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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. Sorry to hear about your troubles Moosey, Did you see my thread on weathering my VF-0D? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35120&page=93#entry1203668 If you look at my signature below, and go to the archived links thread, scroll down to the toys and you can find a few other links to my experience in weathering the VF-0D - I didn't have to re-paint the entire thing, but I did use an airbrush to do the salt weathering techniques to lighten the overall blue. Good luck.
  2. Am I gettin' old or is every one of these new fangled transformation sequences or battle sequences getting faster and choppier - those darn youngsters, what happened to taking a step back and enjoying the glory of the ingenuity of engineering and seeing the entire battle from a distance to get a feel for the big picture instead of these fast cut clips?!
  3. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't think it would bode well for the 1/60 DX version, true that its slightly larger, but most likely it would be some kind of die-cast metal and I don't think the metal molds can hold as much detail as plastic molds - it might actually be simplier. The 1/72 scale version is supposed to be a model - therefore more detail/realistic than the toy, this gear looks almost laughable IMHO.
  4. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm with you there! Looks like Bandai is up their old shanagans again, they can't design a landing gear to save their lives! Bandai has had a consistent history of screwing up any semblance of a realistic looking gear and going ultra beefy - just remember their Yukikaze models - argh! I've never had any of the newer generation Valkyries ever displayed with their landing gears down - they are an after-thought, either they are too far forward for the nose gear or too far backwards for the main gears or just they look like beefy silvery sticks with wheels stuck on the end of them.
  5. Wow!!! Simply gorgeous. I thought I had missed a Hasegawa release. That might be a good way to use up my stash of Bandai kits sitting there never to be built unless I wanted to torture myself again.
  6. Holy NO STEP batman! There's not a surface or panel on that bird that you can stand on or that won't kill ya! Ah... what plane was I working on... oh yeah, 102! Damn, if I can only remember what plane this service panel belonged to... oh yeah, 102
  7. LOVE mechanical books!!! YES! Please come to papa... anywhere but Amazon.jp - the shipping and customs to Canada is a killer! Thanks for the heads up.
  8. I think 308bits has done some 1/144 Falcon replacement parts including a original Trilogy round dish for this kit. I just don't know if I can just add LEDs to the existing system of 2 watch batteries, there are some resistors wired in too - I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out - I'd like to use the fiber optics to run the red marker lights...
  9. Thanks, I knew about this one, kinda pricey for only 4 LEDs - there's a UK one that has more lights, but nothing that includes the cockpit, gunwells, front mandibles, landing lights, red marker lights, ramp and engines (is that too much to ask for in 1/144 )
  10. Hey, we're twinies... that looks EXACTLY like my VF-4, even down to the paint scheme, pencil post-shading and tiny data stenciling decals. It looks amazing (if I do say so myself ) Great job Lolicon.
  11. Nice!!! The A-Wing and Bomber are definite for me, planning on even getting the 1/144 MF even though I already have the FM 1/72 (good to practice on). Too bad there aren't enough aftermarket stuff for the smaller 1/144 kit yet (especially a lighting kit)
  12. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm hoping its not too far back. Some of the more recent Valkyrie designs seem to have them too far back and looks awkward, same with having the front nose gear too far forward too. It would be nice to have them in a semi realistic location so I can again display my toys with the gears down instead of relying on the stand (which is all my Frontier Valks).
  13. Beautiful, is it a kit or a toy? Its pretty nice if its a toy, what brand and scale? I'd like to have something like that too - always loved the futuristic design and being called a Valkyrie just adds to it in my collection.
  14. Yes, this really is the jewel of my collection (along with the 1/3000 SDF-1). I think this represents the pinnacle of Yamato engineering and have yet to be surpassed by Arcadia. To anyone that doesn't have one of these, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it - just phenomenal! (and your shots Saburo does it justice!)
  15. How about this one... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35120&p=1198988 These Arcadias are getting to be too much work to look acceptable in my display...
  16. Darn it... missed it (by quite a bit) - but when its discounted, I might bite again just because its the VF-0S. Thanks for posting deals when you find them.
  17. Simply beautiful Lolicon... glad you're putting the decals up - such an improvement. Argh... making it hard for me to resist.
  18. I find it funny that most of the people that bash the Bandai one doesn't even own that one - how can you make an informed opinion without having it in hand?! (I know, this IS the internet ) Also a key point for me is that the Bandai one is not only superior (IMHO) or even if you consider it even but different or even slightly less - it costs substantially less (almost 50% less for me) - which demonstrates what can be done at the lower price-point. I just felt gauged by Arcadia which adds to the sense of dissatisfaction.
  19. I'd bite for that amount if it was the VF-0S (even with Arcadia's track record with me). Here's to hoping... (however it might be only the VF-0A as its a recognized flaw the VF-0S doesn't have any so far right?)
  20. Definitely the Bandai one all the way if we're talking about fighter mode only. Its the sleekest (IMHO). The Arcadia one has too much of a downward point to the nose and the swan neck is just too exaggerated for an aircraft and that damn thick block at the air intake. Not to mention the exorbitant price tag, total lack of the most minimalist of tampo printing, overly complicated transformation that isn't even satisfying (but feels like I'm breaking it!), weak ankles, stupid wing/arm mechanism for fast mode, and WTF with no stand included, just an adapter nonsense. It's so blank it just looks half-assed and uncompleted next to the incredible amount of molded details all over the Bandai 19 Advanced (even in areas that you'd never see unless you were transforming it). Don't even get me talking about the pose ability in Battroid mode. I'd gladly sell mine if I didn't put so much effort and so many hours into it to make it look remotely pass-able in my collection. I guess you know which camp I belong too
  21. $100 less and more tampo then it would be a done deal!
  22. Thanks for the heads up - sooooo tempting.... but after our really low dollar, shipping, customs and duties, that's still over $400cdn! If I didn't feel so burned by Arcadia twice before, I might just bite - argh.
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