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wm cheng

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Everything posted by wm cheng

  1. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I just did, thanks! That might be just what I needed to get me started on the series again - although if the other episodes don't match up to this level, I'm blaming you
  2. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wow!!! Those super parts look really good on, better than I had expected (hadn't gotten myself to watch the series yet as the first episode with all the little whiny high pitched girly stuff really turned me off) So glad I had ordered them. When do they come out? I just wished the plate over the chest piece in front of the head was longer and more forward to cover the gap in the fuselage. I've always liked the aircraft mode, but the super parts really enhances the Battroid mode even more!
  3. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks Duymon, so what do you use to clean up the airbrush with after you're finished with it? MacrossJunkie, so I take it you use the "Acrylic Resin" Matt varnish, is that also "pre-thinned" for airbrush use? What do you use to clean your airbrush afterwards? With these reports of the thin paint app, it makes me want to clear-coat protect these babies even more urgently. I'd like to try these options out on my VF-19 Advanced fast packs when I get around to them. About the VF-31J landing gear doors, they look so small, makes the plane look squat and are fiddly trying to swing the tires out - but most importantly, they don't roll, they roll by them selves, but when I put the plane down on the table, I can't push it. To look plausible, they need to look like they could have some travel so when the aircraft lands, they can retract a bit to take the shock of the landing/aircraft's weight. I do love playing with this toy and transforming it (I haven't even transformed my Arcadia YF-19 since that first harrowing attempt which made me afraid I was going to break or snap something) - its a really fun toy! I really still don't like that frosted/metallic canopy though, aren't you supposed to see though your windshield? They did it on the YF-30 which I hated, and now its even more opaque (wrong direction Bandai!) I wished they just tinted it but still kept it clear like the VF-25s. I also wished the red sensors on the nose was a bit more clear/translucent - the red they used might as well be a paint app. Does anyone feel that the fuselage piece right after the cockpit canopy and before the "big gap" seem just a hair under-sized? I think its this undersize that makes the grey edge on the forward canopy section seem like its fading (because your seeing the white plastic perpendicular edge/face) and makes the gap behind it seem a little larger because its actually slightly undersized instead of being totally flush with the back piece behind it?
  4. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Thanks! I wouldn't have known the difference. What version are you talking about MacrossJunkie? I would definitely want to spray it out of the airbrush, so what is the solvent/thinner for the Polyurethane version?
  5. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I will try that Vallejo Matte Varnish, its always hard to get a truly flat/matte finish with the future. Does the Vallejo wear as well as the future?
  6. Yeah! Why is that? It always seems like they can do no wrong and everyone around here has got a "hate-on" for Bandai. I'm certainly not giving Arcadia a free pass anymore, especially with the prices they are commanding these days for their naked bare Valkyries.
  7. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Definitely not 50:50 ratio, that's too much. That will definitely give you the chalky whitish finish when its dried. That's why its tricky as it totally looks milky/whitish/translucent when the Tamiya flat goes into the future and looks horrible, but if you've got the right mixture, it will dry nicely. You don't know if you've got it right till it dries. That Future Guide is a great summary, wish I had something like that as a guide when I was experimenting. I just experimented and the failures were wiped away with Windex, so don't worry too much - hint, don't use windex when cleaning your shelves around the toys! But it suggest a 1:3 ratio (flat:future) as a max flatness I'd go - I always end up being on the safe side and usually end up with a semi-gloss at 1:4 or 1:5. I go a semi-gloss on the aircraft and a flat/matte on the boosters/fast packs/armour so they're like "tank" armour. I quite like the contrast, especially when you post shade the aircraft (darker streaks and shading on a lighter base colour) and dry brush the armour/booster packs (lighter grey/white edge highlighting on a darker base colour).
  8. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yes, I like the future mix best as well as I find it a lot more durable than the model top coats available. I mix my Future with Tamiya Flat Base - its kind of tricky as to how much because if you go over-board with the flat mix, you get a whitish chalky finish when it dries, if you don't use enough, you still get a glossiness and this doesn't show up till after its dried. But sometimes I hand brush it on the edges that I want to protect as you get a much thicker coat when you hand brush and I airbrush the larger areas to get a smooth consistency - future is pretty good at self-leveling. All my Valks are clear-coated with a future/matte mixture and they've held up fine to transformations. Good luck!
