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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    So what's the story on VF-4 and VF-2SS? Are they including them in the 1/100 line or not?
  2. I thought it was supposed to have a brand new transformation, the VF-31 is just the same old transformation as the 25 with some wing bits that go the wrong way... so its just the SV-262 that's the new transformation? I'm a bit underwhelmed. The story better be good, the character artwork isn't as good as the old Mikimoto stuff - its looks the newer simplified art. I wished the schemes were a bit more military than air-show flash.
  3. I might be a cranked arrow delta with a forward swept tip instead of a cranked up tip...
  4. I feel your pain. My daughter is 9 now, but I started her when she was 4, I always thought she liked it, but when she turned 7, she sat me down and said; "Daddy, I don't really like Star Wars you know... I only watch it for YOU, you seem to like it so much!" She's like Star Wars Rebels ok, but she'll watch it with me if I plead with her now. The things she does for her daddy
  5. Gotta be one of my personal faves!!! Just too afraid to transform it - but it sure is pretty sittin' there waiting for me to zoom it around the room.
  6. Get an Iwata, its worth it. I learned on a Badger 200IL for 15yrs, then got 2 Iwatas an HP-BC and HP-C and they are light years ahead. I can't even really compare them to the Badger as they aren't even in the same ballpark.
  7. Umm... yeah, I don't think any Badger is ever $400 - even Iwatas (the Ferrari of airbrushes are hardly more than $250usd) In fact $90 for a Badger seems a bit expensive, you can get a much better gravity feed dual action Iwata for $90-$100usd. Don't let that ridiculous MSRP fool you.
  8. Jumping on the Star Wars bandwagon! This is what I've done with my last few weeks off. They are the FineMolds 1/72 Tie Fighters - this is what I had envisioned when I first saw the Bandai Trident stand, so I kind of got the stand first, then bought the models to go with the stand (ass backwards!) a few years ago. After getting the amazing Bandai Y-Wing fighter recently, I thought I'd build these first to get myself back into the hang of building models. I've been out of the game for a while, just weathering and detailing toys for the last few years. It was a sobering experience. They are pretty incredibly detailed models for such a small scale (my last Star Wars model was the 70s MPC/AMT X-Wing which had to modify extensively which turned me off Star Wars models for a while). I highly recommend them, don't know what they're like compared to the new crop of Bandai Tie Fighters though. The Tie Fighters are by far the best kits I've built in a while (beautifully detailed, great hiding of seams and easy paint masking), while the Advanced Tie (Darth Vader's tie fighter) wasn't as well engineered as the original tie fighters - masking the black panels on the solar wings was indeed a pain! p.s. Oh, a bit of advice, you can hardly see any cockpit details after you're finished (I spent so much time detailing and carefully painting the cockpit)
  9. Wow! That VF-0S is starting to look really good. But after being burned twice by Arcadia and that insane price - I just gotta pass, in fact I'm probably passing on all the Arcadia stuff if they keep pricing themselves at this level and giving us the same bare crap. I don't mind paying these prices, but this is what I expect in the +$3-400 range! http://www.hlj.com/product/SET88021
  10. Beautiful! Dying to find out about the price.
  11. Thanks! Got everything I need already. Just hoping to get the new Force Awakens X-Wing when it comes out which might be hard to get here in North America - argh!
  12. Well, with PacRim 2 going down... I find myself with some unexpected extra time on my hands! I finally got back to my disaster a few years ago when I thought the Alclad black undercoat was Lacquer as it says on the bottle, but in fact it was an enamel and the oil wash I did on top ate into the undercoat causing a big mess. I ended up buying another kit and re-building it. This has to be a cursed kit, so many things went wrong but I finally dug it up and finished it last week. At least its in a presentable stage. I used so many different Alclad metalizer colours to differentiate the panels, but in the end it only looks like 2-3 shades (a lot of effort for naught). I also used a clear Tamiya red for the forward section with a metalizer undercoat and I love the way it gives the red so much more depth. I must commend Bandai for such a intricate and detailed tiny model, it really does the Cosmo Zero justice! I'm going onto a pair of Tie fighters and Darth's Advanced Tie from Fine Molds next - caught the Star Wars fever, plus its been a while since I built anything, they're small and easy and hopefully will train my skills back a bit in preparation for the newer Bandai Star Wars kits.
  13. You'd think that eh? But unfortunately not, every new Production Designer attached to any sequel will want to put their own personal stamp/mark on the franchise so they will "re-design" everything even if it's just ego (especially with North American designers). It's pretty rare to have art departments that would have worked on multiple films to re-use anything (this would have been my first film where I worked on the original and the sequel - most often the sequel is filmed somewhere else cheaper than the original). Its so sad to see all the amazing sets get trashed in giant garbage bins at the end of any show - its just too expensive for the studios to rent space to store anything these days. Its cheaper to re-build everything. I guess ILM would have the original digital models, but because of new software advances and probably new designs, its not often it gets reused without substantial work to modify the assets.
  14. Yes it went down a few weeks ago, I had to clear my stuff out of the office. Hence now I have some time to build a model or two
  15. I'm pretty excited about this one! Having just wrapped out of it - I hope I can get back to a model or two before the next thing starts up. It was pretty special and a great crew. I have my fingers crossed for this.
  16. Boy you guys are a lot more forgiving with a little time and hindsight behind us. The initial reviews when the movie came out on these boards here were absolutely scathing. I didn't mind it as much because I worked on it so I thought I was just wrong because I was too close to the project. Having watched the original many times while working on this remake made me realize how silly and over the top the original was and how a lot of what I loved about the first one was clouded by nostalgia and childhood. I find that when something achieves the status of camp/absurd - a lot is automatically forgiven.
  17. Really?! That level 2 X-Wing kit is just sad... it looks like melted blooby details. And to think that it is TWICE the size of the Bandai one (why is Revell making 1/50 scale X-Wing - uh?!) will only make the crappy simplified details look even bigger.
  18. Thanks I got everything I needed from HLJ for now (even went back to get some more just in case Too bad the new X-Wing will be released too late for this Sep 20 deadline - argh.
  19. Too late for that, I just got some big ass magnifying glasses on arms and jeweler's head gear glasses for Christmas last year and got old age ribbing from the in-laws to no end!
  20. I believe it says available October http://bandai-hobby.net/sw/products/ep07_force/mc/mc01.html (but probably in Japan only due to the recent Disney decision to enforce the Japanese license and only let North America have Revell crap)
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