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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Really?! Damn, are they going to be up at HLJ or NY as well?
  2. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Has anyone from HLJ gotten a payment request yet? I haven't.
  3. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just don't understand why they don't just make the whole stand clear - is clear plastic really that much more expensive than black?!
  4. Fantastic video!!! Why did they just tease us again with that Star Destroyer - blows that Russian kit away...
  5. Oooh so hawt!!! and aging so gracefully. Definitely on my top 5, I'll watch anything she's in. Worked with her on Total Recall (and such a cute accent!)
  6. They're not all the same quality. I think we lucked out with the UCS Millenium Falcon as being their better offerings. I did order a proper UCS plaque sticker from the UK on ebay - at least this proper sticker spelled Star Wars correctly
  7. I forgot to update this thread... I finished my Lepin UCS Millennium Falcon set a few weeks ago and it was amazing! The build was such fun, but it did take 26-28hrs to complete. The Lepin blocks are a 9/10 in terms of quality, finish and fit. The Technics components are a 8/10 - they needed a slighter higher tolerance as some pieces were a bit tight while others were a bit loose. There were a few missing pieces, but nothing that couldn't be substituted with the extra pieces, so there was no delay in building it. There were a few mistakes in the instructions, but nothing you couldn't forsee or improvise correctly. I can't recommend this amazing kit enough!!! It's truly fantastic especially if you ever wanted the real Lego kit, but weren't ready to part with $9K. I will still buy the Lego set if they ever re-release it at MSRP (so its not like Lego is losing any money from me), but at $189usd, this has to be the bargain of the decade for me!
  8. Well, I liked it (it's a guilty pleasure - it wasn't great, but it was fun). Is it me or does anyone see the "Macross-ish-ness" in the earth fighter planes (except for the Alien engine pods slung under the wings). The designers definitely seem to have seen Anime styled sci-fi for Hollywood, which I liked. I've also worked with Barry Chusid, who designed this movie so that sways me a bit. I also liked Stealth as a guilty pleasure, I loved the fact that they built the planes in real life and that fact lent it great credibility on screen (instead of everything green screened). I have also worked with the Designer Oliver Scholl who designed "Stealth" and specifically, the aircraft and he's a true sci fi guy and a great person to work with (he also designed Edge of Tomorrow) - so that biases me a lot
  9. I hope the gold is a metallic colour and not just plain yellow - some of those photos look yellow instead of metallic gold.
  10. I totally sealed it, many many layers before and after the decals to protect them during the transformation. Now I hardly ever transform this model, maybe 5-6 times so far, but I fully expect the clear coat to get scratched or damaged, just hope that its not deep enough to affect the decals or paint. Seems to work so far.
  11. Hmm... a little underwhelming... just like the Apple Event today
  12. wm cheng

    Hi-Metal R

    Lovin' that VF-2SS - they've captured both modes well. Hmm, I might just have to bite...
  13. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So is there an ETA on those boosters? Pre-order date? Will they be available before the rest of the squad? (love the Valk design, just haven't gotten the time to watch the episodes yet, it just doesn't seem to pique my interest - too much of that girly stuff - argh).
  14. Great find! However I expected a little more greebling detail for the bridge especially if its at 60cm large (mind you its better than anything from Revell). I don't know about this Russian company - any good reviews about their kits? I'm still hoping for a Bandai version - their Millennium Falcon just blows me away!
  15. Yeah, when its a coloured part, especially if its darker, I use a black panel line wash, but I also try to "dry brush" a lighter grey just around the panel lines so it lightens the panel edges and lets you see the black recessed lines better (I think it also simulates panel wear well too)
  16. I didn't see the video so I don't know. I only apply it to the panel lines and I usually mix the grey with the white to get it much lighter for the general panel lines, then I use the grey for the deeper access panels and the black for the moveable surfaces such as the flaps, ailerons, rudder or vents (and landing gears too). Its nice to vary the colour to add depth to the various panel lines to make the paint job a bit more interesting.
  17. Hi Gatsu, I definitely didn't use Zippo oil and I don't know what white oil is. I used my old trusty method of using low odour varsol (mineral spirits) with oil paints for my wash. I have now since moved on and I am now using clay and water based flory's wash which is even more gentle and totally inert. http://www.florymodels.co.uk/washes/
  18. Loved those sets!!! I just rebuilt my Galaxy Explorer with my daughter a little while ago. I still had everything except I lost that darn antenna (which of course is worth the most nowadays!)
  19. Odd that HLJ was open for at least 15-20mins. Oh well, good night all. Hope eveyone got one who wanted one.
  20. Woohoo, HLJ confirmation came through... no go back to bed, another 12hr workday in 3hrs - argh!!! (to pay for this baby). Too bad NY still is coming up empty.
  21. Hmm, 8mins later and still available at HLJ... o-oh, let's not have another mistake. Still nothing at NY yet.
  22. THANK YOU !!!! for the link. I couldn't find it otherwise. Just got it. It's still available. GO Go Go!!!
  23. It turned out beautiful!!! I admire your patience. Did you paint or use the decals or stickers?
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