  9. I wished LEGO was more a toy, its all the adult hoarders that have priced me out of some of my "holy grail" sets (UCS Millennium Falcon at $8K was just ridiculous!) Too many adults buy up the bigger more complicated sets and hoard them away without ever cracking the seals as "investments" - also I find it hard to "break apart" the hundreds of dollar sets to use as parts for my own creations. If everything was more available and cheaper (if they were treated more like toys) I would be able to experiment more and build my own creations. Luckily there have been more and more Chinese knock-off companies like Lepin that have brought clones of some discontinued sets at reasonable prices (I finally have a UCS Millennium Falcon from them and its amazing!) Lego should be built and taken apart and re-built into something different, not kept in boxes!
  10. Has anyone seen this?! http://www.moc-pages.com/moc.php/278029
  11. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Funny you should say "deprived" - my parents never gave me anything! It was especially hard growing up as my best friend constantly got tonnes of "lucky red envelops" and just bought everything in sight, of course we always went collecting together and I had to really scrimp and save and really really decide on what I would buy from what little money I had saved up from my various jobs. It always felt unfair even to this day where I'm always giving away "lucky red envelops" to all my parents friends/family and I'm always stuck with the big restaurant bills at the end of the night just because I made more money at my job than them. I got the raw end of the stick always. Unfortunately my best friend died in our mid 30's from lung cancer (never smoked a day in his life!) and gave all his stuff to me - really sad. It had always been a bit of a bone of contention but I now I do have 2 Gold books.
  12. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I've got you all beat! I'm 47!!! and I really didn't know why I am still doing this too. In fact when the Bandai pre-order madness started, I would stay up to 2-3am to do the pre-order, now I go to bed at 11pm and set an alarm to wake up - that's how geriatric I am now doing this for the last decade or so. I always still have to get up 3-4hrs later to get to work - argh.
  13. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You're right it shows up in the Advanced Search, but not in the regular search bar on the HLJ front main page (still nothing shows up there with the same search term)
  14. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Woohoo got confirmation email from HLJ - thanks HLJ and MacrossWorld!!! How does one find these secret links on HLJ? Good night all, back to work in 4hrs - argh.
  15. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    THANK YOU!!! (searching still yields nothing on HLJ!) How did you find the link? Thanks so much, missed it on all 3 previous sites. So happy to get it at HLJ though.
  16. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wow! Both HS and AmiAmi were gone within seconds!!! Nothing shows up for a serach on HLJ or NY?!
  17. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Maybe I was mixing it up with the SV-262 pre-order, I just remember my last pre-order I was madly searching for the product page on HLJ and nothing came up - luckily some kind soul here on MacrossWorld posted the direct link which I was able to get. The search result didn't return anything useful till it was all over in 15mins.
  18. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Although the last pre-order the HLJ search yielded no results and it was a link provided here that led us to victory. By the time the search function displayed the proper results, the pre-order window was long gone! Just sayin'
  19. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Friday morning, not Thursday eh? Thanks!!! Are you going to clear coat/weather/panel-line this one like all the rest? I'm a bit behind, I still have the VF-19 Advance and VB-6 Monster to do maybe all at the same time. Oh, I forgot, of course I do want the VF-31A low vis, possibly my favourite of them all! Very Yukikaze like!
  20. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I think its January 6th Japan Time. Is it also 4pm as the previous pre-orders? So that would make it Thursday morning 2am for those of us in Eastern Standard Time? Just wanting to set my alarm clock - argh! I like this toy, its fun to transform. The rear wheel doesn't roll - does it roll for you guys who "taxis" their aircraft on the table? The frosted canopy is a definitely drawback, but its enough for me to get two more (one for each mode) but I don't like it enough to get all five. I think the VF-31F (because I like the grey) and the VF-31E (I love orange) and I'm a sucker for the AWACs dish and we'd call it done! Sorry to hear about your troubles MacrossJunkie (that sucks!) - that canopy crack will disappear when you transform it into Battroid mode.
  21. wm cheng

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just got mine from the Post Office (slipped by customs & duties too, woohoo!). Love the packaging, NOT a fan of the frosted gold canopy though, you can't even see into it! My YF-30 was a bit frosted and I hated that - but this is even more so, why?! Love the tampo printing though. Anyone with a link on Bandai's site that they might have the transformation manual for download like they did for some of the older toys? (I like to keep my manual taped up:)
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