling. Hope you guys like it.
  11. Sure, maybe we could let her start with your stuff first...
  12. Funny, my daughter (8 now) likes it for me (because she knows how much I like it - so cute). She liked to watch Robotech, but really liked the Minmay, Misa and Hikaru love triangle thing - she kind of tuned out during the battle sequences. She likes to look at my collection but knows its hands off. She wants to start a model with me though, I thought I should bring her to a hobby shop and let her choose something she'd like. The coloured Bandai Gunpla stuff might be a good place to start - although I'd hate to get her into Gundam
  13. Seems interesting, especially for repairs if it can be shaped and is actually strong afterwards. http://www.plastimake.com/
  14. wm cheng


    Absolutely beautiful cool8or! Congrats. How did you manage to hinge the canopy? I've always wanted to do that to my models but just couldn't build a hinge small enough that was strong enough.
  15. Yeah, but the tampo printing on those ships were phenomenal - how they were able to get legible lettering that small and around all the complex surfaces and subtle aztec paneling was a work of art. We can't even get an intake marking from Arcadia! How pronounced is the inward tilt? I heard it was a mistake on one of the models but depending on the size, its perfectly parallel on another sized filming miniature. Now, I'm waiting for that Star Destroyer! (preferably with lighting components).
  16. Woohoo! Got my email confirmation from HLJ... going to sleep now, 4hrs till another 12hr work day! Good luck to everyone else.
  17. Hmm, I think I got it, it said I got it from HLJ but I haven't received an email confirmation yet and when I check my "open orders" it says nothing... now I'm worried
  18. Woohoo!!! Thank you guys... got one from HLJ.
  19. No where else?! It wasn't even 10 seconds from when I refreshed (given the server was painfully slow)
  20. There's no way they can process that many orders in that span of time?!
  21. Pre-Orders Closed on AmiAmi already!
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